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April 30: 4th Sunday Of Easter

Central message: Each of us is called to be shepherd to one another – looking after the good of our
brothers and sisters.

Theme: Shepherd

John 10:1 – 10

At the end of this session, the learners should be able to:
1. characterize a good Shepherd,
2. appreciate the work of a good shepherd by illustrating a good example to others,
3. write ways in living out how to be a good shepherd.

For this session, you need to prepare the following materials:
 Song Chart
 Memory Verse Chart
 Bible
 Attendance Sheet (Nametags)
 Music Paraphernalia (speaker etc.)
 Picture puzzle
 Worksheet
 Art materials

Gathering and Attendance
1. Greet the children as they arrive in the session hall.
2. Give their nametags and check the attendance.
3. Tell them to sit comfortably while waiting for the others.

Opening Prayer
Lead the learners in the opening prayer.
(Ask a volunteer to lead the prayer)

Community Singing

Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh oh
You’re never gonna leave me, never gonna leave
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh oh
You’re never gonna leave me, never gonna leave

There may be giants in the land

Oooh Lord, you take my hand
There may be trials all around
But strength I’ve found


You know my name, You know my heart

You’ve been here from the very start
You guide my life, You will never leave
You are here with me


Oh, my Shepherd, I will follow You

High and low, (High and low) for You are here, I know
Oh, my Shepherd, I will trust in You
High and low (High and low) for You are with me everywhere I go

Say: A good shepherd doesn’t think of leaving the sheep rather he/she is always with
them everyday – leading them to places where they can graze and where they can drink
water and ever protecting them from every danger. The sheep always listen to his/her
voice and follows him/her whereever he/she goes.

Informing Objectives
Tell the learners that at the end of this session, they should be able to
 characterize a good Shepherd,
 appreciate the work of a good shepherd by illustrating a good example to others,
 write ways on how to live out a good shepherd.


Teacher will group the children accordingly. He/she will each a group a picture puzzle.

1. Who are the characters shown in the pictures?
2. What is the common work of the characters?
3. What do they do as shepeherd?

Say: The Good Shepherd (Greek: ποιμὴν ὁ καλός, poimḗn ho kalós) is an image used in the
pericope of John 10:1–21, in which Jesus Christ is depicted as the Good Shepherd who lays
down his life for his sheep. Similar imagery is used in Psalm 23 and Ezekiel 34:11–16. The
Good Shepherd is also discussed in the other gospels, the Epistle to the Hebrews, the First
Epistle of Peter and the Book of Revelation. ( )

Let us listen to the gospel text of true shepherd who goes through the door to call the sheep
and follows him wherever he is.

Gospel Reading
John 10:1-10
 13 Jesus said: “Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever does not enter a sheepfold through the
gate but climb over elsewhere is a thief and a robber. But whoever enters through the gate is
the shepherd of the sheep.
The gatekeeper opens it for him, and the sheep hear his voice, as he calls his own sheep by
name and leads them out. When he has driven out all his own, he walks ahead of them, and
the sheep follow him, because they recognize his voice. But they will not follow a stranger;
they will run away from him, because they do not recognize the voice of strangers.” Although
Jesus used this figure of speech, they did not realize what he was trying to tell them. So
Jesus said again, “Amen, amen, I say to you, I am the gate for the sheep. All who came
(before me) are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the gate.
Whoever enters through me will be saved and will come in and go out and find pasture. A
thief comes only to steal and slaughter and destroy; I came so that they might have life and
have it more abundantly.”

Gospel Background:
The gospel is one of the discourses that Jesus made to the Jews prior to his death on the
cross. After the sixth miracle that he made, exchange of words with the elders and the Jews
were made especially on his claim as the one being sent by the Father. This time the Lord
had introduced himself as the true shepherd who goes through the door to call the sheep and
them outside to look for green pastures and still waters. He is the true shepherd for the sheep
follows him wherever he goes, and they listen to his voice. Jesus is the good shepherd for
what he desires is the good of the flock – life in abundance. He is the good shepherd for he
laid his life for us his people. He did not hesitate to offer himself as a ransom for us. He seeks

us when we are lost, and he disciplined us that we remain in the fold and he protects us from
evil/ indeed Jesus’ rid and staff comforts us and ensures us that we will live in the house of
the Lord forever.

Ask the learners the following questions.
Note: Teacher guides the children on the verses where they can find the answer.
Note: Elaborate the message of the gospel.
1. Who is the good shepherd mentioned in the bible text?
2. Jesus is a keeper of?
3. What does Jesus meant about people who does not enter through a gatefold?
4. What will happen to those who enter the gate through Jesus?
5. How did Jesus explain Himself as a shepherd?
6. How did Jesus show a best example of being a shepherd?
7. How do you live out to be a good shepherd especially to others?

Say: Jesus being a good shepherd always looks after the salvation of His sheep. He feeds
them with the words of eternal life through parables and other stories and with bread for those
who are hungry. He liberates them from the clutch of evil by commanding evil spirits to leave
those whom they possessed. He cares for them by restoring their health.

For the integration, there is a differentiation in the activities between the younger and older

Prepare the necessary art materials. Allow children to be in a place where they can work
comfortably. Allow children to gather necessary materials for their “I AM SHEPHERD”
artwork. In their work, they are to write their ideas about being a shepherd.


Say: A good shepherd never abandoned His sheep. He cares for them. He feeds them. He
protects them. He brings them home.

Teacher distributes the activity sheets to the children.

Activity Sheet: Older Elementary

Directions: At your age, give ways on how you can live as a good shepherd.

Activity Sheet: Younger Elementary

Directions: Write your name as the shepherd. Identify ways on how you can live life as a good

Activity Sheet: Nursery/Kinder

Directions: Color the picture that shows how can people live as a good shepherd.

(Teacher collects the worksheets)

Say: We are always reminded to live out as what Christ wanted us to be. We are to do things
that please Him. We have to care for each other. We have to feed the hungry and give drink
to the thirsty. We have to clothe the naked and receive in our homes those who have no place
to lay their heads. We have to visit the sick and the prisoners. We have to attend each other’s
needs. We have to protect each other from danger and from the evil one. We have to strive
that all of us will get home to the place that the Lord has prepared for us.

Memory Verse
Lead the children in reciting the memory verse and help them memorize.

Psalm 23:4b
“Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.”
Closing Prayer
Lead the learners in saying the closing prayer.
(Ask a volunteer to lead the prayer)

Name: ____________________________________ Date: __________

Gospel: John 10:1-10
Central Message: Each of us is called to be shepherd to one another – looking after the good
of our brothers and sisters.

Worksheet (older)
Directions: At your age, give ways on how you live out as a good shepherd.

Name: ____________________________________ Date: __________
Gospel: John 10:1-10
Central Message: Each of us is called to be shepherd to one another – looking after the
good of our brothers and sisters.

Worksheet (Younger)
Directions: Write your name as the shepherd. Identify ways on how you live life the gospel
message of being a good shepherd.

Name: ____________________________________ Date: __________
Gospel: John 10:1-10
Central Message: Each of us is called to be shepherd to one another – looking after the
good of our brothers and sisters.

Worksheet (Kinder/Nursery)
Directions: Color the picture that shows how people live out the gospel message of being a
good shepherd.


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