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Niels Lynnerup*

Laboratory of Biological Anthropology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

KEY WORDS paleopathology; bog bodies; mummified tissue; mortuary practices

ABSTRACT Mummies are human remains with and endoscopic techniques, as well as minimally-destruc-
preservation of nonbony tissue. Mummification by natu- tive chemical, physical, and biological methods for, e.g.,
ral influences results in so-called natural mummies, stable isotopes, trace metals, and DNA. This article dis-
whereas mummification induced by active (human) cusses mummification and gives a presentation of vari-
intervention results in so-called artificial mummies, ous key mummy finds and a brief history of mummy
although many cultures practiced burial rites, which to studies. A description of the extant key technologies of
some degree involved both natural and artificial mummi- natural and medical science that are applied in mummy
fication. Since they are so uniquely well-preserved, studies is given; along with a discussion of some of the
mummies may give many insights into mortuary prac- major results in terms of paleopathology. It is also
tices and burial rites. Specifically, the presence of soft shown how mummy studies have contributed much to
tissues may expand the scope of paleopathological stud- the knowledge of the cultural habits and everyday life
ies. Many recent mummy studies focus on the develop- of past populations. Finally the impact of mummy
ment and application of nondestructive methods for studies on analyses of mortuary practices and cultural
examining mummies, including radiography, CT-scan- history is discussed. Yrbk Phys Anthropol 50:162–190,
ning with advanced three-dimensional visualizations, 2007. V 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

By definition, mummies are human (or animal) properties, and starting in the 14th and 15th century,
remains with preservation of nonbony tissue. Depending Egyptian mummies were literally ground down to pro-
on mortuary practices, the natural environment and the duce ‘‘mummy powder’’ to be imported to Europe and
time span since death, soft tissue preservation may be sold from apothecaries, something which continued up
excellent or very poor, and there is really no exact bound- into the 20th century (Taconis, 2005).
ary line between a skeleton with some preserved soft tis- Mummies and bog bodies present unique opportunities
sue (skin remnants, ligaments, etc) and a mummy. How- for many scientific fields. Since they are so uniquely
ever, the word mummy is generally used when soft tissue well-preserved, both natural and artificial mummies
preservation is so pronounced that body parts, or the may give specific insights into mortuary practices and
whole body, have somewhat intact skin and some pre- burial rites. This may also be due to a parallel preserva-
served internal structures such as muscle fasciae, liga- tion of associated artifacts like clothing, tools, and uten-
ments, and maybe even tissue of internal organs and sils. The mummified body itself may reveal body orna-
muscle. mentation, such as tattoos and details of hair style, etc.
Soft tissue is preserved when the postmortem condi- The presence of soft tissues may expand the scope of
tions are such that the usual tissue degradation, includ- pathological studies, so that more acute diseases, and
ing the action of bacteria and insects, are hindered. At diseases, which do not affect bone tissue, may be identi-
its most basic, this is a question of tissue dehydration fied (e.g., Cockburn et al., 1998b; Aufderheide, 2003).
overtaking tissue postmortem decay. This may be The mummification and preservation of the various soft
achieved either naturally due to environmental condi- tissues, though, is very variable. Interior organs, parti-
tions, such as a hot or very cold, dry climate, or it may cularly of the digestive system are often completely
be facilitated by mortuary practices that in a fashion decomposed, and organs may be very shrunken and diffi-
mimic these environmental conditions, such as removal cult to identify morphologically due to desiccation. Fur-
of internal organs and drying out of body cavities. Mum- thermore, various funerary rites comprising embalming
mification by the former influences hence results in so- and evisceration may entail the complete removal of
called natural mummies, while mummification induced internal organs and the brain. Generally, the soft tissues
by active (human) intervention results in so-called artifi- most often preserved are tissues with a high content of
cial mummies. The word mummy itself is derived from collagen, like the dermis, muscle fasciae, and tendons.
the old Persian word, mumeia, or mum (Arabian: Still, even just the presence of skin may give important
mumiya) for bitumen or pitch. Medicinal properties were clues to pathology and trauma, e.g., penetrating wounds
ascribed to this substance, which flowed from the
Mummy Mountain in Persia, (David, 1984, 1997). Since
mummies often presented themselves as blackened or *Correspondence to: Niels Lynnerup, Laboratory of Biological
dark because of the desiccation of the skin, it was Anthropology, The Panum Institute, Blegdamsvej 3, DK-2200
thought that bitumen and asphalt were materials used Copenhagen N, Denmark. E-mail:
by the ancient Egyptians in their mummification pro-
cesses, so the word came to designate embalmed bodies DOI 10.1002/ajpa.20728
(David, 1984; Brier, 1998). Unfortunately this meant Published online in Wiley InterScience
that it was thought that mummies also had medicinal (

C 2007
and cuts, scars, and even warts. Better soft tissue pres- and nutrients. This is mainly due to the uncoupling of
ervation may also be indicative of good aDNA preserva- the energy-requiring trans-membranal ‘‘pumps,’’ which
tion, perhaps also allowing identification of pathogen enable the cell to maintain the specific in vivo intracellu-
DNA. Finally, gut contents may also be seen, allowing lar environment. Intracellular structures break up, and
for detailed paleodietary studies, which may complement intracellular structures known as lyzosomes ‘‘leak’’ their
stable-isotope-based studies. content of enzymes, including more than 40 hydrolytic
However, the very presence of soft tissue, especially the enzymes such as proteases, lipases, and phosphatises
skin, at the same time makes it difficult to examine the (Alberts et al., 2002). The enzymes initiate an autodiges-
body. One may conduct an ‘‘autopsy,’’ but while such tive process, leading ultimately to complete loss of cellu-
mummy autopsies have been carried out often (Aufder- lar structure. Necrotic cells may also swell and burst,
heide, 2003; David, 1979), most archeologists, conserva- further releasing these enzymes to their immediate envi-
tors, and indeed osteologists and pathologists, are not ronment. Muscle tissue clearly shows these postmortem
always too enthusiastic about this. An autopsy is an inva- changes: a combination of intracellular and extracellular
sive and destructive procedure, meaning that the integ- electrolyte displacement and loss of intracellular ‘‘archi-
rity of the mummy or bog body as an archeological speci- tecture’’ of the myofibrils result in a fixation of the myo-
men may be destroyed. The attitude has perhaps shifted fibrils, i.e., rigor mortis. With ongoing putrefaction and
from an earlier more clinical, medical approach to mum- decay the fixation is then lost (Madea and Henssge,
mies (in a certain sense seeing the body as any other un- 2003). Another outward sign of the breakdown of the
identified body that must be properly examined in a foren- cells is that all metabolic activity stops, which can be
sic way) to one of recognition that a mummy is an invalu- observed as the postmortem body cooling: gradually, the
able archeological artifact. This has meant that more body temperature will equate with the environment.
emphasis is being placed on the development of nondes- Aside from the autolytic processes (sometimes termed
tructive methods for examining mummies, including radi- anaerobic degradation or decay), bacteria contribute to
ography, CT-scanning with advanced three-dimensional the decomposition of the dead body (sometimes termed
visualizations, and endoscopic techniques, as well as mini- aerobic degradation or putrefaction) (Micozzi, 1991). Bac-
mally-destructive chemical, physical, and biological meth- teria are present in large numbers in the gut, but also in
ods for, e.g., stable isotopes, trace metals, and DNA. Many the lungs and the lower urinary tract, as enteric bacte-
of these methods will be familiar to the osteologist. Also, ria. Under conditions where both putrefaction and decay
bone and teeth are as much part of a mummy as the other occur, soft tissue degradation proceeds from within due
(mummified) tissues, so that physical anthropological to the action of the enteric microorganisms, and from
methods dealing with mineralized tissues may play just without by colonization of soil microorganisms (Micozzi,
as great a role in the investigation of a mummy, as these 1991). At a later stage, and depending on how the body
methods would do if a skeleton were being studied. is deposited, arthropod activity will play a part in fur-
This article will fall into six major sections: a discussion ther decay, as may scavenger animals. The end result is
on mummification with a presentation of various key usually that only the mineralized tissues remain intact.
mummy finds; a brief history of mummy examinations To achieve natural mummification the above chain of
and studies; a description of the key technologies of natu- events must be broken. Water is essential for the enzy-
ral and medical science which are applied in mummy matic breakdown and bacterial growth. Soft tissues also
studies; some of the major results in terms of paleopatho- need to retain some water in order for arthropod coloniza-
logy; what mummy studies have meant for the reconstruc- tion and activity. Dehydration of the tissues is therefore a
tion of the cultural habits and understanding of everyday straightforward way to achieve mummification, and this
life of past populations; and finally the impact of mummy may thus occur by desiccation. Other mechanisms leading
studies on our understanding of mortuary practices and to mummification include freezing or the presence of a
cultural history. However, given that a search on microenvironment which hinders bacterial activity. The
‘‘Pubmed’’ for ‘‘mummies’’ results in 720 hits, and almost latter may include an anaerobic environment as found in
200 on ‘‘ScienceDirect,’’ it simply will not be possible to bogs, or fixation by mineral salts. If this blockage of the
cover all aspects, or even just all the most recent publica- normal postmortem decay and putrefaction processes
tions. At the outset it should be mentioned that there are happens at a very early stage, the mummy may present
a number of major publications that provide a thorough, itself with excellent soft tissue preservation, while the
even encyclopedic, overview of mummies and mummy mummy may appear more degraded if decay and putre-
studies: ‘‘The Scientific Study of Mummies’’ (Aufderheide, faction have occurred to some degree.
2003); ‘‘Mummies, Disease and Ancient Cultures’’ (Cock-
burn et al., 1998b); ‘‘The Encyclopedia of Mummies’’ Desiccation. Examples of natural mummification by
(Brier, 1998); and ‘‘The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Paleo- desiccation are not surprisingly found in hot and arid
pathology’’ (Aufderheide and Rodriguez-Martin, 1998). environments. Geographically, such locations are found
near the Equator, such as Nubia (Peck, 1998), the
Canary Islands (Ascenzi et al., 1998), and sometimes in
MUMMIFICATION combination with arid plateaus, such as in northern
Natural mummies Chile/southern Peru (Allison, 1985; Guillen, 1992;
Arriaza et al., 1998). Other mummy finds due to desicca-
Natural mummification occurs when soft tissue is pre- tion are from Amerindian tribes of the American South-
served without human intervention. This is in turn due west, (El-Najjar et al., 1980, 1998).
to certain postmortem-conditions. Basically, the usual The degree of desiccation will often vary over the body.
tissue degradation, including the action of bacteria and The larger the ratio of skin surface is to the underlying
insects, has to be hindered or arrested. At death, the sin- body volume, the more water can be evaporated from the
gle cells of the individual lose their basic cell membrane body segment in question. This means that fingers and
functionality at the termination of the supply of oxygen toes, and the extremities to a lesser degree, will often

Yearbook of Physical Anthropology—DOI 10.1002/ajpa


show more pronounced mummification than the trunk,

which often will be more marked by putrefaction and
decay (although this of course is also due to the presence
of the enteric bacteria in the abdomen and thorax). Such
partial mummification of the head and extremities is a
regular finding in forensic cases, e.g., when a deceased
has lain in a heated room for a longer period of time, but
it may also often be the case for many historic and pre-
historic mummy finds.
An environment conducive to desiccation may also be
manmade such as catacombs and subterranean crypts
associated with churches and monasteries. Many such
mummies have been reported in, e.g., Italy (Brier, 1998;
Fornaciari, 1999), and also in Hungary (Spigelman
et al., 2003).
Freezing. Freezing, or perhaps more specifically, freeze-
drying, takes places in cold (and arid) locales. The disrup-
tive effects on the normal postmortem degradation may
be due to a varying combination of cold (less enzymatic
and bacterial action and arthropod activity), dehydration
(exposure to cold, but dry, air), and also obviously direct
freezing (Hart Hansen, 1998). Examples of such mummi-
fication include mummies from Greenland, dated to the
15th century (Hart Hansen, 1989). These mummies had
undergone a natural mummification, as they had lain in
a cave protected from rain and snow and at the same
time been subjected to the dry, cold arctic winds. Many
other human remains have been found in Greenland (see
Fig. 1), but for some their degree of soft tissue preserva-
tion is much less pronounced, because the conditions cited
earlier were not present: for instance a body placed in a
cairn during the summer would be more exposed to rain,
as well as higher bacterial and arthropod activity. Indeed,
there are examples of partially mummified remains,
where decay and putrefaction and arthropod activity has
set in, only to be arrested by freezing winter tempera-
tures. Still, mummies from the Arctic are not that rare,
having been found more or less in all circumpolar regions
where there have been people (e.g., Aleutians, Canada,
and Siberia) (Hart Hansen, 1998). These finds also
include deceased individuals from more recent periods,
such as members of the Franklin Expedition in 1845–48,
found on Beechey Island in the Canadian Arctic (Beattie
Fig. 1. A Greenland Inuit child mummy from Pissisarfik (ca.
and Geiger, 1987); and whalers from the sixteenth 16th century). [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue,
and seventeenth century on the island of Svalbard which is available at]
(Albrethsen, 1989).
High altitude also means low temperatures, so ‘‘ice-
mummies’’ have also been found in the various mountain
chains of the continents; e.g., the neolithic Tyrolian Ice- tissue. Another major process contributing to the preser-
man in the Alps (Ambach and Tributsch, 1992; Spindler, vation is the so-called ‘‘Maillard reaction’’; a reaction
1994); a 550-year-old body from the Rocky Mountains between sphagnan and ammonia and amino acids that
(Monsalve et al., 2003), and not least Inca mummies forms a stable chemical compound (van der Sanden,
placed on the peaks of the mountains of the Andes, e.g., 1986; Aufderheide, 2003). Tannins are also present in
the recent find of three extraordinarily well-preserved the bogs, and probably add to preservation by possessing
child mummies from Mount Llullaillaco near Salta in anti-bacterial properties. The often excellent preserva-
Argentina (Ceruti, 2003). tion of the skin (except the keratinous outer layer which
is often sloughed off) may be due in part to tanning pro-
Bog bodies. Bog bodies are especially found in Northern cesses (Evershed, 1990; Stucker et al., 2001).
Europe (Fischer, 1998). Generally, the bogs have an When found, the bog bodies are wet and all tissues,
acidic and anaerobic microenvironment. If a body is including bones, are pliable. Because of the earlier men-
thrown into a bog, it will usually be enveloped by cold tioned chelation of calcium, calcium is leached from the
water; bacterial putrefaction, as well as arthropod acti- bones, causing a demineralization of the bony tissues,
vity will thus be hindered. Sphagnan, a polysaccharide which consequently lose their hardness and become plia-
compound from the sphagnum mosses in the bogs che- ble (van der Sanden, 1996). The demineralization is not
lates calcium, which in turn is essential for bacterial ac- necessarily uniform, but may differ within the skeletal
tivity (van der Sanden, 1996). This is probably the pro- system or a single bone due to the diagenetic microenvir-
cess most responsible for the preservation of the soft onment. Many bog bodies are also shrunken. While some

