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1st Home Work 1b – PGA Step 1

 Home work for home to be sent till Next Sunday at my email:

 1. What is your clinic vision and mission statement? If not make one today – what
you stand for?

 2. If you have to give an advertisement for our clinic – what would be the text
matter for that – write in less than 50 words.

 3. Send me your conversion ratio for previous 1 or 2 Quarters for medium to big
ticket cases (Case value above Rs 20,000).

 4. How many patients gave you a review/testimonial (only documented version) –

online/offline in previous 1 or 2 Quarters – tell percentage?

2nd Home Work 2b – PGA Step 2

 Home work for home to be sent till Next Sunday at my email:

 1. Send me your side sales pitch when you are convincing patient for a decayed
tooth for RCT – write in 100-200 words

 2. Send me your side sales pitch when you are convincing patient for a PFM Crown
– write in 100-200 words

 3. Send me your side sales pitch when you are convincing patient for a Zirconia
Crown – write in 100-200 words

 4. Send me your side sales pitch when you are convincing patient for
scaling/prophylaxis – write in 100-200 words

 All this to write presuming patient has voiced their concerns WHY SHOULD I get it
DONE – I have heard bla bla about this…………..

3rd Home Work 3b – PGA Step 3

 Home work for home to be sent till Next Sunday at my email:
4th Home Work 4b – PGA Step 4

 Home work for home to be sent till Next Sunday at my email:

 1. How many workshops did you take action on or did practice on that skill? Write
the details (in less than 200 words)

 2. Which domain skills are your first love? Have you upskilled them? If yes, how
many times; if no, why (in past 3 years - include Covid-19 online period) – both
offline and online?

 3. How many SOS courses have you attended which have hardly been useful for
you? (in past 3 years - include Covid-19 online period) – both offline and online?

 4. Where does your clinic (read: patient work for those not having clinic) stand for
you in terms of priority – like choosing between attending a marriage of a
neighbour (informed at a last moment) and a NRI patient having flight after 10
days with 5 days of his dental work left with you?

5th Home Work 5b – PGA Step 5

 Home work for home to be sent till Next Sunday at my email:

 1. What are your medium term goals? (those you want to achieve in 1-3 years) –
Intended path to achieve that? (less than 200 words)
 2. What are your long term goals? (those you want to achieve in 5-10 years) –
Intended path to achieve that? (less than 200 words)

 3. If your immediate goals are not fulfilled, will you shelve medium term goals and
achieve immediate first then? What is your Plan B? (less than 200 words)

 4. If your goals are within your hand like at an arm’s distance like buying of a
gadget but finances become a problem (arranged from no where, bank or family) –
what is your Plan B then? (less than 200 words)

6th Home Work 6b – PGA Step 6

 Home work for home to be sent till Next Sunday at my email:

 1. What are your personal and/or clinic’s weaknesses write? (less than 200 words)
– Both domain and life skills permissible in this.

 2. What are the deficiencies that patients have pointed in your work/clinic anytime
in previous 2-3 years? For those not with clinic – patients/boss in college/locum
place (less than 200 words) (PLEASE BE HONEST)

 3. What is your plan of action for overcoming Q2 above? (less than 200 words)

 4. Have you initiated/taken action for overcoming Q3 above? (less than 200 words)

Home Work for TODAY – PGA Step 7

 1. What are your average costs/bills of the clinic each month? For those without
clinic, you can write your operating as per TWCGO formula (investing back in
you/dentistry)? (less than 200 words)

 2. Are you aware of your each cost of procedure – the total breakup? Please do
write for me the same for major 5 procedures that you do? (less than 200 words)

 3. Have you at any point of time tried figuring out the impact of costing and the
resultant charges/prices that you charge and the relation between the two (less
than 200 words)

 4. What is your plan of action going to be for the next raise in your clinic (how to
prepare patients mentally) and how frequently are you going to do it? (less than
200 words)
 5. How do you plan to raise your carry home income by smart and selective raise of
charges in your practice? (less than 200 words)

Home Work for TODAY – PGA Step 8

 1. Make your flowchart of a consultation of a new high ticket patient coming via
referral to you and taking a prior appointment (in graph format or in words/ points
– if writing, then less than 200 words).

 2. Make your flowchart of a routine walk-in for a new patient coming for a
restoration and you are sitting free (in graph format or in words/ points – if
writing, then less than 200 words).

 3. Make your flowchart of a consultation of a new patient coming for a restoration

and already 2 are sitting in your waiting – turns out to be a RCT case on check up
(in graph format or in words/ points – if writing, then less than 200 words).

 4. Mention the value additions of your clinic when the patient says nahin aapke
charges zyada hai thoda kamm karo (less than 200 words).

 5. Think about the reasons high ticket patients may have rejected you in the past
for reasons other than price? (less than 200 words).

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