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Okta Manisa (210441077)

Title: "The Influence of the Application of Round Table Strategy on Students' Ability in
Writing Descriptive Text at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 4 Palimanan"


Overall, the thesis titled "The Influence of the Application of Round Table Strategy on Students'
Ability in Writing Descriptive Text at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 4 Palimanan" by Agustin
focuses on examining the impact of implementing the round table strategy on the writing skills of
eighth-grade students in SMP Negeri 4 Palimanan. Here is an assessment of the thesis:

1. Clarity and Focus:

The title effectively communicates the main focus of the study, which is to investigate how the
application of the round table strategy affects the writing ability of students. It clearly specifies
the target group, the setting, and the subject matter.

2. Research Objective:
The research objective is not explicitly stated in the thesis statement. It would be helpful to
clearly state the purpose of the study and what the researcher aims to achieve through the

3. Methodology:
The thesis would benefit from providing information about the research methodology employed.
Details regarding the research design, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques
should be included to provide a clear understanding of the study's approach.

4. Literature Review:
The thesis should include a comprehensive literature review to establish the existing knowledge
and research gaps related to the topic. This section would help situate the study within the
broader context of writing instruction and previous research on the round table strategy.

5. Data Analysis:
The thesis does not mention the specific data analysis methods used to examine the impact of
the round table strategy. It would be beneficial to outline the process by which the data was
collected, analyzed, and interpreted, providing transparency and allowing readers to assess the
validity of the results.

6. Results and Discussion:

The thesis does not present any results or findings from the study. Including a dedicated section
to present and interpret the research findings is essential. This section should analyze the
impact of the round table strategy on students' writing ability and discuss any significant
observations or trends.

7. Conclusion:
A clear conclusion summarizing the main findings of the study and their implications for writing
instruction should be included. This section should also address any limitations of the research
and suggest directions for future studies.

8. Language and Structure:

The thesis should ensure that the language is clear, concise, and free of grammatical errors.
The overall structure should be well-organized, with appropriate headings and subheadings to
facilitate readability and understanding.

In summary, while the thesis addresses an interesting topic, it lacks some essential
components, such as a clear research objective, methodology description, literature review,
data analysis details, and results. By incorporating these elements, the thesis will provide a
stronger foundation for investigating the influence of the round table strategy on students'
writing ability.

Title: "The Students' Strategies in Building Vocabulary during Reading Comprehension

Activities in the Classroom"
by : Muhammad Arief Darmawan Saputra

The thesis titled "The Students' Strategies in Building Vocabulary during Reading
Comprehension Activities in the Classroom" by Muhammad Arief Darmawan Saputra focuses
on the strategies employed by students to enhance their vocabulary skills while engaging in
reading comprehension activities. This review will evaluate the content, structure, methodology,
and overall contribution of the thesis.

Content and Organization:

The thesis provides a clear and concise introduction, where the author highlights the
significance of vocabulary development during reading comprehension activities. The
subsequent chapters offer a comprehensive literature review, discussing relevant theories and
research on vocabulary acquisition and reading comprehension strategies. The thesis also
delves into the identification and analysis of various strategies employed by students to build
their vocabulary skills. The content is well-organized, with a logical progression from theory to
practice, allowing readers to follow the research seamlessly.

Methodology and Analysis:

The methodology section of the thesis presents a systematic approach to data collection. The
author employs a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, including observations,
interviews, and surveys, to gather relevant data from students. This multi-faceted approach
strengthens the research by providing a well-rounded understanding of students' vocabulary-
building strategies. The data analysis is appropriately carried out, utilizing thematic analysis and
statistical techniques to identify patterns and draw meaningful conclusions.

Contribution and Findings:

The thesis successfully contributes to the existing body of knowledge in the field of language
learning and teaching. By investigating students' strategies for vocabulary development, it
sheds light on effective practices that can be employed in the classroom. The findings reveal
several noteworthy strategies, such as using context clues, utilizing online resources, and
engaging in vocabulary-focused activities, which can enhance students' vocabulary skills during
reading comprehension tasks. These findings hold practical implications for educators and
language instructors aiming to improve vocabulary instruction methods.

Writing Style and Language:

The writing style of the thesis is clear, coherent, and demonstrates a good command of
academic language. The author effectively communicates complex ideas and concepts without
overwhelming the reader. However, there are occasional instances where further clarification or
elaboration would be beneficial, especially regarding the analysis and interpretation of certain
data points. Additionally, a more consistent and rigorous referencing style could enhance the
credibility and professionalism of the thesis.

Overall, "The Students' Strategies in Building Vocabulary during Reading Comprehension
Activities in the Classroom" is a valuable contribution to the field of language education. The
thesis offers a comprehensive analysis of students' vocabulary-building strategies and provides
practical insights for educators. With a well-structured content, sound methodology, and
meaningful findings, this research provides a solid foundation for further studies in vocabulary
acquisition and reading comprehension. Addressing minor areas of improvement in writing style
and referencing would further enhance the overall quality of the thesis.

