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Task 2:
You should spend 40 minutes on this task.
Environmental damage is the problem of most countries. What factors damage the
environment and who should take responsibility?
You should write at least 250 words on this task.

Task requirement: Use the following words as well as the vocabulary you have collected from the
three articles provided to construct an IELTS essay for the above topic.
1. The deterioration of the environment (verb: deteriorate)
2. Contaminated air (noun: contamination)
3. The excessive growth of industrial production
4. The excessive exploitation of natural habitats
5. Frequent occurrence of natural disasters
6. The disposal/ discharge/ release of toxic substances
7. Lucrative timber harvesting
8. Enact new laws
9. Compliance with all regulation
10. Ensure countability

(beware that everything you write down must have associative vocabulary)
Khi viết cần chú ý các từ sử dụng đề thuộc trường từ vựng: damage, environment, cause, solution để
tránh bị lạc đề và đảm bảo tính thống nhất
Key words to paraphrase: environmental damage, factors, who responsibilty
Paraphrasing terms: _____________________________________________________________________________
Body 1
Topic sentence must include: factors, environmental damage
Reason 1: Excessive growth of industrial production
Explain: disposal of toxic gases into the air (carbon dioxide, particulate matter)  air contamination
Consequence: ozone layer to protect the earth from utraviolet rays – destroyed  health issues
(respiratory diseases)

1|P a g e
Example/ Scenario: If constantly exposed to/ inhale contaminated air  long-term impairment in
people’s nerves, brain, …
Reason 2:
Explain: __________________________________________________________________________________________________

Example/ Scenario: _____________________________________________________________________________________


Consequence/ Further elaboration: ____________________________________________________________________


Body 2:
Topic sentence must include: solutions, who, responsibility
Solution 1:
Explain (How): __________________________________________________________________________________________

Effectiveness: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Example (if any): ________________________________________________________________________________________


Solution 2:
Explain (How): __________________________________________________________________________________________

Effectiveness: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Example (if any): ________________________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary suggestion regarding informing causes and solutions

1. To be the cause/ culprit of something
2. To cause something

2|P a g e
3. To be the reason for something
4. To contribute to something
5. To be considered as a key factor/contributor leading to /
6. To be attributed to
Topic sentence:
1. There are several reasons why S + V (problem)
2. Several primary factors are believed to be responsible for something (problem)
3. There are several leading contributors to something (problem)

1. To be the solution to something
2. In order to solve this problem, should take effective steps, including…
3. To be the remedy for/to something
4. To (partly) solve/tackle the problem
Topic sentence:
1. There are several measures to address this problem
2. Several actions can be taken to tackle this problem
3. There are several feasible measures which can be taken to solve problems caused by …
4. Several actions can be taken to tackle the issues resulted from …
5. Several steps can be taken to mitigate this problem
6. Several steps can be taken to mitigate the the problems resulted from ...
7. A number of solutions can be suggested to address this issue.
8. A number of viable solutions can be suggested to address the above – mentioned issues.

Effects/ Consequences:
1. Lead to ….
2. Result in …
3. Could have repercurssions for/ detrimental effects on …
4. … be a direct consequence of …
5. … provide the impetus for …
6. Reverberation ~ long-term consequence

3|P a g e
Your essay starts here:


























4|P a g e

























5|P a g e

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