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_ (True or False) Multiple Python statements can be written in one line with ~ commas (,) between the statements. TRUE FALSE Which of the following is not a Python operator? Arithmetic operator Inference operator Logical operator Comparison operator Which of the following statements about Python regular expression is not true? re regular expression module was added in Python 1.5. re module grants all regular expression functions to Python. re regular expression is a powerful tool to process strings. re regular expression can only process character string data, not numerical data. Functions are well-organized, non-reusable code segments used to implement a single, or associated function. True False the following, what are the Python language design philosophy? V at is the correct way to create a function in Python? “create myFunction(): ‘ ~ function myfunction(): def myFunction(): pip myFunction(): 7. Which of these collections defines a LIST? (a) (“apple”,”banana”,"cherry”) {“apple”,”banana”,"cherry"} [“appl "banana”,”cherry”] {‘name”:"apple”,”color”:"green”} 8. How do you start writing an if statement in Python? ifx>y: if (x > y): if x > y then: if x > y then: ment is used to stop 4 loop? e main idea of linear algebra? Which of the following is not th robability theory _ inear transformation Matrix theory Vector space

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