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¿Cuándo y cómo se debe usar

una mascarilla? TRANSMISIÓN DEL
•Cúbrase la boca y la
nariz con la mascarilla
•Asegurarse de que no
haya espacios entre su
cara y la mascarilla

Las mascarillas solo son eficaces si se

combinan con el lavado frecuente de
manos con una solución hidroalcohólica o
con agua y jabón

Literatura y filosofía
German literature dates back to the Middle
Ages and the works of writers such as
Walther von der Vogelweide and Wolfram
The roots of German culture go back
von Eschenbach. Various German authors
many centuries in the past. and poets have gained great popularity,
including Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and
Some experts believe that what is called
Friedrich Schiller. The influence of
"German culture" transcends the twentieth-century writers includes Thomas
current borders of this country. This is Mann, Bertolt Brecht, Hermann Hesse,
due to the innumerable numbers of Heinrich Böll and Günter Grass.
border mutations that Germany has Germany's influence on philosophy is
suffered over the last centuries. For historically significant and many notable
German philosophers have contributed to
example, instead of speaking of
shaping Western philosophy since the
"German" culture, the term "Germania" Middle Ages. Gottfried Leibniz and his
can also be used, which covers Austria contributions to rationalism, Immanuel
and other regions of Europe. Kant, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel,
Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling and
The German language was once the Johann Gottlieb Fichte who forged idealism,
frank language of central Europe. Many Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels formulated
important historical figures, although communist theory, Arthur Schopenhauer
not German in the modern sense, were developed the composition of metaphysical
pessimism, Friedrich Nietzsche He
immersed in German culture, for
developed Perspectivism, Martin
example Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,
Heidegger's work in Being and Time, and
Franz Kafka and Copernicus. that of Jürgen Habermas social theories
were especially influential.

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