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4NH026 Assignment Brief (3,500 word Written Assignment)

LO1: Discuss how research is used in generating knowledge and understanding in predicting opportunities
for health promotion, protection and improvement during the lifespan continuum

LO2: Identify potential stages of human growth and development

LO3: Demonstrate a systematic method of identifying health care needs

LO4: Explain how health might be promoted and protected within a given population

To complete your 3500 word Health Needs Assessment (HNA) please follow these 4 steps:

STEP 1- Summarise the profile for a local geographical area; exploring factors impacting upon the health
of the people living within this area (LO1) (What factors are impacting most upon the people living in your
chosen area) (approx. 1000 words)

During your self-directed IT sessions you have been asked to identify a local geographical area you wish to
explore and complete a geographical profile. As part of your assignment you need to summarise the
information you have found in your geographical profile in 1000 words

STEP 2- Identify and justify your choice of target population (LO2) (Which group of people are of most
interest to you? (approx. 800 words)

Identify a target population of people you wish to focus upon, based on a human life stage (e.g. infancy;
toddlerhood; childhood; adolescence; adulthood; older adulthood). You need to be able to justify your
choice of target population in relation to evidence including, national and local drivers, life-course approach
/ early intervention theory and stages of human development.

STEP 3 – Identify and justify THREE health related needs of your target population (LO3) (What needs are
most important?) (approx. 1200 words)

Identify and justify THREE health related needs within your chosen target population. Your choice must be
based upon health inequalities, local & national drivers for each need and consider the impact of each need
upon the target population.

STEP 4 (LO3; LO4) (Which is the most important need and what is being done locally to tackle this need?
(approx. 500 words)

Finally, using local and national priorities and strength of evidence, you must prioritise ONE of the three
health related needs (from step 3) for your target population. Then identify health promotion opportunities
/ initiatives which exist locally in your chosen geographical area and explain how these initiatives promote
and protect the health of your target population.

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