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Based on Lagna
Do’s and Dont’s
सूयर्वा नत्वा ग्रहप तं जगदुत्प त्तकारण्म ् ।

वक्ष्या म वेदनयनं यथा ब्रह्ममुखाच्छ्रुतम ् ॥ ६॥

शा ताय गुरुभ ताय सवर्वादा सत्यवा दने ।

आिस्तकाय प्रदतव्यं ततः श्रेयो ह्यवाप्स्य त ॥ ७॥

न दे यं पर शष्याय नािस्तकाय शठय वा ।

दत्ते प्र त दनं दुःखं जायते नात्रि संशयः ॥ ८॥

All glories to Srila Gurudeva, by whose mercy a lame can climb mountain and a dumb can speak Philosophy
Cardinal Signs (Vyakta Aakash)
संसारकारकः श्रीमाि न मत्तात्मा प्रतापवान ् ।
े जगत्सवर्वा सृजत्यव त लीलया ॥ १०॥

त्रिपादं तस्य दे वत्य ह्यमृतं तत्त्वद शर्वानः ।

वदि त तत्प्रमाणं च सप्रधानं तथैकपात ् ॥ ११॥

व्य ताव्य तात्मको वष्णुवार्वासुदेवस्तु गीयते ।

यदव्य तात्मको वष्णुः शि ततद्वयसमि वतः ॥ १२॥
Cardinal Signs (Contd..)
The eternal space is mainly characterized in two divisions:

1. Vyakta (one fourth)

2. Avyakta (3 fourth)

The vyakta aakaash or perceptible space is governed by three Gunas (Rajas, Sattva, Tamas),

whereas avyakta aakaash is governed by two modes.

In above mentioned gunas, Sattva and (Rajas influenced from Sattva = Tamas) are Individualising in nature
(Ahamkara forming)
Five elements
1. Sanction of space by Lord (Cycle of time)

2. Ten direction and agitation in them (Vayu )

3. Ahamkara of all pancha mahabhutas (Agni and form)

4. When ahamkar becomes more condensed jal is formed. (Jal and rasa)

5. when it attains even greater ahamkar (Prithvi and gandha)

Lagna, Cardinality and Ordinality
Cardinal Signs As (Bhoo sthana)
Ordinality (Kha sthana)

Motion of planets as limbs of Lord (Accelaration, Deaccl)(Settling)

Movable, Fixed, Dual

Lagna as deciding factor for type of work (Changes in each 2 hrs)

(Long term)

Fixed and Fiery Sign: Vidya, Upanayan, Brahminical marriage, Diksha

Fixed and Earthy Sign : Construction,

Fixed and Watery Sign : Business Partnership

Fixed and Airy : Diplomacy , Viral activities

Finding Muhurta
(Short term/Experimental)

Movable and Fiery: Judgement

Movable and Earthy: Truck

Movable and Watery Sign: Vehicle purchase, Luxury, Vaishya Marriage

Movable and Airy: Good for wrong works, Jokes, Entertainment


Dual and Fiery : Shastric discussion

Dual and Earthy:

Dual and Watery:

Dual and Airy:

Calculation of Shuddha

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