Yearbook of Physical Anthropology—DOI 10.1002/ajpa

shrinking may take place in the bog, most shrinkage is is a logical short step from the earliest, predynastic Egyp-
probably due to the drying out of the bog bodies when tians observing how bodies buried in arid, desert circum-
they are excavated. In modern times, bogs have been stances desiccated and became mummies, to applying this
excavated for peat, especially during the period 1930– knowledge by packing salts such as natron around the
1950. Most northern European finds of bog bodies may dead body to achieve desiccation. Putrefaction of internal
be ascribed to this activity (van der Sanden, 1996), i.e., organs, which would otherwise bloat and ultimately open
they are accidental finds. Peat is still excavated in Ire- the abdomen of the corpse, could likewise be hindered by
land, and indeed the most recent bog body finds, in removing the internal organs (although the integrity of
2003, were made in Ireland (‘‘Clony Cavan Man’’; ‘‘Old the body could be upheld by putting the internal organs
Man Croghan’’; and ‘‘Derry Cashel’’) (Kelly, 2006). back into the abdominal and thoracic cavities as
Drying out was previously the only preservational and ‘‘packets’’). The Egyptians developed artificial mummifica-
conservational way to handle excavated ‘‘wet’’ bog bodies. tion to a high level, and for many people the word mummy
In the mid-20th century more targeted methods were immediately calls forth images of Egyptian mummies. Of
used, such as attempts to substitute the water with alco- course, the reason for developing mummification to the
hols and tannic oils, bark extracts, and wax, while today highest levels was the great importance laid upon the
freeze-drying is used (Asingh and Lynnerup, 2007). What- notion that the body of the deceased should be rendered
ever the method, some shrinkage is probably inevitable, incorruptible and that the in vivo physical appearance
but may be pronounced especially for the older bog finds. should be maintained as closely as possible (Peck, 1998).
Other types of natural mummification. Recently a This was central to their religious ideas of life after death.
‘‘salt mummy’’ was found in the northern part of Iran, Our knowledge of the Egyptian mummification rites is
probably dating back some 1,500 years (Aali, 2005). He based on a few recovered fragmentary texts (David, 1984).
was found in an area rich in salt (sodium chloride), An important, but perhaps indirect source, is Herodotus,
where salt mining still takes place (open mines, and the who wrote quite specific details on evisceration (for exam-
unprocessed salt is used as road salt). However, in ear- ple that the brain tissue was removed through the nose
lier times, shaft mining activity had taken place, as salt and that dry natron was packed in and around the body)
was a precious commodity. On the basis of the archeolog- (Brier, 1998; Peck, 1998). The internal organs were depos-
ical appraisal of the find situation, this was indeed the ited in four canopic jars (a jar each for the liver, the stom-
corpse of a salt-miner, probably buried when the shaft ach, the intestines, and the lungs). Herodotus’ account
collapsed (Aali, 2005). This enclosed him in salt, which dates to 500 BC century. Another source is Diodorus Sicu-
has well-known dehydrating and curing properties. Such lus, who wrote in the first century AD, and who mentions
‘‘salt mummies’’ have also been reported from Austria, in that the heart and kidneys could be left in situ. He also
Hallsttat (Aufderheide, 2003). Other related mummifica- mentions that at least three classes of mummification
tions have been reported from Chile, where preservation existed, each differently priced (Brier, 1998).
was enhanced by copper salts (Bird, 1979 cit. in Aufder- Egyptian artificial mummification is probably the best
heide, 2003; Brier, 1998; Corthals, 2007). studied of the mummification procedures. This is not
Enclosure in tightly closed coffins or sarcophagi may least due to the simple abundance of these mummies (to
also result in the retention of soft tissues, e.g., a 1,700- such a degree that Egyptian mummies have been used
year-old mummy from Greece found in a lead coffin, instead of firewood) and due to the ‘‘Egyptomania’’ (see
which was placed inside a marble sarcophagus (Papa- below) in the 18th and 19th century, which saw muse-
georgopoulou et al., 2007). Likewise, what has been con- ums and collectors buying Egyptian mummies. Thus
sidered as one of the best preserved mummies ever Egyptian mummies were disseminated throughout the
found, the ‘‘Marquise of Tai’’ from China, dating back western world, and by implication placed at the disposal
2,100 years (Brier, 1998; Sakurai et al., 1998), was of many mummy-interested natural scientists.
sealed inside three wooden, tightly sealed coffins. However, many other cultures also practised artificial
Fatty tissue may undergo adipocerous change in a mummification, also by employing highly developed
humid or wet environment (Micozzi, 1991; Evershed, methods, e.g. in South America (Guillen, 2004; Carde-
1992), although it has been described also in dry environ- nas-Arroyo, 2003), where indeed also the oldest artificial
ments (Evans, 1963). Adipocere results from the postmor- mummies in the world, associated with the Chinchorro
tem hydrolysis and hydrogenation of body fats (Mant and culture, have been found (Guillen, 1992). A mummy
Furbank, 1957; Cotton et al., 1987; Bereuter et al., 1996). associated with this culture, has been dated to approxi-
Thus, body parts with a high fat content, e.g., buttocks, mately 7800 BC (Aufderheide et al., 1993). Indeed, the
may be preserved. Adipocerous change is not uncommonly mummification techniques employed by the Chinchorros
found in the brain, since brain tissue is also high in fat have been said to rival the Egyptian methods in terms of
content. Thus well-preserved brains may be found even if complexity: internal organs were removed and replaced
all other soft tissue has decomposed (Tkocz et al., 1979; with straw, and after defleshing or decay of limb muscu-
Radanov et al., 1992). Adipocire was previously thought to lature these were reaffixed to the trunk, and then cov-
be a process of saponification of organic fatty acids in the ered in black mud, which finally could be painted with,
presence of lime or calcium carbonate (Micozzi, 1991). e.g., the facial details (Arriaza et al., 1998; Brier, 1998;
This has led to mummies with widespread adipocerous Aufderheide, 2003). These mummification procedures
changes being termed ‘‘soap mummies’’ (Brier, 1998). could also be extended to children and fetuses (Arriaza
et al., 2003). The shrunken heads of the tribes of the
Artificial mummification Amazon are another example of a highly ritualized prac-
tice, involving many specific steps in order to ensure the
Artificial mummification implies that mummification is wanted quality of the end product (Mann et al., 1992;
the result of intentional human activity. These activities Castner, 2002; Mendonca de Sousa et al., 2005).
probably often arose in many cultures by observing how Finally, there are also some more recent, famous mum-
mummification came about naturally. For example, there mified corpses, e.g. the embalmed body of Lenin. Com-

Yearbook of Physical Anthropology—DOI 10.1002/ajpa


pounds with arsenic and mercury salts were used for ‘‘science’’ based on frauds. Blumenbach (‘‘the father of
embalming in the 17th and 18th centuries (present day physical anthropology’’) unrolled some Egyptian mum-
embalming is usually performed with formaldehyde- mies at the British Museum in the 1790s (Taconis,
based liquids). Plastination is a technique whereby tis- 2005), but the first really systematic work began with Dr
sues are first dehydrated and then infused with a poly- Thomas Pettigrew, who was professor of anatomy at the
mer, which then cures. The method was patented by von Charing Cross Hospital in London. He carried out a dis-
Hagens et al. (1987), and has now become quite well- section of an Egyptian mummy in 1833, followed over
known because of some rather spectacular exhibits of the years by 13 more such dissections. He gave lectures
whole plastinated corpses mounted in different postures on the subject and published the first book entirely on
(‘‘BodyWorlds,’’ Quigley has given mummies in 1934: ‘‘History of Egyptian Mummies’’ (Auf-
a review of ‘‘modern’’ mummies (Quigley, 1998). derheide, 2003; Brier 1998).
The next wave of serious work came in the early twen-
Natural and artificial mummification tieth century with the work of an impressive trio based
at the Cairo Medical School: Grafton Elliot Smith (pro-
The differentiation between artificial mummies and fessor of anatomy), Armand Ruffer (bacteriology), and
natural mummies, though, is not clear-cut. Many cul- Alfred Lucas (chemistry) (Peck, 1998). Lucas was called
tures have practised what might be termed a sort of mix as a consultant when the tomb of Tutankhamun was
of natural and artificial mummification. This may found (Peck, 1998). Elliot Smith made his first detailed
include treatment of the dead body in a manner in which studies of mummification in 1905 (Peck, 1998). In the
natural mummification is facilitated, e.g., by specifically following years he made examinations of all the royal
placing the corpse in an arid environment (intentional, mummies, and published his finds (Smith, 1912); or per-
natural mummification), or by performing certain rites haps not all the findings: it has been mentioned that
such as partial evisceration or defleshing (Pretty and Elliot Smith was responsible for the examination of more
Calder, 1998; Zimmerman, 1998). The famous Scythian than 30,000 mummies (Dawson, 1938, cit. in Aufder-
mummies from Pacyryk in the Altay mountains of Cen- heide, 2003). Ruffer’s name is still connected with his
tral Asia had been subjected to evisceration, removal of fluid for rehydration and restoration of mummified tis-
the brain, and also partly defleshing of muscle through sue. He also made significant contributions to the emerg-
incisions, which were then stitched. They were then ing field of paleopathology (see below). Another major
placed in a tomb. Preservation was then also further character in the field at that time was Warren R. Daw-
enhanced by the fact that the tomb area was in such an son. He left a legacy in terms of publications including
altitude that there was permafrost (Artamanov, 1965; basically helping Elliot Smith to publish his findings
Rudenko, 1970). (Smith and Dawson, 1924, cit. in Aufderheide, 2003;
Similarly, the Guanches of the Canary Islands took Brier, 1998).
advantage of the arid areas of their islands to place the In the USA, the first major mummy studies came
dead in burial caves, which ensured desiccation, but about as a result of Hrdlicka’s expeditions to the Aleu-
they also performed evisceration before placing the tians in the late 1930s (Hrdlicka, 1941; Hunt, 2003). He
bodies in the caves (Ascenzi et al., 1998). Dessication found many mummies in caves and noted that artificial
may also be achieved by smoking the corpse, which was mummification had taken place, in that the bodies exhi-
done in North America as well as in Australia (Brier, bited evisceration cuts, and that body cavities had been
1998). stuffed with grass. Child mummies were often strapped
In Japan, priests in the 17th century would intention- in their cradle bags or other containers (Frohlich and
ally reduce their intake of nutrition to alter their consti- Laughlin, 2002). Many of the mummies Hrdlıcka found
tution to one where they would become very thin (and are now curated by the Smithsonian Institution (Hunt,
thereby achieving a higher skin surface to body volume), 2003).
which may have made their corpses more resistant to Meanwhile at the Manchester Museum, England,
putrefactory changes, as desiccation would have pro- mummy studies had also been performed. Two Egyptian
ceeded faster (Sakurai et al., 1998). mummies were unwrapped and studied in 1910 (Murray,
1910, cit. in David and Tapp, 1984). Of tremendous
A BRIEF HISTORY OF MUMMY STUDIES importance was the careful planning of this interdiscipli-
nary effort, involving curators, physicians, chemists, and
Modern studies of mummies using natural scientific textile specialists. As such, this examination became a
methods arose in the wake of Napoleon Bonaparte’s template for future mummy studies, in that today there
invasion of Egypt in 1798. Numerous scientists were is a broadening consensus that mummies are best stud-
brought along with his army, and their observations of ied by a team of specialists, including physicians, arche-
monuments, hieroglyphs, tombs, and mummies resulted ologists, conservators, and others. This lesson has been
in a major folio publication (19 volumes) over the follow- repeated more recently with the examinations of, among
ing decades (and also initiated the efforts of Young and others, PUM II (Cockburn et al., 1998a), the Manchester
Champollion to translate hieroglyphic writing). Egypto- Museum Mummy Project (David, 1979), the Tyrolian Ice-
logy and Egyptian artifacts became a la mode. As an man (Spindler, 1994), the Greenland mummies (Hart
aside to this interest in all things Egyptian, so also was Hansen, 1989), bog bodies of Denmark (Asingh and Lyn-
there an interest in mummies. Museums in the western nerup, 2007), and Ireland (to be published). Aside from
world bought mummies for their collections, some of the broad interdisciplinarity and the application of many
which turned out to be fakes. Still, fake mummies could modern natural scientific and medical methods, the
also be ‘‘unrolled’’ for paying onlookers (Aufderheide, establishment of a regular mummy conference in 1992,
2003; Taconis, 2005). Luckily, serious investigations also subsequently held every third year, has also added sub-
began at this time, which probably rescued mummy stance to a field that has sometimes been seen as a
studies from becoming a mere curiosity, or from being a fringe science. Rapid dissemination of new investigative

