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List Learned Competencies in MAPEH 4


1. recognizes similar and contrasting phrases in vocal and instrumental music

a melodic

b. rhythmic
Week 3 MU4FO-IIIab-3

2. identifies aurally and visually various musical ensembles in the community

Week 6 MU4TB-IIIf-3

3. applies dynamics in a simple music score using the symbols p (piano) and f
Week 7-8 MU4DY-IIIf-1


1. prints reliefs with adequate skill to produce clean prints with a particular design
motif a (repeated or alternated).

Week 5 / A4PRIIIg

2. creates the relief mold using found material: hard foam; cardboard shapes
glued on wood; strings and buttons, old screws, and metal parts glued on wood or
Weeks 6-7 / 3rd Q A4PR-IIIi

3. participates in a school/district exhibit and culminating activity in celebration of

the National Arts Month (February).
Weeks 8 A4PRIIIj-2

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