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1) Spelling - haven't
2) Spelling - temperature
3) Grammar - ...been in bed for four days
4) Spelling – luckily
5) Punctuation – anything exciting?
6) Grammar – everyone is fine
7) Vocab - tech company
8) Grammar – they're
9) Spelling – May
10) Spelling – recommend
11) Spelling – Siteseeing
12) Grammar – you'll be able to show


 Been in touch
 Cacthing up to
 Anything exciting?
 That's all for now
 Give my regards


1. Thanks for writing your email/letter

2. Great to hear from you
3. For not writing earlier
4. I hope you and (...)
5. Glad to know that you're (...)
6. Sorry to hear (...)
7. Good luck with the new job
8. Hope you get better soon
9. Well that's all for now
10. Send/give my regards to (...)
11. Looking forward to (...)
12. Take care
13. Best wishes
14. Ps

Hey Anna,

Sorry for not writing earlier either, I got busy with college and the finals. You know the drill.
Anyway, it’s nice to hear from you again! Also, really hope you got better soon; cuz if it not, I’ll
personally take care of it with movie nights and good food >:C

As I’ve said, college has become a lot more exhausting lately, but I still have time to focus on
myself: reading the books you recommended, taking care of my plants, working out. “Being on
the move”, sorta speak. My family is also fine, I’ve visited my parents last week just to see how
things are and they’re good; going for walks on the weekends and gossiping about peopel from
their jobs haha. Great to hear that Mikey clicked with the job; I think he’ll stick with this one
for a long time!

About the hotel: I remember a few, but things tend to be expensive near that area. But I’ll talk
with some folks to help us with that, no worries. And yes, imma show you some places I’ve
been going to as of late!

Think that’s all for now. Looking forward to hearing from you.


Olivia s2

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