Yearbook of Physical Anthropology—DOI 10.1002/ajpa

techniques and the flow of knowledge on a global basis Since by far most mummies are desiccated, a mummy
are changing the field. Interestingly, many new techni- autopsy cannot exactly follow the autopsy procedures
ques in medicine and the natural sciences have often employed when dealing with the newly deceased or with
been ‘‘tried out’’ on mummies rapidly after their incep- cadavers still retaining their hydrated, pliable state.
tion (David, 1997), or indeed even driven technological Usually, present-day autopsy procedures entail making a
innovation (e.g., a new NASA-NIH imaging program) ‘‘Y’’-shaped incision from behind both ears to the jugular
(Brown and Herbranson, 2007). The following section incisure and then down to the pubic symphysis. The ab-
deals with these methods. dominal cavity is then opened, and the thoracic cavity is
accessed by cutting the ribs and the clavicles, and then
lifting the ‘‘breast-plate’’ off (Saukko and Knight, 2004).
METHODS IN MUMMY RESEARCH Obviously, this procedure may be difficult to carry out
with a crouched, desiccated mummy, so mummy autop-
The mummy autopsy sies are often conducted by making incisions wherever it
Unwrapping and opening of body cavities of mummies is most opportune, e.g. through the side or back of the
was carried out from the earliest stages of mummy thorax and abdomen, and with a varying degree of cavity
research. However, an autopsy as well as being an ulti- opening (Aufderheide, 2003). Postmortem changes may
mate procedure for procuring detailed patho-anatomical of course also help, in that the thoracic and abdominal
knowledge, is a somewhat destructive procedure. Earlier, skin and muscles may have decayed to such a degree
autopsies were readily carried out on Egyptian mum- that the cavities are readily visible. Loss of limbs may
mies, probably not least due to the enormous abundance also facilitate access to the body cavities, and sometimes
of them; the setting may be very different for other the head may have become separated from the body so
mummies. It has been postulated that mummy research- that throat organs may be easily inspected.
ers are somewhat divided into two ‘‘schools’’: researchers If access to the main body cavities has been gained,
who think that autopsy is very necessary for serious internal organs and structures may be inspected. The
mummy research; and researchers who think it to be an appearance will obviously deviate somewhat from the
unnecessarily invasive and destructive procedure appearance of more fresh organs, in that postmortem
(Pringle, 2001). This is a gross over-simplification, but degradation, putrefaction, etc., together with changes
cutting into a mummy is unquestionably an invasive and brought about by the mummification, will have altered
destructive procedure. There are two major concerns the morphology of the organs (Aufderheide, 2003). Struc-
when considering an autopsy: the integrity of the mummy tures with a high collagen content may still be intact,
as an archeological and cultural historical specimen, and albeit desiccated (Wei, 1973). The diaphragm is often
ethical concerns. The integrity of the mummy may be an recognizable [even to such a degree that hernia may be
issue when the mummy is to be put on display, or where diagnosed (Gerszten et al., 1986)], or if it is not intact,
an autopsy would necessitate destructive or semi-destruc- then the fibrous and muscular attachments along the
tive removal of clothing, adornments, burial shrouds, etc., abdominal wall and around the vertebral column. Simi-
which might be viewed as ‘‘tampering’’ too much with an larly, fibrous tissue such as muscle fascia and ligaments
intact archeological specimen. Ethical concerns often cen- and tendons is often also identifiable and preserved. In
ter on the fact that the mummy is a deceased person, and the thoracic cavity, inspection of the pleura, and the
that the peace of the deceased person should be respected, presence of lung remains and their morphology, may
and that an autopsy would violate beliefs and burial cus- give important clues as to lung diseases, e.g., past lung
toms (Holm, 2001). This may be the case for many infections and tuberculosis (Aufderheide, 2003). The
cultures, and the discussion of these issues is parallel to internal organs will (for the desiccated, intact mummy)
ethical concerns voiced over analyses of skeletal remains, often present themselves as very shrunken, with those
e.g., Kennewick Man (Downey, 2000; Thomas, 2000). parts of the organs with the most fibrous tissue perhaps
Overall, there seem to be major differences in how these the most preserved.
questions are handled, from countries with comparatively For example, the heart may be shrunken almost
codified guidelines or laws, such as those promulgated by beyond gross morphological recognition, but the fibrous
the International Council of Museums (ICOM Code of portion around the atrio-ventricular region, with the
Ethics), or the NAGPRA in USA, to more ad hoc attitudes major heart valves may still be discerned (Zimmerman,
in other countries. 1972, 1978, 1993). For the abdominal organs, the liver is
When autopsies have been carried out, e.g., at the often recognizable due to its very dense structure (Auf-
Manchester Museum project (David, 1979), much derheide, 2003), whereas the thin-walled stomach and
knowledge has been gained. The procedure is not that intestines have often decayed completely. The abdominal
different from a present day autopsy, in that much cavity may contain remnants of gut contents as well as
more definite knowledge may be gained about circum- coprolites. As mentioned, these may contribute greatly to
stances of death and pathological changes of internal dietary studies if found and analyzed (e.g., Reyman
organs (Cockburn et al., 1975; Zimmerman and Aufder- et al., 1998; Harild et al., 2007). Kidneys are often also
heide, 1984; Robertson, 1988). Pathological diagnosis is difficult to discern, as is the spleen. Remnants of the eso-
still very much based on gross macroscopic inspection, phagus and the big vessels (vena cava and aorta) may be
so being able to study the remains of internal organs seen (Aufderheide, 2003). Organs of the lower abdominal
for pathological change is important. Autopsy is also region, mainly the inner genitalia, are often not discerni-
the best procedure for securing tissue samples from ble. Outside the body cavities, several structures of the
specific organs, such as heart, lungs, and liver, which throat (which may be very important to determine
might otherwise be difficult to locate and sample manner and cause of death, e.g. by strangulation) are
through other techniques (El-Najjar et al., 1980, 1985). often preserved (thyroid cartilage, vocal cords), as are
Similarly, gut contents may be secured (Helbaek, 1958; the bulbar structures of the eyes (although the aqueous
Spindler, 1994). humor will have disappeared, so that the eyes present

Yearbook of Physical Anthropology—DOI 10.1002/ajpa


themselves as flattened structures), and the brain. As heide, 2003). Foreign objects introduced anally or vagi-
noted, because of the high fat content, the brain may nally may also be visible externally [e.g. jade plugs in
undergo adipocerous change. This may result in an Chinese jade mummies (Aufderheide, 2003)].
excellent morphological preservation showing gyri and When perusing the exterior of a mummy, the remains
sulci and main brain parts (hemispheres, hindbrain, me- of hair and nails may often be found (e.g., Brothwell and
dulla oblongata with the pons, etc.) (Padanov et al., Dobney, 1986). Even if there is a somewhat restrictive
1992). The brain may in other circumstances liquefy attitude to invasive procedures, including tissue sam-
postmortem, so that only a hardened ‘‘rim’’ along the pling, the careful removal of a few hairs for further analy-
inside of the skull remains. However, the dura mater ses may be allowed. Hair may provide detailed informa-
may often be well preserved (Aufderheide, 2003). Finally, tion on dietary changes, drug use, or exposure to pollu-
external genitalia may be present (although often very tants, allow for extraction of aDNA, or be used to
dependent on mummification procedures) which permits determine place of origin/ethnicity (Báez et al., 2000; Wil-
a definite sex determination of the individual (Aufder- son, 2005). Keratinized tissues such as hair shaft and
heide, 2003). nails have been shown to have DNA contamination resist-
Comprehensive knowledge about artificial mummifica- ant properties (Gilbert et al., 2004). In desiccated mum-
tion procedures may also be gained by a full autopsy. The mies hair strands may still be attached to the skin and
early autopsies of the Egyptian mummies gave us the scalp, whereas in other cases the hair may have been
first definite descriptions of the mummification proce- sloughed off, which is often the case for bog bodies
dures employed, such as the removal of internal organs (Wilson et al., 2001b). Hair morphology may be studied to
and the trans-nasal removal of the brain (Pettigrew, determine ethnic affiliation (Hrdy, 1978). Bog bodies often
1834, cit. in Aufderheide, 2003; David, 1979). Likewise, it present hair strands of a reddish color. Inherent natural
must also be remembered that many artificial mummies hair coloration is determined by the size, frequency and
may contain various foreign objects, specifically laid into type of pigment granules embedded within the hair fiber,
the body cavities, which may have great archeological and all naturally-pigmented hair contain a mixture of
interest. Much knowledge may now be gained in a nonin- two compounds, black-brown eumelanin and red-yellow
vasive manner, e.g., by the use of endoscopy and radio- phaeomelanin (Wilson et al., 2007). A bog environment
graphy, but such methods will probably never be able to reduces the eumelanin, so that the reddish phaeomelanin
substitute completely for the exact pathological examina- remains, an effect which may be further enhanced by the
tion and specific sampling of target tissues made possible presence of natural tannins (Wilson et al., 2001a), so that
by direct inspection during an autopsy. all bog bodies seemingly have red hair.
Opening and dissection of a mummy may not only Performing an autopsy or not should not be seen as a
enable a direct look at internal organs in terms of paleo- dichotomous question: in reality it represents a contin-
pathological diagnosis; it may also enable the dissection uum. On one hand there may be mummy finds where
and removal of bones or parts of bone for the osteologist. there is an immediate consensus on leaving the mummy
In terms of using many of the standard techniques for entirely intact. Other mummy finds allow for more mini-
age and sex determination, this may be beneficial. Many mal invasive procedures, such as endoscopy, because of
of the ageing methods imply the need to inspect joint existing openings in the skin, or direct inspection of
surfaces, e.g. the auricular surface, the symphyseal sur- some or all the body cavities due to decay of skin or
face, sternal ribends. (Krogman and Iscan, 1986; Buik- breakage of the mummy. Finally some mummies are
stra and Ubelaker, 1994; Mays, 1998; White and Folk- opened in a true forensic pathological fashion.
ens, 2005). While the complete removal of the hip bones
may be difficult, many desiccated mummies actually Endoscopy
present themselves as literally a ‘‘bag of bones’’ (the bag
being the hardened desiccated skin), but with the bones Endoscopy is somewhat associated with autopsy, in
lying disarticulated within, so that single ribs, epiphy- that direct inspection of intracavity structures and organs
seal ends in the case of subadults, etc, may be extracted may be carried out (Manialawi et al., 1978; Notman et al.,
and directly inspected. 1986; Tapp and Wildsmith, 1986; Bonfils et al., 1986–87;
A key point to be kept in mind regarding autopsies is Reyman et al., 1998; Gaber et al., 2003; Kim et al., 2006;
that the term literally means postmortem examination, Isidro et al., 2006). Endoscopes are equipped with lenses,
of which the opening of the body cavities is but one part; resulting in magnification, and furthermore the endo-
careful examination of the surface and skin of the corpse scope can be outfitted with devices allowing cutting and
is also a very important part of the autopsy procedures sampling of tissue (Tapp et al., 1984). Today most endo-
in forensic autopsies (Saukko and Knight, 2004). Conse- scopes are flexible using an optical fiber system. Endo-
quently, while perhaps it is not possible or desirable to scopes are developed mainly for clinical medical proce-
make a complete, invasive autopsy with opening of the dures, so performing an endoscopic examination on a
body cavities, the careful examination of the mummified mummy usually entails this being done in a medical set-
skin and integuments may yield much information on ting or by medical personnel (e.g., Kruse, 2007). In this
trauma, wounds and skin conditions and bodily adorn- respect, it should be noted that endoscopes are used in a
ments (Verbov, 1986; Lowenstein, 2004). Often the skin variety of clinical settings, such as gynecological and ab-
of the extremities is so well preserved that finger and dominal examination and operation, as well as ear and
sole prints can easily be seen. throat examinations and operations. The endoscopes used
Specific imaging methods may be applied, such as in the former procedures are usually larger in diameter
ultraviolet or infrared light, as well as magnifying equip- than the latter. The smaller the diameter of the endo-
ment. Complete visual inspection is also important for scope tube, the less invasive or destructive the procedure,
locating e.g., stones or small metal plates which may and body orifices of smaller dimensions may be accessed
have been placed under the eyelids, just as stones or (e.g., outer ear opening, pharyngeal and nasal cavities)
other foreign objects may be placed in the mouth (Aufder- (Gaafar et al., 1999; Hagedorn et al., 2004), while a larger

