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Key points:

● Know the general structure of a paragraph

● Be able to produce a paragraph with clear structure

● Be able to write coherent topic sentences and concluding sentences

I. Structure of a paragraph
1. Definition
A paragraph is a collection of sentences that describe, discuss, or explain one central idea.

2. Structure
The general structure of a paragraph constitutes three main parts:

● The topic sentence

● The supporting detail sentences

● The concluding sentence

The main idea of a paragraph is usually introduced in the first sentence of the paragraph, called
the topic sentence. The idea is then developed further through the sentences that follow (aka
supporting sentences). A concluding sentence is often located at the end of a paragraph to
signals the readers about the close of a paragraph.

II. Functions of a topic sentence and concluding sentence

1. Topic sentence
A topic sentence is considered to be the most important part of a paragraph as it tells readers
the main idea of the paragraph and it will guide the development of the supporting details. A
topic sentence contains two main parts: subject and the controlling idea.


Consider the following examples:

Topic sentence 1: Computers can be used in many different situations.

subject controlling idea

Topic sentence 2: Computers have changed enormously in the past 20 years.

subject controlling idea

Topic sentence 3: Different computers can appeal to different people.

subject controlling idea

Accordingly, the main subject of the three topic sentences are: computers, but each sentence addresses
different ideas.

Practice: Look at the below topic sentences. Circle the subject and underline the controlling idea
of each sentence.
1. Good roommates have four characteristics.
2. College students face many challenges.
3. One of the benefits of living in the city is a wide variety of job opportunities.
4. Successful student athletes have several characteristics.
5. Small colleges are better than big universities for several reasons.

Five features of a well-written topic sentence:

✔ It guides the whole paragraph (lets the readers know what the rest of paragraph will be about)

✔ It should not be a well-known fact (as there is not much left to say about the topic)

✔ It needs to be specific (lets the readers know exactly what to expect)

✔ It cannot be too specific (as it will overlap with the supporting details)


✔ It must contain a central controlling idea (helps guide the flow of a paragraph)

Identify an effective topic sentence:

Ineffective: Technology is very useful (too general)
Technology helps people learn English better (contains the supporting detail)
Smartphones are technological devices (a well-known fact)
Effective: Technology can help people relax, learn, and communicate.
2. Concluding sentence
A concluding sentence links back to the main idea of the paragraph; back to research question
or topic of the assignment; to the next paragraph.

Features of a Concluding Sentence

A concluding sentence has three main features:
1. It is usually the last sentence of a paragraph.
2. It lets the reader know that the paragraph has ended.
3. It brings the paragraph to a logical conclusion by doing one of these two actions:
a. Restating the main idea of the topic sentence,
b. Offering a suggestion, giving an opinion, or making a prediction.

Consider the following paragraph:
There are several reasons for attending a small college instead of a big one. The first justification is that
the size of classes are small. The average class in a small college is 20 students. Another reason is that it
is fairly easy to meet with professors. Professors in small colleges have time to help students and are
usually happy to do so. In addition, small colleges are friendly, so new students make friends quickly.
(here we need a concluding sentence – read the examples below)

Examples of the concluding sentences:

Main idea:
For these three reasons, small colleges are better than large universities for many students.


Indeed, small colleges can be better than large ones as they provide students with friendly environment
with friends and professors.
Suggestion: As a result, it could be a suggestion for students to consider before making their decision.
Opinion: Indeed, I am in favor of going to small-sized universities.
Prediction: Therefore, due to such advantages, this model can become more prevalent in the future.

List of transitional phrases that are commonly used at the beginning of a concluding
For this reason/ these reasons In sum As a result

Indeed Accordingly/ Consequently Because of this

Therefore/ Thus/ Hence In brief/ In short Due to …

Practice: Write the concluding sentences for the following paragraph:

To become well-qualified flight attendants, three essential characteristics are required. First,
they need to be very friendly by greeting passengers joyfully and making them feel
comfortable. For example, at times, passengers can be afraid of flying because of strange noises
from the aircraft. Friendly flights attendants then need to be good at talking to their passengers
to help them feel calm. Second, self-confidence is highly demanded. Those who are well-trained
must be able to give clear instructions to passengers, and they must be firm so that passengers
obey them. This characteristic is especially important in emergencies. Third, good flight
attendants are fairly strong as they have to push heavy carts of food and drinks up and down
the aisles. They also have to open and close the airplane’s extremely heavy doors. Concluding
Restate the main idea:
Give a suggestion:
Give your opinion:


Make a prediction:

III. Practice
Task 1: Write the topic sentences and concluding sentences for the following paragraphs

Paragraph 1:
First, living in a foreign country helps you learn another language faster than studying it at
school. Second, you can learn directly about the history, geography, and culture of a country.
Third, you become especially knowledgeable about different cultures and different ways of
living. Fourth, living in a foreign country makes you appreciate your own country

Paragraph 2:
Some colleges and universities in the United States are private. Private colleges and universities
do not get money from taxes, so they are usually more expensive. Other colleges and
universities are public; that is, the citizens of each state pay some of the costs through their
taxes. As a result, public colleges are cheaper for students to attend. No matter which type of
college you attend-public or private-you can get a good education.

Paragraph 3:
First of all, employers want workers to be dependable. That is, they want workers who come to
work every day. Second, employers want workers who are quite responsible. Can the boss give


the worker a project to do and know that it will be done well? Third, employers look for
workers who can work well with others. The ability to get along with coworkers is extremely
important to the success of a business.

Paragraph 4:
An associate's degree is given for a two-year program of study. Most students at a community
college earn an associate's degree. Students at a four-year college or university earn an
undergraduate degree, also called a bachelor of arts (BA) or bachelor of science (BS). Some
students continue their studies by doing postgraduate work at a university. After several years,
they can receive a graduate degree, such as a master's degree (MA) or a doctorate (Ph.D.,
doctor in philosophy). In short, there are several types of college degrees in the United States.

Paragraph 5:
First, good teachers know their subject extremely well. That is, a math teacher has advanced
education in mathematics, and an English teacher knows a lot about English grammar. Second,
good teachers are especially good communicators. This means they know how to present
information in ways that students can understand. Third, good teachers are enthusiastic. That
is, they can show students that they are interested in their subject and that the subject is quite
fun to learn about.


Task 2: Review the knowledge by answering the following questions

1. What is an overall structure of a paragraph?

2. What are the functions of a topic sentence? How important a topic sentence is in a

3. How to build a well-written topic sentence?


4. What are the functions of a concluding sentence?


5. How to build a well-written concluding sentence?




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