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There can be no best time in the history of humanity where noise and destruction is so great while silence
and indifference are so prevalent except today. Despite the laurels and successes in science and technology
especially the digital media, ICT, AI and in this cybernetics age, there was, is, and will be the recurrence and
resurgence of the same problems of the past corruption the mind and flesh, poverty, hunger, social
inequalities, war, oppressions, exploitations, political instability and many others remain always a challenge
to peace and unity of mankind. From the primitive era of man, down to civilization, from the classical to
modernism and in this post-modernists society today, there is always that unanswered question why there
exist evils despite man's goodness.

The Contemporary Context

Globalization pioneered by capitalism was hastened and accelerated with ICT as the prime tool and being
adopted in each state and country through their respective political leaders. As a result the world is
becoming like a single one big family of people whose actions and lives can easily be manipulated with the
digital technology as the medium. Indeed, there is a complex relation between ICTs, globalization and
politics most specifically the political leaders as the protagonists in this humanity's life drama.

1. Political Ponerology
Andrew Lobaczweski wrote and authored a book entitled Political Ponerology in the year 1998 from his
experienced and reflections under a communist government and totalitarian regime. Ponerology comes from
a Latin word ponerous which means evil. Thus, political ponerology could be then a science on the nature of
evil adjusted for political purposes. Central to the theme of the book is the presence and dominance of
sociopaths and psychopaths (persons who lack conscience) in the different sectors of society today
especially the governments where from the very start of man's existence until today these leaders influenced
and even control humanity and society. To decipher some signs of their presence are the existence of wars,
killings, subjugations, deceitful governance, power struggles, polarizations, and above all dominance in
almost all areas of life including the economy, military, human positive laws science and technology and
even in culture, arts and religion. From beginning the author revealed the existence of pathocracy in the
government that need to be addressed to and be prevented to proliferate further.

Towards the end of the book the author did propose to form a "Council of Wise Men composed mostly of
professionals, medical and psychology experts whose main tasks is to examine and screen would be leaders
to run each units of governance and to prevent evil leaders to lead. The author further says. "The security
system for persons with various psychological deviations would be in charge of making their life easier
while skillfully limiting their participation in the processes of the genesis of evil. After all, such persons are
not impervious/ resistant to persuasion provided it is based upon proper knowledge of the matter Such an
approach would also help progressively diminish societies gene pool burdens of hereditary aberrations. The
Council of Wise Men would furnish the scientific supervision for such activities" In today's governance,
invasion to privacy especially in communication and the right to travel is being challenge. Why because of
the presence of government and leaders pathocracy The National ID System the Registration of SIM Cards
while eavesdropping or spying one's life is easy as watching a television with the use of and high-tech
gadgets like CCTV cameras. Had it not because the leaders did the first action, their followers or members
would not about satellites have done what they (sociopath leaders) have started.

Analysis and Reflection about the Book

Public and common knowledge showed to us that politics in our country and all over the world in in the
quagmire of dirt and corruption. Thus the book is right. And many of local, national and world leaders cling
or stick themselves to their office to hold power. There are today's world leaders and government that can be
considered as dictators and totalitarian.
II. “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”, thus says Santayana

George Santayana, a Spanish-American Philosopher a critical realist was famous of his quote about learning
from history If we try to picture the world through a prism one can see and learn a lot from the past. Thanks
also to the article of Aswhin Sanghi, an Indian writer and author for his 10 point elaborations on Santayana's
quote about history, From Sanghi’s article I was enlightened to form my own views and insights about
today's world situations and conditions. As my contribution also to learning from history I am underlining
six (6) topics relative learning from history.

1. Environment
2. Energy, Economy and ICT
3. Global Peace, Security and Governance
4. Science and Technology
5. Population
6. Human Freedom

1. Environment with pristine and wonders of her early existence down to the civilization and today's reality,
the earth is always at the mercy of man for her to remain and maintain her beauty. From the mother's womb
until to his tomb, she provided man with all life's support and needs. And with the discovery of fire, there
also starts earth's suffering which leads to the inventions, development of machines and comforts for man to
live happily. A saying goes that, "Man's luxury adds to Mother Earth's suffering. Moreover, because of the
dominance of machines and the reduction of biodiversity, there is now the global warming that is the main
cause of climate change. hence an imbalance of nature and the ecosystem. Let me stress some factors and
causes why this happening is

a. Transportation - From Horse, to Horse Power to Mach

-travels and works before were done normally by horses, then by machines using horse powers as the
standard measure of machines capacities and today Mach's with transportation speeds faster than sound.
Which is eco-friendly among the three?