Yearbook of Physical Anthropology—DOI 10.1002/ajpa

endoscope may allow for better sampling and a larger and Marchetti (1986) combined immuno-histopathology
field of view (Sitaraman, 2006). with electron microscopy to detect smallpox virus.
Endoscopic examination may be completely nonde-
structive if body openings, both natural or due to post- Colposcopy
mortem decay, can be accessed without having to make
incisions, or it may be minimally destructive if such a The use of a colposcope may be thought of as midway
minor incision has to be made. The advantage is also the between gross inspection of the skin and surface features
possibility of securing tissue and organ samples in a of a mummy and tissue microscopy. A colposcope is a
minimal destructive way (Gaber et al., 2003). Aufder- lighted stereomicroscope usually employed for the gyne-
heide does note, though, that desiccated skin and fasciae cological examination of the cervix, vagina, and vulvar
may be so collapsed into the body cavities that there surface. The magnification factor usually ranges from
simply is not enough space for the endoscope; and that 23 to 253. Since colposcopes are mounted on a series of
sampling of hard, brittle tissue may be a challenge (Auf- joints, and on wheels, they are actually very well suited
derheide, 2003). for use in mummy studies for examining the skin. Colpo-
scopic examination can thus often be performed if a
mummy is to be examined anyway in a hospital setting,
e.g., for CT-scanning or radiography. This author has
Tissue histology participated in colposcopic examination of Danish bog
As noted, Ruffer was a pioneer in applying rehydra- bodies, and it was possible to clearly visualize warts and
tion techniques on mummified tissue (Ruffer, 1921, cit. minor skin defects (results to be published).
in Aufderheide, 2003). This enabled him to apply histo-
logical techniques (fixing, sectioning, embedding, stain- Infrared reflectography and
ing, etc), to do microscopy. His rehydration method, ultraviolet fluorescence
though still used extensively, may reduce the integrity of
the tissue, especially due to a detrimental effect on colla- The skin may present itself as very dark in mummies
gen fibers (Aufderheide, 2003). Many researchers have because of the postmortem changes such as desiccation
since tried to circumvent this by refining Ruffers solu- and tanning. This means that changes to the skin, e.g.,
tion or developing new rehydration techniques, and also pathological, intentional modifications, scars, may be dif-
testing various staining methods (Sandison, 1955; ficult to observe directly in ordinary light. Using infrared
Turner and Holtom, 1981; Allison and Gerszten, 1982; (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) lighting coupled with specific
Fulcheri et al., 1985; Walker et al., 1987; Mekota and recording equipment (infrared and ultraviolet reflectog-
Vermehren, 2005). raphy) may be seen as an extension of the range offered
Histological analyses may be helpful in determining by ordinary light to observe such changes. IR light is
the degree of tissue conservation, and to identify cells particularly useful for detecting pathological changes
and tissues (Williams, 1927; Yeatman, 1971; Zimmerman and changes in the normal structure of the skin, while
et al., 1971; Zimmerman, 1973; Riddle et al., 1976; UV light is better suited to detect foreign material de-
Walker et al., 1987; Nerlich et al., 1993; Hess et al., posited directly on the skin surface.
1998; Denton et al., 2003; Moissidou, 2003). Recognizable The IR spectrum resides in the range of wavelengths
tissue microstructure has been described for 21,300- between ca. 750 nm and ca. 1 mm (Williams and Wil-
year-old mummified specimens (Zimmermman and Ted- liams, 1994). IR wavelengths penetrate the skin to a
ford, 1976). Tissue microscopy may obviously be defini- depth of about 3 mm, thus visualizing structures below
tive in identifying pathological changes, such as, e.g., the outer epidermal layer. Previously, IR imaging was a
atherosclerosis (Shattock, 1909, cit. in Aufderheide, laborious task, requiring special single lens reflex photo-
2003); lung pathology including anthracosis and pneu- graphic cameras, specific lighting conditions and special
moconiosis; liver pathology such as cirrhosis, skin condi- IR sensitive films (which furthermore necessitated spe-
tions (Speck and Wheeland, 1984; Giacometti and Chi- cial film processing and development). IR light also has
relli, 1968; Chapel et al., 1981), and various neoplastic a refractory index different from that of ordinary light
lesions. Parasitic infestation may also be ascertained which means that focusing is difficult using single lens
through tissue microscopy (e.g., Allison et al., 1999). reflex photographic cameras (Williams and Williams,
Combining histology with immunoflourescence has been 1994). These difficulties have been countered somewhat
used to reveal tissue antigens (Wick et al., 1980). Micro- by digital IR reflectographical equipment, although it is
scopic examination of tattoos may reveal the technique not usually available outside conservatorial institutions,
with which they were made (Hart Hansen, 1989). where it is mostly used for analyses of paintings and
Transmission and scanning electron microscopic (TEM, prints (Koch and Scharff, 2007). However, IR is actually
SEM) studies have been carried out on mummified tis- easily and readily available by using ordinary commer-
sues (Horne and Lewin, 1977; Hino et al., 1982; Curry cial digital video (DV) cameras, as these have a built-in
et al., 1986; Perrin et al., 1994) revealing for example capability for IR. This is because the photosensitive devi-
parasite eggs (Su, 1987). Rehydration of the tissue sam- ces (CCDs) in the cameras are sensitive to IR wave-
ple is usually done as with samples for light microscopy, lengths. This capability is usually referred to as a
although fixation is different (Aufderheide, 2003). Just ‘‘Night-shot’’ filter (or similar moniker depending on the
as with many of the other investigative measures, elec- make of the DV camera). In reality, it is not a special fil-
tron microscopy was rapidly carried out on mummified ter which is enabled to capture IR wavelengths. Rather
tissue after the introduction of the technique in the med- it is a filter (termed ICF–Infrared Cut Filter) which is in
ical community (Leeson, 1959; Lewin, 1967; Macadam place during normal filming circumstances so that IR-
and Sandison, 1969), showing, among other things, wavelengths are filtered out. Enabling the IR capability
work-related crystalline contaminants (El-Najjar et al., is therefore a matter of removing this filter, allowing the
1985), and parasites (Fornaciari et al., 1992). Fornaciari full spectrum of wavelengths to hit the CCD. Tattoos

Yearbook of Physical Anthropology—DOI 10.1002/ajpa


body for holographic examination (Frey et al., 2005).

This allows the production of a virtual replica of the
object being scanned (Frey et al., 2005).

Raman spectroscopy
Raman spectroscopy has been used in several mummy
studies, particularly because it is a noninvasive and non-
destructive technique for determining the molecular
composition of tissue samples (Edwards and Munshi,
2005). When comparing mummified tissue specimens
with spectral results of more recent tissues, the degrada-
tion and decay at an ultrastructural and molecular level
may be determined (Edwards et al., 1999). This has been
utilized for the Tyrolian Iceman (Williams et al., 1995),
and the Greenland Mummies (Gniadecka et al., 1997),
although mainly on skin samples and nails (Edwards
et al., 2002).
Fig. 2. Greenland Inuit mummy with facial, linear tattoo-
ings visualized by DV-camera. [Color figure can be viewed in
the online issue, which is available at www.interscience.wiley.
com.] Of all the so-called minimally destructive or noninva-
sive techniques used for visualizing the internal struc-
tures of mummies and bog bodies, the most well-known
may be thus visualized easily because of the deeper pen- and longest used technique is radiography. Indeed, it
etration through the skin of IR wavelengths, and took only a few months after William Röntgen discovered
because IR is absorbed by the coloring particles intro- X-rays in 1895 to the first use of X-rays in mummy
duced in the deeper layers of the skin by tattooing research (Koenig, 1896). As the X-rays pass through the
(Dorfer et al., 1998; Lynnerup and Kragegaard Knudsen, object to be examined, they interact with the object in
2002) (see Fig. 2). IR has also been used to investigate terms of scattering and being absorbed, and the com-
resin residues on tissue samples from an Egyptian bined effect of this is expressed as the attenuation. After
mummy (Klys et al., 1999a). passing through the object, the X-rays then strike a pho-
The use of ultraviolet fluorescence (UVF) in mummy tographic plate. Since the X-rays are attenuated differ-
studies also concerns the skin, but in contrast to IR, it is entially by different tissues and materials, they end up
not so much intradermal or subdermal changes that are striking the photographic plate at different intensities,
visualized. Fluorescence is caused by electromagnetic resulting in differing gray-values. After development,
radiation exciting atoms, i.e., moving electrons from a these are rendered from white (tissues or materials with
neutral to a higher level of energy. As the electrons fall high attenuation, e.g., bone) to black (e.g., air in body
back to their original position, the energy is re-emitted cavities). Modern clinical radiographical equipment is
as light with a longer wavelength (Stokes shift, causing now fully digitized, i.e., the X-rays do not end on a pho-
the phenomenon of fluorescence (Krauss and Warlem, tographic plate but rather in special sensors which
1985; West et al., 1992). Fluorescence caused by light in translate the attenuation to direct pixel-based images.
the visible spectrum cannot be discerned. However, The digital equipment can control the beam modalities
when illuminating objects with UV light (UV wave- and the image-building more directly, enabling sharper
lengths cover a spectrum of 400–150 nm) in a dark envi- pictures (e.g., Carlton and Adler, 2001).
ronment, fluorescence can be observed (West et al., Radiography has the advantage of being almost uni-
1992). While advanced UVF equipment is available in versally available, and easily performed. As mentioned
museums and conservational departments, simple porta- earlier, radiography has a long track record when it
ble UV light emitting sources exist, e.g., UV devices comes to mummies and bog bodies, in effect having been
used by philatelists. the only method available for ‘‘looking inside.’’ Flinders
In mummy studies UV fluorescence may be used to Petrie used radiography in his studies of mummies in
achieve a visual separation of tissue and other added 1897 (Petrie, 1898). Moodie published the findings of his
material, for example detection of resins, wax fillings analyses of 17 Egyptian mummies at the Field Museum
and micro-organisms. A surface reflection is seen as the in Chicago in 1931, and this probably constitutes the
radiation from the UV-source activates these substances first systematic radiographic analysis of a major collec-
on the surface of the skin. Depending on the chemical tion of mummies (Moodie, 1931). All the royal mummies
composition of the substances, they will reflect the UV- housed at the Cairo Museum were radiographed in 1967
radiation differently. The Danish bog body, the Grauballe (Harris and Weeks, 1973; Harris and Wente, 1980). Radi-
man, was found to have undergone varnishings of resins ography of mummies has also been performed onsite in
and wax fillings in a hitherto not realized extent to some very remote locations (Notman et al., 1987; Not-
remodel his outward features, including his facial fea- man and Beattie, 1995; Nystrom et al., 2004).
tures, as well as a part of his lower back, which had The primary focus of radiographic studies of mummies
been cut away (Frederiksen, 2007). In a conservational has often been archeological as well as medical; e.g.,
setting, UVF may also be helpful to monitor the status searching for amulets in Egyptian mummy wrappings
of the outer surfaces, e.g. mold or yeasts colonizing and (Christensen, 1969). However, the determination of sex
degrading the mummy (Frederiksen, 2007). Recently, and age, based on skeletal traits, has usually been car-
illumination by laser light has been applied to a bog ried out whenever possible (e.g., Fawcitt et al., 1984).

