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Casa del Bambino Emmanuel Montessori

Science 7
Ms. Catherine H. Celemin

“The high- minded man must care more

for the truth than for what people
think.”- Aristotle
Activity 1
Fill in the box the information needed.

1. What associations do those words have on scientific values?
2. What values should scientist have?
3. Why are these values important to them?
4. When can you say that a certain attitude or value can be considered scientific?

1. What did Thomas Edison do inside the barn? Why did he do that?
2. What are the desirable qualities of the young Edison?
3. Which traits and attitudes helped Thomas Alva Edison succeed in his scientific endeavor?
4. What makes Thomas Alva Edison a scientist?
Activity 2
Identify real-life situations and apply it in the scientific method.


How does where we live influence the way we live?



Answer the following questions.
Write down each microscope component's functions.
Column A Column B

Parts of a Compound Microscope Classification

Objectives Magnifying

Coarse Adjustment




Stage Clip

Fine adjustment

Body tube


Select your response from the box below, then type it in the space provided.

controls Fine adjustment knob arm eyepiece

objectives inclination joint base draw tube

supports mirror

The compound microscope has three main parts: Mechanical, Illuminating and
Magnifying. The mechanical parts comprised of which holds the objectives
and revolving nosepiece in place. The coarse adjustment knob allows the movement of the
tube upward or downward. On the other hand, the brings the specimen
into sharp focus.
In addition, the stage and stage clips and hold the specimen in
Further, provides to the compound microscope
while the is curved shape used for holding the compound microscope when
transporting. The supports the compound microscope when it is in
inclined position.
The illuminating part consists of the which allows the light to pass
through the diaphragm that the amount of light. Further, the magnifying
part is comprised of the a lens that is attached to the body tube. The
specimens are magnified by the which are classified into Scanner,
low power objective, high power objective and oil immersion.

Answer the following statements. Choose your answer from the box below.

Highest Population Organ


Lowest Tissues Organism

Community Organs Biosphere

1. Organisms are characterized based on their organization. They follow an order from
the lowest to the highest,
tissues organs organism

population ecosystem biosphere.

2. Each part of a/n is necessary for survival. Whatever happens to any of

these parts affects the others.
3. are group of tissues in a living organism that performs similar function.
4. When many cells of the same kind are together in a group, it is called .
5. are group of organisms belonging to the same type that live in the same
6. The level of biological organization is called Biosphere.
Activity A
1. cell wall G
2. cell membrane C
3. cytoplasm H
4. vacuole
5. chloroplast
6. mitochondrion D J
7. ribosomes K
8. lysosomes
9. nucleus
10. rough ER L
11. smooth ER E
12. golgi bodies

The Plant cell


Ribosomes Nucleus Mitochondria Cytoplasm Cell

Golgi Bodies

Cell membrane Cell wall Vacuoles

Rough Endoplasmic reticulum

Imagine you are inside the factory. The factory itself is the
1.) . The walls of the factory are the 2.)
. It guards to whoever comes in and out of the factory.
Inside the factory there is a headquarters room. The headquarters’ room represent the
3). . It controls all the movements happening inside
the factory and tells how the factory should operate. The workers in the factory represents
the 4). . These workers translate the information given from the
headquarters room. The factory cannot operate without energy. The power supply room
represents the 5.) . It provides energy for the factory to continue to
operate. The packaging room in the factory represents the
6.) . Inside this room, the products of the factory are
being sorted out and packaged ready to be delivered to different locations. The hallway in
the factory represents the 7.) . This hallway provides a
pathway for the workers to transport the products to other rooms in the factory. The storage
room or stock room represents the 8). . In here, the
products of the factory are being kept. The hallway with workers represents the
9.) . This hallway that is filled with workers is the closest to
the headquarters’ room. In this hallway, the cell products are also produced. The space inside
the factory where all the rooms are found represents the 10.) .
c cell

Is a

Do not have contain


Have different

1. Could a plant cell and animal cell survive without its mitochondrion even if all
other organelles were present? Explain.
2. Why do plant cells have larger vacuole than animal cells?


Animal and
Cell Organelle Animal Only Plant Only
Cell Wall
Golgi body
Plasma membrane
Cell Wall Centrioles Chloroplast
reticulum Golgi body
Lysosome Mitochondria Plasma membrane Ribosomes

Plant Cell Animal Cell


1. Which of the following organisms is reproduced by regeneration?

A. Crab C. Squid
B. Sponge D. Starfish
2. Which of the following describes asexual reproduction?
A. Sex cells are not involved.
B. It involves the union of similar gametes.
C. A new individual develops from a sex cell.
D. It involves the union of two kinds of gametes.
3. How many parent/s is/ are required in asexual reproduction?
A. Four C. Six
B. One D. Two
4. What mode of asexual reproduction is it when an organism undergoes a period
of growth then splits in two separate organisms?
A. Budding C. Regeneration
B. Fission D. Spore formation
5. Which of the following is an example of tuber?
A. Ginger C. Potato
B. Onion D. Strawberry
6. Asexual reproduction allows formation of new individuals in just a short period of time.
Which of the following is NOT a mode of asexual reproduction?
A. Fertilization C. Spore formation
B. Fission D. Vegetative propagation
7.A farmer wants to propagate a good variety of a crops in a way which maintained all its
desirable traits. Which of the following methods should be used?
A. Self - pollination
B. Vegetative propagation
C. Growing seeds produced from this variety
D. Cross- pollinating this crop with another good variety and growing the seeds
resulting from the cross
8. What form of asexual reproduction is exhibited by yeast cells when it is dividing to
form many organisms?
A. Budding C. Fission
B. Grafting D. Spore formation
9. Which of the following statements is TRUE about asexual reproduction?
A. Only one parent is required.
B. A kitten is produced through asexual reproduction.
C. A mother and father are needed to produce offspring.
D. The offspring that are produced are genetically unique.

10. Which of the following statement is TRUE regarding vegetative propagation?

A. Vegetative propagation occurs naturally producing genetically similar plants
B. Vegetative propagation occurs artificially producing genetically similar plants.
C. Vegetative propagation occurs naturally and artificially producing genetically
identical plants.
D. Vegetative propagation occurs naturally and artificially producing genetically
different plants.


Directions: Answer the following questions correctly.
1. How is it impossible for a polar bear to live in the Philippines?
2. Can an earthworm live in a soil full of harmful chemicals? Why

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