b. Architecture and Landscape

-from natural nature's beauty and wonders to man-made structures and edifices, real and virtual

c. Weapons and equipment

-from simple bows and arrows to homemade guns to hypersonic missiles
-from simple hand fans, to electric fans then air conditioning units
-from stone age writing, to papyrus to portable type writer, computers, laptops, scanners, etc.
-from brute entertainment to stage, drama, opera and on-line entertainments and concerts
-from dances using percussions, string instruments like comparza, to amplifiers, to digital sounds
-communicating using signs and language, to letters, units telegrams, telephones, cell phones, webs

c. Basic Needs
-from being nomads, to cave, to huts, wood houses to concrete and bungalows, high rises etc.
-from being naked, to wearing string, clothes from animal akin, to crafted wools, etc.
-from eating raw foods, to cook foods to preserved and instant food and refrigerated ones
-(you can add more like washing of clothes, pounding rice etc.)

d. Preservation VS Destruction and Natures Exploitation

-from adoring and respecting nature by merely utilizing what is provided by her flora and fauna to diggings,
mining and drilling to harness underground earth's resources
-land conversion from agricultural to subdivisions, from arable soils to thousands kms roods

e. Reverence and Recognition of Natural Law VS Human Positive Laws

-from recognizing and respecting laws of nature through morality to changing these laws to suit and fit to
man's whims and caprices
-the preference today of instant and artificial over natural

2. Energy, Economy and ICT

-from natural energy from earth, water, fire and air to electronic digital and nuclear ones
-from animals to engines using fossils fuels to electronic vehicles. to nuclear powered vehicles/ structures
-from simple bartering, to money to electronic money and on-line business transactions
-the use of ICTs and allied gadgets to dominate the earth

3. Global Peace, Security and Governance

-from blood compacts to peace treaties among tribes, amities among nations, memberships to regional and
international organizations to globalization
-from being led as tribes, to being a kingdom, to a republic and being part of the globe.
-coming from 2 wars WW1 and WW2 and to the present United Nations

4. Science and Technology

-from the use of herbals and indigenous health practices to modern medicines and machines
-from crude and indigenous tools to high tech and very efficient equipment’s and gadgets
-from superstitious, witchcraft and sorcery to scientific findings and scientific data from oral news, radio,
print and broadcast media, ITCs plus multiplication fake news
-from outside and actual shows, sports and entertainment to virtual ones suing gadgets from conventional
markets and shopping center to online and digital tele-marketing from crude and simple manual tasks, to
machine and computer aided to robotics and Al The Black Death in middle ages to Spanish flue in 1916 to
the recent COVID 19 Pandemic

5. Population
-From being primitive and individualistic to tribal to being nationalistic and now as netizens
-From having man's desire to multiply to fill the void earth, to produce more manpower to citizens
reduction, artificial birth control and annihilation due to notion of overpopulation
-From the practice to live and die in one's native land as sign pro Deus et patria to migrate to other countries
for greener pasture
-From survival of the fittest to slavery, to apartheid and racial discriminations to equal human dignities
recognition and leveling of playing field for each human person in this millennium
-From unrecognized and backdrop women status to gender equality and recognition Many others Enter

6. Human Freedom
Man's concept about freedom is evolving From his fall in Eden wherein his freedom was challenged when he
disobeyed Creator's command not to touch the forbidden truth. From the simple realization that he is naked after
eating the forbidden fruit to being able to choose between good and evil and today's struggle to challenge the
natural law and the law of nature like same sex mamage, use of artificial birth control, changing one's gender, out
of womb pregnancy, and many others. The trend and current of social media and allied gadgets did add more
confusion to the dire life condition especially among the young whose attachment to cell phones and related
gadgets is horrifying, Although human freedom is anchored of being a rational being, this does not means he has
that absolute power to use this freedom according to what he wishes and desires. His action must be rooted in
natural law as well as the divine law. Obedience and respect to moral law, natural law, and some human positive
laws but above all to the divine law is his key for him to claim that he is using his freedom wisely.
If one has to mention about divine law, the Ten Commandments is the beast example. The first four commands
express man's love and obedience to God while the 5th to the tenth stresses man's love and respect for his fellow
man. The 5th commandment is "Honor your father and your mother. If one has to honor his parents, he cannot
afford to kill (6th command), for do fomication adultery (7th), to steal (8th), bear false witness (9th) thou shall
not covet (10th), Doing or committing one from 6th to 10th commandment means also dishonoring your parent
and how much more to God. A simple lie or disobedience is dishonoring one's parents. In relation to human
freedom, one has to consider the fundamental that his action are not violating to: Divine law natural law, moral
law and some human positive laws. Man has no absolute freedom to do what he likes to do but always consider

Finally, as mentioned in the earlier paragraph, there is a complex relation between ICTs, globalization and
politics most specifically the political leaders as the protagonists in this humanity's life drama. Our leaders from
world leaders, national leaders, and local leaders as well as leaders of our family, the cause that started the dire or
dreadful situation of the earth today started with our leaders, but each leader came and nurtured from and in a
family.. Thus, it is with and in the family that all these things started, from YOU AND ME because as Santayana
said "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. God loves us Dr. Jayectin

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