Yearbook of Physical Anthropology—DOI 10.1002/ajpa

Grafton Elliot Smith judged the epiphyseal union of the object, and with the introduction of multislice scanners
mummy of Tuthmosis IV to ascertain age at death came better volume rendering (Hsieh, 2002). This has
(Smith, 1912). Cranial traits, and cranial morphometry also allowed for rapid, whole-body scanning of mummies
based on X-rays, have been studied to try to establish (Cesarani et al., 2003).
kinship (Harris and Wente, 1980). Pre-empting one of CT-scanning of mummies was first carried out in 1977
the uses of CT-scanning, namely the production of 3D (Harwood-Nash, 1977; Lewin and Harwood-Nash, 1977).
solid models of skulls for facial reconstruction purposes Eleven mummies at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston
(see below), Neave managed to make a facial reconstruc- were CT-scanned by Marx and D’Auria in what was then
tion of an Egyptian mummy based on radiographs the most systematic CT-scanning of a collection of mum-
(Neave, 1979). mies (Marx and D’Auria, 1986). The increasing comput-
The pathological changes observed by radiographic ing power enabled imaging with an ever finer resolution
analysis of mummies include arthritis, atheroma, healed and rapid three-dimensional visualizations (e.g., Marx
fractures, and parasitic processes (Brothwell and Sandi- and D’Auria, 1988; Pickering et al., 1990; Taconis and
son, 1967; Christensen, 1969; Harris and Wente, 1973; Maat, 2005). Basically, the CT-scanner computer
Harris et al., 1978; David 1979; Harris and Wente, 1980; ‘‘restacks’’ the single slices and, based on different algo-
Bloomfield, 1985). Most of the pathological processes rithms, connects object boundaries between the slices
observed reflect diseases affecting bone, or reflect calcified (Zollikofer and Ponce de León, 2005). CT-scanners used
structures, such as a radiodense structure which was in hospitals come equipped with various computer pro-
revealed to be a Guinea Worm parasite at a later autopsy grams that allow rapid image building and three-dimen-
(David, 1979). This is also a reflection of the limitations of sional visualization, but it must be noted that the soft-
radiography. Skeletal structures are usually easily identi- ware is developed for medical purposes, and tuned to
fiable due to the high attenuation, but it may be very tissues and organ systems of the living. Mummies and
difficult to discriminate between various soft tissues especially bog bodies may require much more work at
remains, especially as these will be superimposed on top this stage (see below), although the Inca mummies found
of each other on the X-ray film, as basically a three- on top of Mount Llullaillaco, presented exceptionally
dimensional structure is reduced to be presented in two well-preserved internal organs, which were easily visible
dimensions. Since the soft tissues may already have near upon CT-scanning, probably due to the fact that these
equal attenuation coefficients, this greatly inhibits the bodies had been frozen (Previgliano et al., 2003).
possibilities for investigating soft tissue pathology. While the earlier CT-scanners operated with a slice
thickness of several millimeters, new CT-scanners can
CT-scanning achieve slice thicknesses of less than 1 mm, as well as
the capacity for ‘‘overlapping.’’ This is an important pa-
A further development of radiography came with the rameter for 3D visualization, since the slice thickness
advent of CT-scanners (Computer assisted tomography). will affect the quality of the three-dimensional visualiza-
Unlike conventional X-ray images, the regions of interest tion. If the slice thickness is several millimeters or more,
in CT-scans are presented without disturbing superimpo- the resultant visualization will have a ‘‘terraced’’ appear-
sitions of juxtapositional structures. Instead of producing ance. Obviously, this may also lead to misinterpretations
a two-dimensional image (as with ordinary flat-film X- of a three-dimensional structure, so it is always impor-
raying), the X-ray tube revolves around the item being tant to note the slice thickness when appraising CT-
analyzed. Coupled with a specific array for reading out scans (Hsieh, 2002; Zollikofer and Ponce de León, 2005).
the X-ray attenuation, this means that a CT-scanner will Large, detailed studies on embalming techniques and
generate an image which represents a slice of an item. mummy wrappings of Egyptian mummies, comprising
The item is moved through the CT-scanner, generating 3D visualization, have lately been performed by Hoffman
hundreds or thousands of slices, which may be viewed as et al. (2002) and Jansen et al. (2002).
serial, two-dimensional slice images (Hsieh, 2002). Three-dimensional visualization of mummies may be
The CT-scanner generates the slice images as an array an important tool for the osteologist. Since CT-scanning
of pixels (usually 512 3 512), with each pixel having a is based on X-rays, bone is generally easy to visualize.
value depending on the attenuation of the X-rays as they This means that skeletal structures may be visualized so
pass through the object being scanned (Carlton and that they can be assessed morphologically, as well as
Adler, 2001). The attenuation is represented by Houns- measured. Visualizing the skull and pelvis makes it pos-
field Units (HU), which are scaled and calibrated arbi- sible to virtually assess the sex-specific traits and use
trarily according to the attenuation of water, so that many of the methods described for ‘‘real’’ bones (e.g.,
water has a HU of 1,000, and air will have a HU of Krogman and Iscan, 1986; Buikstra and Ubelaker, 1994;
21,000 on the Hounsfield scale. The HU are then con- Mays, 1998; White and Folkens, 2005). Virtual ageing
verted to a gray scale potentially covering 256 shades of may also be performed by focusing on dental develop-
gray. This is more than the human eye can discern, so ment and epiphyseal morphology (e.g., Buikstra and
consequently the attenuation is remapped to about 20 Ubelaker, 1994; Mays, 1998; White and Folkens, 2005).
gray scale shades (image reconstruction). The benefits of 3D visualization also apply to the
The development of the first clinical CT-scanners assessment of possible pathological changes. For exam-
began in 1967 with Godfrey H. Hounsfield (1976), and ple, a mummy that had already been scanned in 1983
the first clinical CT-scanner was installed in 1971. Since (Vahey and Brown, 1984) was rescanned in 1990, to
the introduction of the first scanners, there have been make 3D visualizations of the skull and pelvis to confirm
huge technical advances, generally recorded as ‘‘genera- a possible fracture (Pickering et al., 1990). Dental dis-
tions.’’ First-generation scanners had only one beam ease has also been visualized in this way (Melcher et al.,
being recorded at a time, while second-generation had 1997), as has an Egyptian mummy where an intravital,
multiple beams enabling a faster recording time. Third- foreign object, presumably a toe prosthesis (i.e., an artifi-
generation scanners were able to irradiate the entire cial toe), was found (Nerlich et al., 2000). However, given

Yearbook of Physical Anthropology—DOI 10.1002/ajpa


all the mummies which have been CT-scanned, pathologi-

cal or traumatic finds have been rather sparse. Probably
one of the more well-known cases involved the CT-scan-
ning of the Tyrolian Iceman, the glacier mummy found in
Italy in 1992. The mummy had been X-rayed and CT-
scanned after the find (zur Nedden and Wicke, 1992), but
it was after renewed scanning 10 years later, that an
arrowhead was first identified in the left shoulder region
(Gostner and Vigl, 2002). Rheumatoid arthritis has been
diagnosed based on CT-visualized bone erosions and joint
subluxation (Ciranni et al., 2002). A CT-scan of a natural
mummy from the 19th century, found in an ancient friary
in Italy, revealed a distended bladder and a ring of dense
tissue at the site of the prostate, indicative of prostatic
hyperplasia (Fornaciari et al., 2001). Bone tumors have
been identified in two Egyptian mummies (Taconis and
Maat, 2005). Bone pathology as observed by CT-scanning,
indicative of TB, has been correlated with aDNA analyses
(Fletcher et al., 2003). It should be mentioned that CT-
scanning has also been used to locate pathological pro-
cesses or specific organs, to make precise incisions to per-
form biopsies (Notman et al., 1986; Brothwell et al.,
1990), or to guide endoscopic exams (Rühli et al., 2002).
The presence of many layers of mummy wrappings, or
mummy wrappings closely adhering to the skin, as well
as organ removal, etc., may impede the interpretation of
the bodily structures of a mummy. Diagenetic changes,
mainly desiccation, may also have an impact (Rühli et al.,
2004). However, in both natural and artificial mummies,
the skeletal structures are usually intact, which means
that structures for age and sex determination may still be
visualized. Having visualized the skeleton also results in
having many references points, which makes it easier to
assess remains of internal organs and structures. Special
problems in terms of radiography and CT-scanning arise
when the diagenetic changes are so massive that the
remaining tissues, including bone, are severely degraded.
This is perhaps best shown by bog bodies due to the
leaching of calcium from the bones: when a bog body is
radiographed, the result is often very badly visualized Fig. 3. CT-scan image of a Danish bog body, the Tollund
bones, giving the bones an appearance as if they were man, after 3D visualization of anatomical structures. [Color fig-
made of glass. Consequently, when CT-scanning a bog ure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at
body and applying the ordinary range of HU for bones, as]
for clinical work, this may result in the bones not being
visualized at all. Furthermore, the demineralization is
not necessarily uniform, but may differ within the skele- certain anatomical knowledge, the more so as the bones
tal system or the single bone due to the diagenetic micro- often are bent and deformed (bog bodies) and organs are
environment. This may generate a patchy appearance of often shrunken and desiccated (mummies). There is some
the bone, even though it morphologically is intact. room for subjectivity when performing the segmentation.
Another problem is the fact that other tissues seem to ac- Along with the previously stated caveat on slice thickness
quire a more radio-dense structure (i.e., the attenuation (and indeed on the inherent properties of X-ray based
of the X-ray beams is increased). This is especially seen image acquisition), this means that CT-scanning images
for some of the connective tissues, e.g., ligaments, fasciae, and 3D renderings should not be viewed as a totally
and the subcutis (Lynnerup, 2007). The reason for this is objective and ‘‘true’’ representation of internal structures
probably due to a deposition of soil mineral salts (con- and tissues. Some pathological processes may be falsely
taining metals such as iron) in collagenous tissues. ascribed to diagenetic processes, while some diagenetic
Because of these changes, and warping and shrinkage processes may be falsely ascribed to pathological pro-
which may take place, diagenetically modified tissues and cesses (Lynnerup et al., 2007).
organs may have to be delineated (or segmented) man- Once tissues and organs have been segmented and
ually on almost every single slice. At present, features visualized, they can then be measured and assessed mor-
allowing manual slice by slice image-editing are seldom phologically. An initial benefit is the visualization of
available on the computer programs on CT-scanners used bone structures, which may be used for sex and age
for clinical purposes. The images therefore need to be determination. For example, we segmented the Grau-
transferred to another program which allows editing balle Man’s pelvis into the single constituent bones and
(postprocessing) of the CT-data. This usually involves the were thus able to display the auricular surface to apply
segmentation, i.e., delineation and extraction of specific the auricular surface age scoring method (Lynnerup and
anatomical structures (see Fig. 3). This necessitates a Boldsen, 2007). Although the resolution does not allow a

Yearbook of Physical Anthropology—DOI 10.1002/ajpa

direct application of the auricular ageing technique of including these elements may thus be analyzed. This
Lovejoy et al. (1985), some information may be had. One has been applied to a Danish bog body (Stødkilde-
should perhaps focus just as much on the physical an- Jørgensen, 2001) and to the mummified brain of an
thropological data derived from CT-scannings. 3D-visual- Egyptian mummy (Karlik et al., 2007).
izations make it possible to ascertain age and sex, and
these data may in themselves be important when placing Stable isotope analyses
mummies in a biocultural perspective. The Mount Llul-
laillaco mummies were all determined to be children or Stable isotope analyses of d13C and d15N measured in
juveniles (Previgliano et al., 2003). bone collagen are routinely used for the reconstruction of
MicroCT or microtomography is a relatively new tool in ancient diets and subsistence patterns (e.g., Ambrose,
the field of bone research, but it is briefly mentioned here, 1993; Katzenberg, 2000). The major difference between
as it has been applied to bones from mummies and bog stable isotope studies performed on skeletal remains and
bodies. The principle is the same as conventional tomog- mummies is the availability of other tissue types in the
raphy, but because of the small gantry opening, and the case of mummies. Still, samples for stable isotope analy-
short distance between object and detector, resolutions in ses from mummified remains are often taken from bone
the range of 10–20 lm can be achieved. This enables, and teeth, as the methods may require this: teeth for eval-
therefore, the production of high-resolution three-dimen- uating diet in childhood, weaning, etc.; bone for an overall
sional (3D) computer reconstructions of small samples of average of diet over approximately 10 years, and for direct
bone. With the trabecular structure in digital form it comparison with other skeletal material. The advantages
becomes possible to calculate 3D architectural parame- of having mummified tissues for sampling is that different
ters, like volume fraction and mean trabecular thick- tissues have different turn-over times/remodeling rates,
ness. This has been specifically applied to investigate and this may be utilized to gain more detailed information
taphonomic changes to bog body bones (Warner Boel and than is otherwise possible if only skeletal material
Dalstra, 2007). remains (Sealy, 2001; Aufderheide et al., 1994).
A special tissue in this respect is hair, which is often
present on mummies (Wilson et al., 2001a). Hair is not
Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI) remodeled after it forms and hardens, and because hair
grows at a relatively constant rate (roughly 1 cm a
NMRI results in visualizations, which are somewhat month for human scalp hair), hair enables direct mea-
equal to the visualizations produced by CT-scanning. surement of past dietary intake, in a ‘‘micro-chronologi-
The end result is a pixel-based image of a slice (in any cal’’ fashion. Hair may therefore record short-term varia-
plane), and the digital image data can be postprocessed tion in available food resources associated with seasonal
to 3D visualizations. However, the underlying modality changes to diet during the last few months or years of
is of a completely different nature, involving magnetic life (Sandford and Kissling, 1994; White and Schwarcz,
resonance. Magnetic resonance imaging is produced by 1994; Macko et al., 1999; O’Connell and Hedges, 1999;
surrounding the object of interest with a very strong Mays, 2000; Wilson, 2005). New continuous flow isotope
magnetic field, and by manipulation of this magnetic ratio mass spectrometry methods enable the isotopic
field, the atomic nuclei will emit radio signals (the reso- measurement of relatively small masses of hair, allowing
nance), which can be detected and converted to images. the measurement of isotopic variation along individual
This nuclear resonance is especially due to the action of hairs (Sharp et al., 2003; Wilson et al., 2007).
protons (i.e. hydrogen), which means that the images
basically reflect the water content (amount of hydrogen Biochemical analyses
nuclei) of different tissues. This makes for excellent dis-
criminative power of live tissues (except very mineral- Amino acid analyses have been carried out to gain
ized tissues with low water content such as bone and insights into postmortem protein breakdown (Barraco,
enamel). In terms of mummies this also restricts the 1978; Lubec et al., 1994; Weser and Kaup, 1994; Ber-
application to a large degree. Since most mummies are trand et al., 2003). Lipids and proteinaceous products,
thoroughly desiccated, there are not enough protons to probably from embalming resins in Egyptian mummies
enable visualization (Notman and Aufderheide, 1995). have been analyzed (Bresciani et al., 1999; Buckley et
This may be circumvented by rehydrating tissues or al., 1999; Klys et al., 1999a). Testing for blood group
organs (Piepenbrink et al., 1986) (but this is obviously antigens and proteins has also been carried out (Flah-
an invasive procedure, and not always possible), or erty and Haigh, 1984; Klys et al., 1999a,b).
applying the technique to mummies that are not com- Various chemical substances have been found in mum-
pletely dehydrated, which may be the case for bog bodies mies, especially in hair. These substances have mainly
(Bourke, 1986), and ice-mummies (Gostner et al., 2007). been alkaloid drugs, such as traces of cocaine in Peru-
Lately though, it has been proposed that MRI with a vian mummies due to the fact that individuals chewed
so-called ultra-short-echo-time may record images from coca-leaves (Cartmell et al., 1991; Springfield et al.,
dessicated mummies (Rühli et al., 2007). 1993; Báez et al., 2000; Cartmell et al., 2003). Hair from
One other important aspect of magnetic resonance is mummies has also been used to detect alcohol consump-
the ability to produce spectroscopic analyses. Magnetic tion (Cartmell et al., 2003) and the stress hormone, corti-
resonance spectroscopy is based on the spinning phe- sol (Nelson et al., 2007).
nomena of nuclei. When placed in a high static magnetic
field they exhibit precession at a specific frequency and Trace elements, metals, and
thus being excited by radio waves or identical frequency. inorganic substances
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy can be based on differ-
ent atoms, but in biology the focus is usually on 1H, 13C, The occurrence of trace elements in mummified tissues
and 31P, although fluorine and sodium are relevant besides bone, but especially hair, has been used to evalu-
too (Stødkilde-Jørgensen, 2007). Biological compounds ate diet, as well as migration (Grupe and Dorner, 1989;

