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Pediatrics Ch 16, 21, 23 Share

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A 16-year-old girl tells the refer the adolescent for an evaluation

school nurse that she has not
started to menstruate. The
most appropriate nursing
intervention is to

In planning sex education and teenagers need contraception education in both

contraceptive teaching for oral and written forms
adolescents, what should the
nurse consider?

An adolescent girl is brought one of the variety of behaviors normally seen in

to the hospital emergency rape victims
department by her parents
after being raped. The girl is
calm and controlled
throughout the interview and
examination. The nurse should
recognize that this behavior is

The management of incorporating favorite foods into the diet

adolescent obesity should

Pediatrics Ch 16, 21, 23

A sexually active adolescent condoms
asks the school nurse about
prevention of sexually
transmitted diseases (STDs).
The most appropriate
recommendation by the nurse
is the use of

What is the most important correct malnutrition

goal when caring for an
individual with anorexia

What is characteristic of children often play out the situation over and over
children with posttraumatic again in an attempt to come to terms with their fear
stress disorder (PTSD)?

When caring for the suicidal paying particular attention to children who are
adolescent, the most important withdrawn and are giving away their personal
nursing intervention is belongings

The most appropriate question Has she showered or bathed since the attack?
to ask a rape victim prior to the
start of the physical
examination is

The nurse is collecting history develop a positive rapport with the patient
on a 16-year-old admitted for
treatment of anorexia nervosa.
The patient limits the answers
to yes or no. What is the
primary nursing goal for this
patient at this time?

Pediatrics Ch 16, 21, 23

A nurse is assessing a patient requires reminders to keep focused and on task
diagnosed with attention
deficit hyperactive disorder
(ADHD). What behavior would
the nurse anticipate the patient
to demonstrate?

The nurse is discussing health cigarette smoking can cause permanent damage to
behaviors with a 14-year-old the lungs and can cause cancer as an adults
who recently began smoking
cigarettes. An appropriate
tactic for the nurse to use when
discussing this lifestyle choice

The nurse is teaching a class on loss of consciousness

the dangers of "huffing." What
information is included as a
major side effect of "huffing?"

A nurse is working with it is common for them to withdraw and not achieve
teenagers and their parents in normal developmental tasks
a school drug prevention
program. Several of the
parents ask how they can
determine if their child has a
problem with drugs. The most
appropriate response by the
nurse is:

Pediatrics Ch 16, 21, 23

A nurse working with alcohol
adolescents is aware of
common drugs of abuse.
Which of the following drugs is
the most common drug of
abuse in the adolescent

A 15-year-old female is in a condom

free clinic seeking information
on birth control. The girl tells
the nurse that she is sexually
active with multiple partners.
She states that she does not
want to have to remember to
take a pill every day. The most
appropriate birth control
option for this patient is

Which action should be make sure that dental hygiene is being performed
included in a plan of care for on a routine basis
an adolescent who is being
treated for depression with
tricyclic antidepressants?

Pediatrics Ch 16, 21, 23

A child is becoming school phobia
increasingly anxious over
attending school with
increasing frequency as the
school year has gone on. Now
the child is also presenting with
physical symptoms which
subside when the child remains
at home. Based on this finding,
the nurse would suspect that
the child has

In working with a teenager who eat foods that have a low glycemic index
has symptomatic acne. Which
dietary measure would the
nurse suggest in order to
prevent potential flare ups of
clinical symptoms?

Which finding if found in a male testicular torsion

adolescent would indicate a
medical priority for treatment?

An adolescent patient is being patient should refrain from drinking beer during
treated for a Trichomonas treatment
infection with the appropriate
antibiotic. Which instruction
should be included in the plan
of care?

Pediatrics Ch 16, 21, 23

An adolescent is accompanied alcohol use, sexual activity, cigarette smoking
by their mother for an annual
physical examination. Based on
the nurse's knowledge of this
age group, the nurse should
avoid questions on which
topics? (Select all that apply.)

Which symptoms are somatic complaints, poor school performancce

commonly seen in a child with

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