Title : "Pengaruh Motivasi dan Minat Terhadap Prestasi Siswa Pada Mata Diklat
Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja di SMK Negeri 1 Sedayu"

The thesis focuses on the influence of motivation and interest on student achievement in the
subject of occupational health and safety in SMK Negeri 1 Sedayu. It aims to investigate how
motivation and interest levels affect the academic performance of students in this specific
vocational high school.
The research examines the relationship between motivation, interest, and student achievement
in the context of occupational health and safety. It explores whether higher levels of motivation
and interest lead to better academic performance in this particular subject.

The thesis likely includes a literature review on theories and previous studies related to
motivation, interest, and academic achievement. It may also describe the research methodology
employed, such as data collection methods and statistical analysis techniques.

The findings of the study may provide insights into the factors that contribute to student
achievement in the subject of occupational health and safety. The thesis could conclude with
recommendations for educators and policymakers to enhance motivation and interest levels
among students, ultimately improving their performance in this particular discipline.

Title : "Pengaruh Kompetensi Guru Terhadap Hasil Belajar Murid di SD Inpres 12/79 Bana
Kecamatan Bontocani Kabupaten Bone"

The thesis likely begins with an introduction, providing background information about the school
and the importance of teacher competence in relation to students' learning outcomes. It may
discuss the significance of the topic in the context of educational research and the specific
educational setting of SD Inpres 12/79 Bana.

The literature review section is expected to explore relevant theories, concepts, and previous
studies on teacher competence and its impact on student learning outcomes. It may cover
various aspects of teacher competence, such as subject knowledge, pedagogical skills,
classroom management, and instructional strategies. The review will likely discuss the existing
evidence regarding the influence of teacher competence on student achievement.

The methodology section should describe the research design, sampling techniques, data
collection methods, and data analysis procedures employed in the study. It may explain how
teacher competence and student learning outcomes were measured and any control variables
or factors considered to ensure the validity and reliability of the findings.

The results section is likely to present the empirical findings obtained from the study. It may
include statistical analyses and interpretations of the data to determine the extent of the
influence of teacher competence on students' learning outcomes. The results might highlight
specific areas of teacher competence that have a significant impact on student achievement.

The discussion section should provide an in-depth analysis and interpretation of the results in
light of the research objectives and existing literature. It may discuss the implications of the
findings for educational practices, policies, and teacher professional development. The
limitations of the study and suggestions for future research may also be addressed.

Overall, the thesis aims to contribute to the understanding of the influence of teacher
competence on students' learning outcomes in the specific context of SD Inpres 12/79 Bana.
The findings may have implications for improving teaching practices and educational quality at
the elementary level in Bontocani Subdistrict, Bone Regency.

Title: "A Quantitative Study of the Impact of Social Media Reviews on Brand Perception"

Thesis Review:

The thesis focuses on conducting a quantitative study to examine the impact of social media
reviews on brand perception. It aims to investigate how consumer reviews and feedback shared
on social media platforms influence the way individuals perceive and evaluate brands.

The introduction section likely provides an overview of the significance of social media and its
growing influence on consumer behavior and brand perception. It may highlight the increasing
importance of online reviews in shaping consumer opinions and decision-making processes.

The literature review is expected to explore relevant theories, concepts, and previous studies
related to social media, online reviews, and brand perception. It may cover topics such as the
role of social media in marketing, the impact of consumer reviews on brand image, and the
mechanisms through which online reviews influence consumer behavior.

The methodology section should describe the research design, data collection methods, and
analysis techniques employed in the study. It may discuss how social media data was collected,
which platforms were considered, and any specific criteria for selecting reviews. The section
should also explain how brand perception was measured, which variables were considered, and
any control measures implemented to ensure the validity and reliability of the findings.

The results section is likely to present the findings obtained from the quantitative analysis. It
may include statistical analyses, such as regression or correlation, to determine the relationship
between social media reviews and brand perception. The results might also highlight specific
dimensions of brand perception that are influenced by social media reviews, such as brand
reputation, trustworthiness, or purchase intention.

The discussion section should provide a comprehensive analysis and interpretation of the
results in light of the research objectives and existing literature. It may discuss the implications
of the findings for marketers and brand managers, highlighting how they can leverage social
media reviews to enhance brand perception and consumer engagement. The section may also
address the limitations of the study and suggest areas for future research.

Overall, the thesis aims to contribute to the understanding of the impact of social media reviews
on brand perception. By conducting a quantitative study, the research seeks to provide
empirical evidence and insights into the role of online reviews in shaping consumer perceptions
of brands. The findings may have practical implications for businesses and marketing strategies,
emphasizing the importance of managing and leveraging social media reviews effectively.

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