Yearbook of Physical Anthropology—DOI 10.1002/ajpa


Sandford and Kissling, 1994). Also, trace element analy- wide range of measures to ensure the authenticity of the
ses may shed light on the use and composition of resins aDNA results is now recommended (Cooper and Poinar,
used in artificial mummification procedures (Klys et al., 2000). In mummies, the preservation of soft tissue has
1999a). Since many trace elements, especially heavy been seen as indicative of well-preserved DNA also. On
metals may reflect industrial pollution because of fossil the other hand, if mummification took place due to hot,
fuel emissions, the quantification and comparison of arid environments, this could be potentially degrading
heavy metals between prehistoric and historic and pre- for DNA, while ‘‘ice mummies’’ should in theory better
sent day human populations may be used to evaluate preserve DNA (Handt et al., 1994; Gilbert et al., 2007).
these trends (e.g., Ericson et al., 1979; Grandjean et al., A specific problem, especially for the more ‘‘famous’’
1979; Chen et al., 1981; Parnigotto et al., 1982; Zimmer- mummies, is that they may have been extensively
man et al., 1982). Diachronic analyses of how diets have handled under conditions that were not designed to pro-
changed are another example. Trace element content in tect the specimens from DNA cross contamination by the
Greenland mummies compared with present-day Green- handlers. An increasing number of studies have demon-
landers can reflect the change from a hunter-society diet strated that DNA contamination in this way presents a
of almost exclusively marine foodstuffs to a more west- serious challenge to aDNA studies, often leading to the
ernized diet. It can also indicate how a modern, highly generation of erroneous results that are derived from the
processed, western diet is deficient in some of the neces- contaminant DNA as opposed to that of the ancient spec-
sary trace elements such as selenium, leading to a imen (c.f. Kolman and Tuross, 2000; Hofreiter et al.,
decrease in the content of these elements in the tissues 2001; Malmström et al., 2005; Gilbert et al., 2005a,b;
between the mummies and modern individuals (Hansen Sampietro et al., 2006). In addition to the degree of han-
and Asmund, 2003). dling exposure, contamination has been linked to sam-
Individual exposure to certain minerals and metals ple-specific issues such as specimen porosity. Therefore
has been used to argue for specific, work-related expo- naturally porous tissues such as bones, teeth and con-
sure. For example, copper enrichment found in the Tyro- ceivably mummified tissue may often rapidly become
lian Iceman’s hair was deemed suggestive of involvement permeated with contaminant DNA. It has also been sug-
in copper working (Brothwell and Grime, 2003), as well gested that hair and nails may be a better source for
as geographic origin (Müller et al., 2003). aDNA than bone (Gilbert et al., 2006; Tahir et al., 1995;
Numerous studies have focused on therapeutics and Jehaes et al., 1998; Gilbert et al., 2007), and hair has
poisonings, and the remains of several historical figures been used as sources of aDNA in specimens that date
have been analyzed. U.S. President Andrew Jackson was back over 64,500 years (Gilbert et al., 2004).
seemingly exposed to mercury and lead due to therapeu- While aDNA may be extracted from bones and teeth,
tic usage of various compounds (Deppisch et al., 1999); and so is not an investigative method exclusive to mum-
King George III’s hair showed high levels of arsenic, mies, relatively intact mummies do allow for some in-
again probably due to medication (Cox et al., 2005); and triguing paleopathological analyses, whereby pathologi-
in the case of Franceso I de Medici and his wife, low con- cal changes of organs and soft tissues may be correlated
centrations of arsenic were found in beard hair, but toxic with demonstration of bacterial aDNA (Donoghue et al.,
concentrations in mummified tissue (Mari et al., 2006). 2004); as well as parasite DNA (Dittmar et al., 2003).
Perhaps one of the most comprehensive cases of this
kind, in terms of the number of publications, is the find-
Examining a mummy
ing of arsenic in Napoleon Bonaparte’s hair (e.g., Weider
and Fournier, 1999; Lin et al., 2004; Kintz et al., 2006). Given all the earlier techniques, and undoubtedly
A general concern about these methods is the fact that many more yet to come, it is important to plan carefully,
the hair and other tissues may have absorbed the trace which examinations are possible, and what analyses are
elements from the environment (Price et al., 1992; Snow, deemed important in connection with the specific
1979). Finally, it is worth noting that some elements, mummy or mummies, all in an interdisciplinary fashion.
perhaps most notably strontium, are virtually only found Securing tissue specimens, especially before conservation
in bones and teeth, so that these analyses must be car- procedures, and ahead of extensive handling, may be im-
ried out on these tissues (e.g., Sealy et al., 1991; portant for future studies. At the Manchester Museum
Schweissing and Grupe, 2003). in the U.K., a tissue bank of mummified tissue samples
has been created (Lambert-Zazulak, 2000). Access to
aDNA such a tissue bank allows researchers to try out small
trials rapidly, e.g., immunohistology (Jesziorska et al.,
Ancient DNA analyses were first performed on Egyp- 2003), and tissue banks may also turn out to be invalu-
tian mummies (Pääbo, 1985, 1986). This generated much able repositories of material for the study of the develop-
interest in the application of DNA-testing on historic ment of diseases.
and prehistoric human remains (Pääbo, 1989). However, Finally, attention should be given to ethical and emo-
the credability of results obtained from ancient DNA tional concerns. If such arise they should be taken seri-
analysis of human remains has suffered considerably ously: on one hand by explaining what may be gained by
during the past 10 years due to the realization that the scientific studies (which may also be important in
many previous results were most likely due to contami- terms of securing preservation of the mummy itself), and
nating modern human DNA (Pääbo et al., 2004; Paken- on the other hand respecting that there may be concerns
dorf and Stoneking, 2005; Willerslev and Cooper, 2005). regarding invasive or destructive procedures.
Fortunately, recent studies have shown that if strict
measures of authentication are taken, it is possible to MUMMIES AND PALEOPATHOLOGY
achieve reliable results on ancient human DNA (Di Ben-
edetto et al., 2000; Kolman and Tuross, 2000; Lalueza- A R.W. Shuffeldt is reported to have used the term
Fox et al., 2004; Haak et al., 2005; Kuch et al., 2007). A paleopathology already in 1892 (Ubelaker, 1982; Thil-

Yearbook of Physical Anthropology—DOI 10.1002/ajpa

laud, 2006), but the term, and its modern usage, is gen- times. Still, the number of identified neoplasms is so
erally ascribed to Armand Ruffer [of the Ruffer rehy- small, that Zimmerman (1977a) tried out artificial mum-
dration solution (see above)] (Sandison, 1967; Brothwell mification of tumors (and subsequent rehydration), to
and Sandison, 1967; Aufderheide and Rodriguez-Martin, see if neoplastic tissue did not mummify well. In fact,
1998), underlining how mummies have always played a his study showed that neoplastic tissue was excellently
major part in this field. While many pathological pro- preserved (Zimmerman, 1977a). Why so few tumors are
cesses may be identified in the skeleton, bones are overall identified may perhaps be due to a combination of the
a ‘‘slow-reacting’’ tissue, so that pathological changes in earlier mentioned issues concerning longevity and envi-
bone mainly reflect chronic diseases (e.g., Ortner, 2003). ronmental factors, together with a lack of more standar-
Mummified soft tissue, on the other hand, allows for the dized, epidemiological studies (Nerlich et al., 2006).
identification of many more acute diseases, and obvi- Given the above, it is perhaps not surprising that sev-
ously pathological lesions that may only be diagnosed on eral of the few identified neoplasms are skin tumors.
these tissues (e.g., Rowling, 1961; Lewin, 1977). The skin is in a sense the organ most exposed to the
The mummy autopsies often focused on determining environment, e.g., UV rays from the sun, and it is often
pathological changes, diagnosing diseases, and determin- the most extensively preserved soft tissue in mummies.
ing cause of death. Obviously, there is a direct line of The identified neoplasms comprise an angiokeratoma
approach in this as these autopsies were often performed (Horne, 1986), a skin histiocytoma (Zimmerman, 1981), a
by physicians, for whom the autopsy was the ‘‘gold squamous pappiloma (Sandison, 1967), a lipoma (Allison
standard’’ in medical pathology. However, this perhaps and Gerszten, 1983), and a simple wart (Fulcheri, 1987).
also meant that the focus of the autopsy was sometimes In addition to skin tumors, the few observations we
very mummy-centric, in that the autopsy, and subse- have on internal organ neoplasms relate to what are
quent histology, and radiography, was seen as a way to probably leiomyomas (benign tumor of the uterine
establish the personal medical history of the deceased smooth muscle) (Strouhal, 1976; Strouhal and Jung-
person. In more recent times, as a result of new diagnos- wirth, 1977; Kramar et al., 1983). A fibroadenoma of the
tic techniques, especially DNA, it is now being realized breast (Reyman and Peck, 1998), and a neurilemmoma
that the mummies yield much information not just about (Strouhal et al., 2003), have also been reported.
their own medical history (e.g., Dorfer et al., 1999), but Fornaciari published a case of colorectal adenocarci-
also in a much broader sense, on the natural history noma (in a mummy from the 14th century)(Fornaciari,
itself of diseases. Coupled with the emergence of ‘‘new’’ 1993), and seemingly this case was confirmed by DNA
infectious diseases such as AIDS, avian flu, etc., many test for a specific oncogenetic mutation (Thillaud, 2006).
scientists have realized that prehistoric and historic Zimmerman (1995) identified an adenocarcinona in a
mummies may hold the key as to how such diseases Ptolemaic period mummy from Dakhleh, Egypt.
have developed and changed. The exhumation of whalers
who died almost 100 years ago, and lay buried on Sval-
bard, a Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean, may Infectious diseases
be an example: because of the arctic environment it was A somewhat more rewarding paleopathological area in
hoped that their mummified bodies might allow for re- terms of mummy studies has been infectious disease. As
trieval of viral RNA in order to characterize the Spanish noted earlier, new biochemical and molecular biological
flu epidemic (Davis et al., 2000). This was not the case, diagnostic procedures may sometimes be just as applica-
but it was possible to reconstruct the sequence of a viral ble to skeletal material as to mummified remains, but
gene due to analyses of lung tissue from a Spanish flu mummified remains may sometimes in themselves be in-
victim buried in permafrost in Alaska (Reid et al., 1999). dicative of good molecular preservation, and furthermore
As with finds of pathological conditions in prehistoric allow for direct comparison with soft tissue pathological
skeletons, lesions in mummies provide us with a sense of changes. This is readily exemplified by tuberculosis. Tu-
depth in time in the story of human diseases. However, berculosis has been diagnosed in mummified lung tissue
when focusing specifically on mummies the record is (Salo et al., 1994), and acid-fast bacilli have been found in
actually somewhat uneven. About some diseases, most association with tuberculous changes (Allison et al., 1973;
notably parasitic diseases, much has been learned from Zimmerman, 1979; Gerszten et al., 2001). It has been pos-
studying mummies. Other diseases are more or less com- sible to detect mycobacterial DNA (Nerlich et al., 1997;
pletely absent in the mummy record. Some major disease Mays et al., 2001; Konomi et al., 2002; Zink et al., 2003;
categories are described below, specifically in terms of Donoghue et al., 2004; Spigelman et al., 2006). Although
what mummy studies have or have not shown. the caveats described earlier for human aDNA studies
certainly also apply to bacterial ancient DNA, the meth-
Neoplasms ods do point to the possibilities of carrying off much
wider, epidemiological studies, e.g., the study by Zink et
Only very few visceral tumors have ever been identi- al. (2003), where 85 Egyptian mummies were analyzed,
fied in mummies. This has been linked to the fact that and based on further typing of the DNA, the authors sug-
perhaps the life expectancy was simply too short to allow gested that Mycobacterium tuberculosis did not originate
the development of neoplasms. However, mummies of from the cattle infecting Mycobacterium bovis.
individuals dying at an old age have been found, and Another disease well known by paleopathologists is
several other age-related diseases, such as vascular and syphilis. Only a single find has been reported concerning
joint diseases, have been identified in mummies. Another soft tissue lesions: a case from 16th century Italy. The
explanation put forward has been that many neoplasms case concerned a bandaged ulcer, where subsequent
are linked with modern lifestyle and environmental fac- immunoflourescence and histology identified spirochetes
tors, such as pollution (Zimmerman, 1981; Deeley, 1983; (Fornaciari et al., 1989). Given the different theories as
Roberts and Manchester, 2005), and thus we would not to the advent of syphilis to Europe, as well as the ori-
expect neoplasms in any large numbers until industrial gins, similarities and differences between the different

