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She is the daughter's chief tribe.

The young indian is a simple mortal.
The problem is that Alina's
father doesn't like the
relationship between
Alida and Taroo. What will
happen to Taroo? Will Taroo
met Alina again?
Probably with the help of gods.

Because Alina is daughter of a

powerful man. Yes, they do exist.
The climax of the story is when
Yukiyú helped Taroo and change
him into a Colibri.

I think that Yukuyú was a funny

god, the end was predictable
because i saw the comportament
of a Humming bird.
It gets it's name by the Pomarosa threes around the pool.

Because she's the daughter of a chief.

Because he picks up some fruit.

Because they know that it is forbidden, he is an enemy's tribe and

she is an important member of his own tribe.

The social class, the appareances, familiar conflicts.

She pleas for help to her god Yukiyú.

He is afraid, but patient and loyal.

No, he doesn't when the man feels pity of him, the moon tells about
Alina's fate and Yukiyú transform him into a Humming bird.

It explains why the humming bird is looking for red flowers.

It make me feel not pleased. Because i know the scientific explanation; it make me feel anguish because the situation that
has Taroo, always seeking Alina.

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