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Theme: Health and Fitness

Topic: Healthy Eating

List of Problems:
1. Temptation to indulge in unhealthy snacks and junk food, especially during stress or
2. Difficulty in maintaining portion control and overeating during meals.
3. Lack of time or motivation to cook balanced and nutritious meals at home.
4. Confusion regarding conflicting information about healthy eating from various sources.
5. Frequent dining out leading to consuming calorie-dense and nutrient-poor meals.
6. Struggling to resist sugary beverages and excessive consumption of caffeine.
7. Emotional eating habits as a response to anxiety, sadness, or other emotions.
8. Limited access to fresh and affordable produce in some areas, making it harder to follow a
balanced diet.
9. Inconsistent meal planning leading to frequent reliance on fast food or processed meals.
10. Finding healthy food options while traveling or during social gatherings.

Goals for Solving These Problems:

1. Develop healthier snacking habits by replacing unhealthy options with nutritious alternatives
like fruits, nuts, and yogurt.
2. Implement portion control techniques like using smaller plates, eating mindfully, and pausing
between bites.
3. Invest time in meal prepping and planning to ensure access to healthy home-cooked meals
even during busy days.
4. Seek advice from reputable sources like registered dietitians or nutrition experts to clarify
doubts about healthy eating.
5. Limit eating out to special occasions and choose restaurants that offer healthier menu
6. Substitute sugary beverages with water, herbal teas, or fruit-infused water, and reduce
caffeine intake.
7. Develop alternative coping mechanisms for emotional stress, such as exercise, hobbies, or
talking to friends and family.
8. Support local farmers' markets and community gardens to increase accessibility to fresh
9. Create a consistent meal planning routine and include a variety of nutritious recipes to avoid
falling back on unhealthy options.
10. Research and identify healthy food options while traveling or attending social events, and
practice moderation during such occasions.

B. Three Rules We Have to Do Before Gaming:

1. Check your internet connection which can improve the graphic quality.
2. Make sure you have enough battery to play the game all along.
3. Move to a comfortable place where you can play games comfortably.

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