Yearbook of Physical Anthropology—DOI 10.1002/ajpa


treponematoses, procuring more cases with unambiguous (1992) and Cockburn and Cockburn (1980) and David
soft tissue changes, and the possibilities for further bio- and Contis (1996), and recently with new diagnostic pro-
chemical analyses, would be very desirable. This would cedures (Rutherford, 1999). The disease may cause calci-
also apply to leprosy: while extensively documented in fication of the bladder, a pathological change which has
the osteological record (e.g., Møller-Christensen, 1967; been recorded for a mummy (Isherwood et al., 1979). As
Ortner, 2003), there have been no published reports on for the earlier mentioned other parasitic diseases,
mummified remains with lepromatous changes. research is moving to ever broader sampling, so as to
Smallpox (a viral infection) has also been identified in constitute epidemiological studies (Araujo and Ferreira,
several mummy finds (Field, 1986; Fornaciari and Mar- 1997; Rutherford, 2005).
chetti, 1986; Perrin et al., 1994; Marennikova et al., Leishmaniasis (Zink et al., 2006), as well as several
1990). This is not only due to the identification of skin intestinal parasites (e.g., Giardia, Entamoeba histoly-
lesions, but also, in later publications, to microscopic and tica) have also been identified in mummified remains,
electron microscopic analyses (Horne and Kawasaki, (Goncalves et al., 2003).
1984), and in the most recent, also DNA. Since smallpox Infestations of headlice has been recorded for pre-
is now defined as eradicated, and vaccination is no lon- Columbian Peruvian mummies (Brothwell and Spear-
ger performed, there has been some debate as on man, 1963, Araujo et al., 2005), Aleutian mummies
whether ‘‘over-wintering’’ vira in frozen mummies might (Horne, 1979; Horne and Kawasaki, 1984), and Green-
thaw and unleash new epidemics (Lewin, 1985; Stone, land mummies (Bresciani et al., 1989). Lice were also
2002). The title of a paper by El-Mallakh (1985) says it found in the gut contents of the latter (Lorentzen and
all: ‘‘Night of the living dead: could the mummy strike Rørdam, 1998), indicative of so severe an infestation (and
again?’’ This has, however, never been found to be the indeed one mummy had head lice on every third or fourth
case (Stone, 2002). Finally, mycotic infections have also hair) that lice simply would be ingested accidentally
been identified (e.g., Horne, 1995). when the person was eating (Araujo et al., 2005). The fre-
quency of head lice infestation, as found on the mummies
from two South American populations, has been corre-
Parasitic diseases lated with degree of social contact (Aufderheide and
This is perhaps the ‘‘pièce de résistance’’ of mummy Rodriquez-Martin, 1998). Louse infestation has also been
paleopathology because this field has yielded much confirmed (Reinhard and Buikstra, 2003). Another faith-
knowledge concerning parasitic diseases. Parasitic infes- ful human parasite is the flea. Dittmar et al. (2003) per-
tation and spread of vector-borne diseases often is a formed DNA studies on 1,000-year-old fleas to ascertain
rather complicated mix of different species (including how fleas have evolved (and migrated) with humans,
humans) living and dying under specific environmental although because of lack of sufficient data, no exact spe-
constraints. The identification of parasitic diseases may cies or specimen distribution pattern were established.
not only demonstrate the human afflictions, but may also
illuminate the living conditions and cultural history of Helminth infections
the people afflicted. It can also help to elucidate the natu-
ral history and evolution of the diseases and parasites Helminthic infestations should be detectable in a pale-
themselves (Reinhard, 1990; Chastel, 2004). It must also opathological setting (Reinhard and Aufderheide, 1990;
be remembered, that the parasites themselves, and their Araujo et al., 1998). This is because the agents may end
ova, may ‘‘mummify’’, and thus may be identified in up in calcified shells or cysts, such as is the case for
kitchen-middens and latrines (Bouchet et al., 2003). echinococciasis (tapeworms), where larvae may produce
Trypanosomiasis (Chagas disease caused by the proto- hydatid cysts in soft tissue. These have been reported in
zoan Trypanosoma cruzi), has been diagnosed in a an Egyptian mummy (Tapp, 1986), in a 2,000-year-old
mummy from the Inca culture at Cuzco by Fornaciari tomb near Jerusalem (Zias 1991), and in a Danish medi-
et al. (1992) by immunoflourescence techniques, and the val leprosary (Weiss and Møller-Christensen, 1971). En-
mummy furthermore showed signs of megacolon, megae- teric helminthic infestation is often diagnosed from gut
sophagus, and myocardial fibrosis which are all patho- contents and coprolites, which is similar for reports on
logical changes indicative of trypanosomiasis. Similar trematode infestations, in that ova have been found in
changes have been reported from other South American corpolites from the Atacama desert [see Aufderheide and
mummies (Rothhammer et al., 1985). The application of Rodriquez-Martin (1998) for a full review]. Hookworms
DNA techniques has made paleoepidemiological studies have also been identified (Allison et al., 1974c; Araujo
possible, indicating infestation frequencies of about 41% et al., 2005). This case, pertaining to Brazilian material,
in mummies recovered from the Atacama Desert in Chile highlights that these findings contribute to the discus-
(Aufderheide et al., 2004; Salo et al., 2005), and Brazil sions of how these parasites spread or migrated with
(Araujo et al., 2005). humans, e.g., if the parasites could pass from Asian ori-
Several Egyptian mummies have been tested for gins to the New World via the Beringian landmass, or if
malaria, whereby positive reactions, indicative of falcipa- this would be an unsuitable and perhaps incompatible
rum antigens, was found in 7 out of 18 mummies (Miller environment for the parasites to pass (Aufderheide and
et al., 1994). A similar frequency (40%) was reported by Rodriquez-Martin, 1998). New molecular biological diag-
Cerutti et al. (1999, 2005), when they investigated 135 nostic techniques will without doubt also be applied in
mummies from the Gebelen site in Egypt. Soft tissue this field (e.g., Vray, 2002).
changes would especially include splenomegaly, which
was described by Ruffer as the case for several Coptic Other diseases of visceral organs
mummies (1913), although no organisms have been dem-
onstrated in these cases. Vascular diseases such as arterial degenerative disease
Schistosomiasis was diagnosed by Ruffer in an Egyp- (Sandison, 1967b; Magee, 1998), atheroma and arterio-
tian mummies (1910), more recently by Miller et al. sclerosis (Zimmerman et al., 1971, 1981; Zimmerman and

Yearbook of Physical Anthropology—DOI 10.1002/ajpa

Aufderheide, 1984; Zimmerman, 1985; Bauduer, 2005) cerning of probable child abuse in a two–three year old
have been identified, including, e.g., ulceration of the leg child from a Roman period burial at the Dakhleh oasis.
(Haneveld, 1974). Identified cardiac diseases include
myocarditis (Long, 1931; Zimmerman, 1978), secondary
pericarditis (Blackman et al., 1991), and congenital con- Paleopathology: Old questions, new trends
ditions (Robertson, 1988). Aufderheide has stated that
The presence of mummified tissues does not, however,
lung tissue may preserve quite well (Aufderheide, 2003),
make the usual discussions of pathological versus pseu-
which means that several pathological conditions, apart
dopathological changes and perimortem versus postmor-
from infections, might be evident. Emphysema, which
tem lesions redundant. Recent examinations using CT-
has been identified in several mummies (Shaw, 1938;
scanning of the Danish bog bodies has allowed a reap-
Allison, 1984a; Allison, 1984b). Lung histology may show
praisal of some previously described lesions, which had
deposition of air-borne particles in lungs due to exposure
been thought to be perimortem. It is our contention that
to, e.g., soot (see below). Pulmonary hemorrhage has
some previously described lesions associated with the
also been diagnosed (Nerlich et al., 1995), as has pneu-
bog bodies, are more an effect of postmortem activities
monia due to aspiration (Allison et al., 1974a).
rather than trauma. This is complicated by the fact, of
A pathological condition which should, and does, sur-
course, that a perimortal lesion will also be diageneti-
face in a paleopathological setting, is the formation of
cally affected (Lynnerup, in press). Furthermore, in the
calculi in the internal organs, as calculi obviously will
case of artificial or partly artificial mummies, many
tend to be preserved (Hoeppli, 1972). Two major foci
changes to the body may have been made postmortem,
exist for calculus formation: the gallbladder with the bil-
e.g., cutting into body cavities, sewing up body orifices,
iary tract, and the urinary system. Reviews of these con-
replacing degenerated external genitalia with resin mod-
ditions have been made by Aufderheide and Rodriguez-
els, fitting wigs made of human hair onto the corpse
Martin (1998) and Steinbock (1989, 1990), including also
(Aufderheide and Rodriquez-Martin, 1998).
other gallbladder-related conditions, such as infections
Overall, mummy studies have certainly contributed
(Munizaga et al., 1978).
much to paleopathology. While all case reports are inter-
Other miscellaneous soft tissue pathology includes
esting, and may firmly demonstrate human diseases as
reports of hernia (Munizaga et al., 1978; Gerszten et al.,
being present in antiquity, it is perhaps the emerging ep-
1986), appendicitis (Smith and Wood Jones, 1910, cit. in
idemiological studies (e.g., Ege et al., 2005) which may
Aufderheide and Rodriguez-Martin, 1998), hydronephro-
really advance our knowledge of the history of human
sis (Allison and Gerszten, 1983), and renal disease
disease. This may also be achieved by coupling these
(Long, 1931).
analyses, which often implement new diagnostic techni-
ques, with more statistical, paleo-epidemiological meth-
ods, such as described by Boldsen (2005). Testing for spe-
Lesions, trauma, and cause of death cific pathogens on a large scale, which would be possible
for many Egyptian sites and sites in South America,
As with disease, so mummified remains may also tell may give us much new information about the spectrum
us much about the death of past individuals. Obviously, between early infection (or parasitic infestation), soft tis-
many lesions and lethal wounds will not leave any osse- sue pathological changes, and finally chronic osseous
ous signs, or only ambiguous ones. For example, the lesions of specific diseases. This also points to the rele-
Danish bog body from Grauballe clearly had had his vancy of procuring and storing mummified tissues in tis-
throat cut and a forensic reconstruction of his execution sue banks (Pettit and Fildes, 1984): David has described
was possible: the hyoid bone as well as the larynx were that by using the Manchester Mummy tissue bank, it
not fractured, and along with the magnitude of the skin may be possible to establish the paleo-epidemiology of
lesions, this indicated that the cutting had been done schistosomiasis in ancient times, and then compare it
from behind, while holding his head back (Gregersen et with the current epidemiology in present day Egypt
al., 2007). Such a detailed reconstruction would have (David, 1997).
been difficult if only skeletal remains had been present.
Likewise, other bog bodies have been found with nooses
around their neck and the use of blindfolds and tying of CULTURAL HABITS
hands and feet (van der Santen, 1996; Fischer, 1998). A Everyday life and work
noose around the neck as also been reported for a Tihua-
naco child (Allison et al., 1974b). Accidental causes of An especially fascinating aspect of mummy studies
death have been described for frozen mummies from have been the revelations of how everyday life and work
Utqiagvik in Alaska; presumably the roof of their hut and cultural habits impacted physically on the individu-
collapsed due to ice, and dislodged poles fell over the als. As such, we may directly learn something about life
occupants, collapsing their thoracic cages (Zimmerman in historic and prehistoric times. Anthracosis (deposition
and Aufderheide, 1984). Evidence of hanging or strangu- of soot particles in the lymph nodes in the lungs) is in-
lation has also been found in Mongolian mummies (Froh- dicative of the amount of air pollution, and tells us that
lich et al., 2005). Pleural effusion containing hemoglobin the peoples of that specific culture inhaled sooty air due
may indicate that death was not instantaneous. Death to living in confined spaces with open fires or use of oil
because of landslide (Zimmerman and Smith, 1975), and lamps. The latter would be the case for mummies from
even two cases of probable fatal pneumonia after aspira- Greenland (Hart Hansen, 1989) and for the Utqiagvik
tion of a deciduous tooth (Allison et al., 1974a; El-Najjar mummies from Alaska (Zimmerman and Aufderheide,
et al., 1985) have been described. Lesions and hemor- 1984). Anthracosis was also found in Guanche mummies
rhaging because of trauma has also been noted in a from Tenerife (Brothwell et al., 1969), mummies from
study of mummified brains (Gerszten and Martinez, Hungary (Petranyi, 1996), and Egyptian mummies
1995). Wheeler et al. (2007) have presented a case con- (Walker et al., 1987).

