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The Problem of Drug Abuse and Prostitution Among Women

in Developing Countries

Illegal drug use and prostitution among women have been a problem for several years in developing
nations. These practices expose them to health conditions such as malnutrition, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis,
and high blood pressure. Despite knowledge of these effects, most victims assert that it is difficult to
avoid stop these activities due to high unemployment rates, poverty, and improper family ties. There
is a close connection between illegal drug use and prostitution with some asserting that prostitutes
are highly susceptible to the use of illegal substances because their trade encompasses continuous
interaction with criminals. On the other hand, substance abuse forces women to engage in
prostitution to get funds to purchases these substances. In this regard, it is evident that illegal drug
use and prostitution among women in developing countries is still high. Substance abuse among
women in developing nations such as Kenya and Iran was significantly lower than that of men.
However, these figures have risen significantly over the recent years due to poor education,
increased poverty levels, and lack of employment. In some cases, the women engaging in the sale of
trade comprise those from vulnerable groups. Khan et al. (2010) mention that increased poverty
levels among the Pakistan women force them to engage in the illegal trade to meet their family needs
as well as pay bills. They often camp along busy streets late in the night since the trade is illegal in
the country. Additionally, women engaging in the sale of sex to move up the socioeconomic ladder
and this trade provides the fastest and easiest alternative to their goals and objectives. Monroe
(2005) also shares similar findings mentioning that materialism has contributed to the increased sex
trade in developing countries. Some of their colleagues lead expensive lifestyles and attribute their
success to the trade. With such conversations taking center stage in these societies, it is difficult to
make these groups of people conceptualize that there are alternative approaches to success, and
one should not demean herself through such activities. Lack of education also contributes to the
increased prevalence of prostitution and drug abuse among women in developing countries. Monroe
(2005) asserts that the lack of improper education frameworks undermines the efforts to increase the
number of women to acquire skills and knowledge that will enable them to engage in moral and
ethical activities to earn a living. Additionally, the lack of adequate education undermines their
conceptualization of the long and short-term implications of drug abuse to their bodies and their
families as a whole. These women are easily tricked into the use and sale of illegal drugs as they
assume that drugs will assist in reducing their stress levels as well as curing some of their chronic
illnesses. By the time they know it, they are buried in the trade. Moreover, Khajedaluee,
Dadgarmoghaddam, Erfanian, Alipourtabrizi, and Khadem-Rezaiyan, (2015) assert that the lack of
sex education in Arab countries such as Iran renders children susceptible to the practice. Teachers
and parents avoid discussing the topic as they believe it is a taboo. From their findings, the authors
established that children as young as 12 years old engage in the trade due to lack of guidance and
counsel from their parents and teachers. Upon entry, they discover that the trade exposes them to
great risks. Furthermore, the lack of employment opportunities has forced women to engage in
prostitution. Recent studies have shown that Ghana has the highest unemployment rates in Africa.
With this trends, there has been a sharp rise in the rats of prostitution and illegal drug and substance
abuse in the country. To both the young and old women, these practices offer an alternative approach
to meeting their daily needs such as rent, food, and health services. Additionally, young girls are
easily lured into the trade upon completion of school because they are promised that they will earn
huge returns from the trade. In some cases, some needy parents force their children into the business
by encouraging them to solicit for sex from sugar daddies who will give them money to support their
family. Thus, it is evident that the decrease in employment opportunities in developing countries made
illegal substance use and trade as well as prostitution the alternative approach to meeting their daily
needs. Prostitution and illegal drug use among women have social implications on the society. The
sex trade in the community undermines gender equality and balance by encouraging the
objectification of women. In the recent years, the government of Iran fosters the implementation of
policies that encourage the provision of equal opportunities to women. However, with the continued
rise in prostitution activities, men who buy these services begin to view women as objects of sexual
satisfaction and not human beings. This attitude and perception of women explain the increased
cases of violence and murder at the workplace. For instance, in Ghana, there has been a sharp rise
in the violation of women rights and privileges due to their objectification by men. In this regard, it is
evident that increased prostitution in developing countries encourages the oppression of women in
the society. Besides, illegal drug use and prostitution promote criminal activities in the society.
Women posing as traders play a significant role in the sale, distribution, and use of illegal substances.
Crimes such as robbery with violence, money laundering, and the sale of drugs thrive in areas where
the sex trade is high. Derefinko, Bursac, Mejia, Milich, and Lynam, (2017) mention that brothels act as
delivery and pick up points for potential clients. In most cases, the sale of drugs is conducted in close
quarters, and the brothel acts as the face of the business. Without addressing such issues, more
young girls will be attracted by these activities owing to its substantial financial returns. Thus, illegal
drug use and prostitution among women in developing countries encourage the prevalence of crime
because the addicts will be forced to look for alternative approaches to raise money and purchase the
drugs. Furthermore, increased infections of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases among
women and men are promoted by prostitution and drug and substance abuse. Initially, only young
girls took part in these activities due to peer pressure and materialism. However, the number of old
and married women attracted to this trade has risen significantly owing to the reduced unemployment
rates and the high cost of leaving. Most of them are young mothers without jobs and deem the sale of
sex appropriate. In the long run, these multiple sex partners infect them with sexually transmitted
diseases and infection that they later pass on to their spouses. These practices explain the growing
rise in the number of orphans due to the death of their parents from sexually transmitted infections. At
the same time, while administering these abused substances, the addicts use injections. With this
approach, the risk of infection from various ailments is significantly high as one comes into contact
with blood that may contain viruses leading to illness. In this regard, it is vivid, that illegal drug abuse
and prostitution have resulted in the increased spread of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted
infections among households. Developing nations face numerous challenges due to the rise in the
sex trade and substance abuse among women. It is essential for governments to develop and
implement strategies that will curb these practices. The empowerment of women will assist in
improving their socioeconomic status as they will have more access to employment and business
opportunities. Companies and organizations should provide training and education to women
especially from marginalized communities to enhance their competitiveness in the job market. Studies
have shown that women can play a pivotal role in a country’s economic growth by fostering innovation
and growth through the inclusion of their ideas and perspective in the decision-making process. It also
enhances their conceptualization of the adverse implications of such practices to their health and
families. Therefore, empowering women will assist in decreasing illegal drug use and prostitution
among women as it will reduce their vulnerability to these practices. In addition, the implementation of
stringent rules and regulations by the governments in developing countries will make women avoid
crime. Most women are unaware of the implications of illegal drug use and prostitution. Others are not
afraid of being caught in the act because they believe that they will pay the imposed penalty and go
back to the business. However, when these regulations are revised, it will be easy to arrest and
charge individuals engaging in these activities, translating to low crime rates in the society. Thus, it is
evident that the implementation of stringent regulations and las is pivotal in the fight against
prostitution and illegal substance abuse because the law is critical in maintaining order and ethical
practices in the community. To sum up, illegal drug abuse and prostitution among women in
developing countries has had adverse implications on social and economic growth and development.
The number of women participating in the trade has risen sharply due to increased poverty levels, the
lack of employment, and inadequate education. Despite being aware of the implications of these
practices, they view that it offers a fast solution to solving their financial and family demands.
Prostitution has contributed to increased drug abuse, criminal activities, and gender inequity. Men are
the countries despise women as the trade has made them to view them as sexual objects and not
human beings. The implementation of the strategies mentioned above and approaches will improve
the socioeconomic status of women and decrease their susceptibility to indulging in these illegal and
immoral activities. Through increased training and education, they can secure employment and tend
to the needs of their households. Thus, developing countries should strive to curb the prevalence of
substance abuse and prostitution among women to realize high social and economic growth rates.

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