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The Harp of India- A harp is a Greek musical instrument – k-htara ( sitara?)

Went to salons (kind of cafes where intellectual people would meet to have conversations.) in Calcutta.

A hub for intellectual convos.

“adda” – the Bengali idea of having a discussion emerged from.

Salon became places where people would not only meet but also promote their works when the
publishers would deny publishing their works.

Minstrel is a song

No one is playing this beautiful instrument. It is lying around in ruins and now we are missing on the
music and sweetness it could produce.


The beauty and melody the India used to produce.

Almost like the past was so melodious and sweet but it is lost now.

The word- “ruin”

To india – my native land-

Full of references of Keats. ( Ode to Nightingle)

The last two couplets.

Very much influenced by English Romantics.

The subject matter, similarity with harp of india-

A request and plea to the country to rise from the ashes.

India personified as a female, almost a young woman. there is a love letter.

The ruins of Rajmahal:

Opens with prayers that aren’t spoken of.

Nostalgia. Painful and real sense of loss of glorious past.

“Ruins” personified.

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