Yearbook of Physical Anthropology—DOI 10.1002/ajpa


Inhalation and deposition of other particles may be

suggestive of living in very arid and dusty environments,
as has been the case for mummies from Egypt (Tapp et
al., 1975; Zimmerman, 1977b) and mummies from Chile
(Abraham et al., 1990). Inhalation of particles from
sandy soils, which contains silica (silicon dioxide), may
lead to a condition known as silicosis. The silica has a
local toxic effect causing fibrosis of the lung tissue (Auf-
derheide and Rodriguez-Martin, 1998). The condition
has been found in Chilean mineworkers of the 16th cen-
tury (Munizaga et al., 1975). Exposure to agricultural
dust has also been described for mummies from the
southwestern USA (El-Najjar et al., 1985). Similarly, as
noted earlier, detection of various trace metals may point
to specific activities such as mining and metal working,
as well as migration (e.g., Pabst and Hofer, 1998).
But it is not all work and no fun. Drug use has been Fig. 4. Nematodes embedded in muscle tissue in a Green-
amply described by analyses of hair from mummies land child mummy from Pissisarfik (HE, 3350). [Color figure
(Cartmell et al., 1991; Parnigotto et al., 1993; Springfield can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at www.
et al., 1993; Aufderheide et al., 1994; Báez et al., 2000;]
Cartmell et al., 2003). The fact that cocaine and nicotine
has been found in pre-Columban European (Balabanova
et al., 1995) and Egyptian mummies (Parsche et al., also contributing to discussions of societal differences in
1993; Nerlich et al., 1995), has caused some debate use according to status, as well as the spread of the
(Balabanova et al., 1997; Brier, 1998), as these plants practice (Aufderheide and Rodriquez-Martin, 1998).
were supposed to be native to the Americas. It has there- Extensive tattooing has been described for mummies
fore been hypothesized that ‘‘Columbus in fact only from such different places as Mongolia [the Scythian
brought with him the idea of cigar and pipe smoking to warriors (Artamanov, 1965; Rudenko, 1970)], Aleuts
Europe, whereas Nicotiana (tobacco-plant) and nicotine (Smith and Zimmerman, 1975); Ancient Egypt (Winlock,
had long been known and used for various purposes’’, 1942, cit. in Aufderheide and Rodriguez-Martin, 1998;
e.g. medicinal or as part of religious rites (Balabanova et Armelagos, 1969), South America (Vreeland, 1998), and
al., 2001), although this is somewhat contested (Buck- from New Zealand (the place which gave the practice its
land and Panagiotakopulu, 2001). Recently, tests detect- modern name (Carter, 2007). The oldest tattooings to
ing alcohol consumption based on tracing metabolic date were found on the Tyrolian Iceman (Spindler,
products of ethyl alcohol in hair have been reported, 1994), dating to 3000 BC. [For an historic overview of
which may make it possible trace the consumption of fer- tattooing, see Sperry (1991)]. While tattooing patterns
mented drinks (Cartmell et al., 2005). are best visualized using different light modalities (see
Tracing food, drink, and drug consumption in mum- above), microscopy of the dermis may reveal exactly how
mies may help us to reconstruct rituals and understand the tattoos were made. Most tattoos are made with the
the cultural habits of past peoples, and biochemical anal- ‘‘puncture/dot’’ method, whereby pigments are intro-
yses combined with pathological changes may contribute duced into the dermis by pricking a pin with the pig-
to this. For example, trichinosis (infestation with the ments into the dermis, depositing the pigment. However,
trichinella parasites) is still a not uncommon disease in it could be shown that for instance the Greenland mum-
the Arctic. The parasite is ingested by eating raw meat, mies had facial tattoos made by using a sewing tech-
and the parasite ultimately lodges itself in skeletal mus- nique, resulting in long lines running across the brow
cle tissue in the infested individual. In some arctic com- and lines running from the nose up to each temple (Hart
munities it is still the custom that the season’s first Hansen, 1998). This technique consisted of drawing a
catch of walrus (a main reservoir of the parasite) is needle with a soot-blackened sinew through the skin.
eaten raw and the meat shared all around (Møller et al., Pigment can of course also be applied directly on the
2005). We identified the parasites in a Greenlandic child skin as varnish or paint: high levels of certain metals on
mummy from the 16th century, which may thus indicate scrapings from nails has been explained as being due to
that this ritual goes back some time (Lynnerup et al., cosmetic application of nail varnish (Klys et al., 1999a).
2004) (see Fig. 4). Chinchorro mummies from Peru also show application of
paint to nails (Aufderheide, 1993) and skin (Guillen, per-
Bodily modifications sonal communication).
Piercing of the earlobe for earrings is also well-
Bodily modification is also a very old human cultural described both for Egyptian mummies (Winlock, 1942,
habit. Evident examples from skeletal remains are skull cit. in Aufderheide and Zimmerman, 1998), and from
deformation (Aufderheide and Rodriquez-Martin, 1998) South America (Aufderheide and Rodriguez-Martin,
and dental mutilation (e.g., Arcini, 2005). With mummi- 1998). The presence or absence of such bodily modifica-
fied tissues, a more varied picture may be gained of tions can be used to differentiate between cultures. As
other such habits. This is of course due to the fact that an example, this author was asked to look at some mum-
many such modifications naturally involve the skin and mified skins, purportedly of a Greenland Inuit, which
the skin is often preserved (Sandison, 1968; Verbov, was housed at a local museum in the Netherlands (and
1983), but other modifications, such as cosmetic applica- labeled ‘‘The stuffed Eskimo’’ in the exhibit, as the skins
tions, may also be identified (Yamada et al., 1997). Male had been sewn together so as to form the semblance of a
circumcision has been described for Egyptian mummies, person sitting in a kayak). The Greenland authorities

Yearbook of Physical Anthropology—DOI 10.1002/ajpa

had asked for repatriation of the remains, also based on
ethical concerns, but there was some uncertainty as to
whether the skins really were of Inuit origin. Skin of the
scalp along with the ears was all that remained of the
head, but the ears could be seen to have pieced earlobes.
This had not been described historically or ethnographi-
cally for the Greenland Eskimo before, and so indicated
that the individual probably was not Inuit. Indeed, sub-
sequent stable isotope analyses showed that the individ-
ual had an almost exclusive terrestrial diet, which ruled
out that the individual was from Greenland (especially
as the individual could be radiocarbon dated to the 16th
and 17th century). Ultimately, these finds lead to the
conclusion that the individual was not of Greenlandic
extraction, but probably European (DNA analysis was
attempted but without result).
Human scalp hair has the peculiarity that it keeps
growing, unlike body hair, and unlike hair of other spe-
cies (Neufeld and Conroy, 2004). This means that
humans have to cut or arrange their scalp hair, giving
rise to different hair styles, usage of kerchiefs and ban-
danas. Hairstyles of antiquity has been inferred from
Bronze Age burials and bog bodies (van der Sanden,
1996), and indeed for almost all mummy finds, since
hair often is well-preserved. An interesting recent exam-
ple is the discovery of ‘‘hair gel’’ on an Irish bog body
(Buckley, 2007). Clearly, much cultural information (e.g.,
concerning identity) may be gained from hair style and

Facial reconstructions Fig. 5. Mummy portrait on Egyptian mummy (Ptolemaic

Period). The Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen, Denmark. [Color
As mentioned earlier, mummies may provide examples figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at
of trauma and pathology, which would never have been]
found in skeletal finds. Along with preservation of tat-
toos, hairstyle and clothing, this means that the place, has been judged by comparing facial reconstruc-
deceased person may be more fully ‘‘visualized’’ and ‘‘re- tions (incorporating physical anthropological data on age
created’’. This is often done for exhibition purposes, e.g., and sex) with the portraits (Wilkinson et al., 2003). It
the Tyrolian Iceman, where a facial reconstruction, as was found that in some cases the mummy portraits were
well as his bodily physique (including tattoos), was done, probably in fact painted during the lifetime of the indi-
which could be complemented by reconstructions of his viduals, while in other cases definite ‘‘stylizing’’ seemed
clothing, tools, weapons, furs, etc. to have taken place. There was even a case were it
Facial reconstruction is usually made from the bare seemed that there was a mismatch between portrait and
skull (see Prag and Neave, 1997 for an overview), and mummy, presumably due to a mix up during the mum-
while the presence of mummified tissues earlier could mification procedure (Wilkinson et al., 2003).
impede the access to making a skull replica, this prob-
lem has been solved by applying modern CT-scanning MORTUARY PRACTICES
(Neave, 1979), and more recently, CT-scanning coupled
with so-called stereolithography. This makes it possible Artificial mummification leads straightaway to ques-
to produce 1:1 models of CAT-scanned structures directly tions on the funerary rites and religious connotations of
from the computer visualizations (zur Nedden and the culture, which produced these mummies. Artificial
Wicke, 1992; Hjalgrim et al., 1995; Cesarani et al., mummies often represent a very high and painstaking
2004), detailing structures at a 1 mm resolution. These degree of workmanship, often also involving much time
highly accurate resin models are then used as the basis from death until the finished mummy was laid to rest. It
for the facial reconstructions. Furthermore, facial recon- may also seem straightforward that high status of the
structions of mummies and bog bodies may be done more individual in life, e.g., in ancient Egypt, should be corre-
precisely than facial reconstructions based only on skele- lated with the exquisiteness of the mummy at death. Yet
tal remains, as ears, nose, and hair may be present in other cultures, such as the Chinchorro, with a relatively
the former cases (e.g., Wilkinson, 2007). classless society, have produced mummies which clearly
Facial reconstructions of mummies may also have an represent a sizeable investment for the society (Cardenas-
impact on the understanding of portraiture (Fletcher Arroyo, 2003). Artificial mummification may have taken
and Neave, 1984). Egyptian mummies from the Ptole- place in parallel with other, completely different, mortu-
maic period have a mummy portrait mounted onto the ary rites (e.g., Chachapoya culture, Nystrom, 2005). As
head part of the wrappings. These mummy portraits Cardenas-Arroyo asks, concerning mortuary practices in
seemingly display naturalistic representations, i.e., they South America: ‘‘Why did people go to such length to pre-
are actual portraits of actual persons (see Fig. 5). To the serve a human body in some areas, while in others the op-
degree they do this, or whether some stylizing has taken posite was sought, such as cremation?’’ (Cardenas-Arroyo,

Yearbook of Physical Anthropology—DOI 10.1002/ajpa


2003: 153). Clearly, the more one can learn from the mum- respect for the integrity of the corpse. While in earlier
mies, not least in terms of the mummification procedures times mummies were seen as curiosities, they are now
involved, e.g., removal of internal organs, defleshing, the regarded both as important cultural historical and arche-
better an understanding of the mummification ritual ological objects, harboring much information about past
itself, leading perhaps to a better understanding of what peoples, but also as the remains of once living people,
the religious and cultural ideas were. The Egyptians with a claim to being handled with respect (Holm, 2001).
believed in an afterlife, and that the preservation of the Mummies will continue to fascinate and thereby stimu-
deceased’s body in as lifelike form as possible was essen- late the development and application of new scientific
tial (David and Tapp, 1984; de Trafford, 2005). methods for their study (Reyman et al., 1998). This fasci-
Natural mummies may also provide much information nation must certainly also play a part for so many scien-
on past mortuary practices; while perhaps the preserva- tists to involve themselves in the study of mummies.
tion of the body was not always planned, some natural Perusing the literature one is struck by how often the
mummies seem to have been ‘‘deliberately’’ produced, in most advanced scientific methods have been applied rap-
the sense that it was known that disposal in certain envi- idly to examinations and reexaminations of mummies.
ronments or in specific burial constructions, might pre- The scientific fascination perhaps also resides in being
serve the body. The oak coffin burials in the Danish part of a truly cross-disciplinary field: mummy studies
Bronze Age burials may be a case of such knowledge: the exemplify the benefits and huge advances that may be
burial mounds seem to have been specifically constructed made when working ‘‘outside’’ one’s own discipline.
to result in a mound with a very humid, even watery, core Working with mummies—to paraphrase Berglund
environment, which would act to preserve the oak coffin, (2003, p. 98): ‘‘One gets closer to the individual human
skins, hair, and clothing (Jensen, 1995). In a land with being, and one is prompted to ask the questions that
(at that time) lots of watery bogs, it was surely known concern the universal human aspect. Who were you?
that special preservation might take place in the bogs, so What was your life like?’’
that textiles, leather, and even human bodies might be
preserved for a long time. Various procedures for ensur-
ing a slow decomposition, which may have been employed ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
for selected deceased persons, have also been described This paper is dedicated to the late Jens Peder Hart
for North American Indians (Cook, 2005). Hansen, the head of the Greenland mummy investiga-
The Greenland mummies are examples of purely inci- tions in the 1980s, who initated me to the world of
dental mummies, as the Thule culture burial practices mummy studies; and to Art Aufderheide, who continues
seem to have been to place the deceased’s body in a stone to be a great inspiration in the field of mummy studies.
cist, but that natural cists, or caves, or rock shelters
could be used. In the case of the mummies from Qilakit-
soq, a rock shelter was used, but the shelter was covered
up by stone slabs. The bodies thus lay protected from LITERATURE CITED
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