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OFUTI OSCARD – 2021/BS/074


1. Student diversity and individualization. Teachers are faced with increasingly diverse student
populations both in terms of cultural and backgrounds and learning abilities. This diversity requires
teachers to differentiate their instruction to meet the individual needs of students with varying learning
styles, abilities and linguistic backgrounds. Balancing personalized demands of standardized curricula
and high-stakes testing can really be challenging for the teachers.

2. The challenge of Teacher’s well-being. Teacher well-being is indeed a significant challenge in the field
of education today. Teachers face high levels of stress and burn-out due to heavy workloads,
administrative demands and social pressures. Therefore maintaining well-being is crucial for their overall
effectiveness and job satisfaction.


1. Implementing strategies that allow teachers to differentiate instruction based on student’s individual
needs and learning styles. This can be involve offering a variety of learning activities, providing flexible
grouping options and utilizing formative assessments to monitor student’s progress and adjust
instruction accordingly.

2. Developing Supportive school culture. Fostering of a supportive and positive school culture is crucial
for teacher well-being. This involves creating a collegial and respectful environment where teachers feel
valued, appreciated and supported by the administrators, colleagues and staff. Encouraging open
communication, collaboration and team work can help create a sense of community and reduce feelings
of isolation.

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