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Name- ______________________ Class __________ Sec ______ Roll no. ______

1. Tick the correct article-
“I have ___________ honest employee in my office.”
a) The b) a c) an

2. Tick the correct type of sentence-

“Don’t teach him bad words!”
a) Exclamatory Sentence b) Declarative Sentence c) Imperative Sentence

3. Tick the correct combination of common and proper noun:

“My parents have planned a trip to Dubai.”
a) parents, Dubai b) Dubai, have c) Parents, planned

4. ___________ is the main verb in the given sentence.

“My parents bought a new toy for me.”
a) toy b) bought c) news
5. “The headmistress and the supervisor___________ arrived.” Choose the correct
a) Is b) have c) has
6. Imperative sentences give us-
a) a statement b) an order c) an emotion

7. Fill the correct conjunction.

“I missed my train _____ I got up late.”

a) Because b) though c) so

8. Choose the correct sentence.

a) Muskan did not got a new dress.
b)Muskan did not get a new dress.
c) Muskan did not gotton a new dress.
9. Fill the blank with correct form of verb.
## “You _____________ very fast.
a) run b) runs c) runned
## “They _____ not _______ for the contest that held last year.”
a) Did, went b) do, went c) did, go
## “I ________________ my homework at 7:30 p.m.”
a) will completes b) will complete c) will completed
## ________ she help her friends?
a) we b) does c) do
## India _____________ Pakistan in 1971 War.
a) Defeats b) defeat c) defeated
## The doctor _______________ the surgery next month.
a) Was perform b) will perform c) performed
## The past participle of the verb CHOOSE is ___________.
a) Chose b) choosed c) chosen

10.Choose the auxiliary verb.

“Madhur will do his work.”
a) Madhur b) will c) do

11.Tick the combination of subject and object pronoun.

“Savita went to her uncle’s house. She gifted him a watch.”
a) Savita, uncle b) her, uncle c) she, him

12. A teacher explained about the words that join two words, phrases or clauses.
Which topic is she explaining about?
a) Naming words b) Action words c) connecting words

13. Fill the correct verb in the blank given—

“The host of the party _________ delicious snacks.”
a) serves b) serve c) served
14. “The dog barked at the people. It did not hurt them.” Choose the correct
combination of subject and object pronoun.
a) The dog, people b) it, them c) the dog, it
15. “Sunita bought ten dresses.” Identify the kind of adjective.
a) number b) quality

16. “We must respect our elders.” Identify the sentence.

a) Exclamatory b) Imperative c) Declarative

17. Fill the correct conjunction.

“Sit here ________ go outside.”
a) And b) if c) or

18. “It is a tuft of grass lying in the garden.” Identify the collective noun.
a) tuft b) garden c) grass

19. “He lives in his ancestral house.” Pick the subject pronoun.
a) his b) lives c) he

20. Identify the adjective. Also tick the correct tense used.
“I will go to the music class in the evening.”
a) music, past b) music, future c) class, present

21. Tick the correct interrogative form of the following sentence.

“My parents take green tea after dinner.”
a) Do my parents take green tea after dinner?
b) Do my parents takes green tea after dinner?
c) Does my parents take green tea after dinner?
22. “The other name for conjunctions is ________________.”
a) describing words b) naming words c) connectors

23. “She lost her bag.” Change into simple future.

a) She will lost her bag.
b) She will lose her bag.
c) She will loose her bag.

24. Fill the conjunction.

“I respect my principal________________ of her generosity.”
a) While b) so c) because
25. Tick the correct article.
“The authorities have asked for a document. _____ document has complete
details in it.”
a) A b) an c) the

26. Identify the underlined noun.

“The Ganga is a sacred river.”
a) Common Noun b) Collective Noun c) Proper noun

27.Name the part of speech of the underlined words.

“His final competition is on 12th March, 2022 in Mini Auditorium.”
a) verbs b) preposition c) noun

28. Tick the correct sentence among the following.

a) Harry and Merry was best friends.
b) Harry and Merry is best friends.
c) Harry and Merry are best friends.

29. In a class, the English teacher asked her students to describe the naming words.
Which topic will she teach?
a) Pronouns b)nouns c)adjectives

30. Replace the underlined word with an appropriate preposition.

“The boy topped after the class. He worked very hard for this.”
a) of b) in c) on

31. “Question mark is used in ______________ sentences."

a) Exclamatory sentences
b) Interrogative sentences
c) Imperative sentences

32. Identify the tense in the following sentences.

a) He apprised his mother about the contest. Simple past
b)They did not recite the poem. Simple past
c) Do they speak French? Simple present
d)Will they get any scholarship? Simple future
e) Hitansh does not do his work. Simple present
f) She will not prepare the dinner. Simple future

33. Fill in the appropriate prepositions.

##“We shall meet ____ the park ____ 5 p.m. ____ Saturday”
a) Him,on,in b) in,on,at c) in, at, on
## “He went _____ a new restaurant ______ his friend.”
a) At, in b) to,with c) at ,with
## “The painting is hanged _______ the curtains.”
a) under b)in c) behind

34. Choose the action word.

“She has prayed before her meal.”
a) She b) prayed c) has

35. Tick the correct conjunction.

## “The bag is expensive ________ smart.”
a) Because b) but c) while
## “I have a car ___________ a scooter.”
a) But b) so c) and
36. Choose the correct past tense of the following sentence.
“We will play chess.”
a) We was play chess.
b) We played chess.
c) We were played chess.

37. Choose the correct PRESENT tense of the following sentence.

“She scored full in her test.”
a) She is score full in her test.
b) She score full in her test.
c) She scores full in her test.

38. Fill in the blank with correct pronoun.

“Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Hannah were trying to call you. ___________ wanted to
speak about the school.”
a) Them b) they c) she
39.Complete the following verbs-
a) Give gave given
b) try tried tried
40.Fill the articles:s
a tap an urn
a laptop the Hindustan Times
an umbrella the Shatabdi Express
an F.I.R. a school
the Tabla an S.S.P.
a university an M.L.A.

41.Choose the common noun.

“The bunch of keys belong to me.”
a) Bunch b) keys c) me
42.Fill the correct adjective:
“My uncle lives on _________ floor.”
a) Ten b)new c) tenth
43.Identify the sentences:
1. Feed the dog. Imperative
2. I want to travel. Declarative
3. Do they work together? Interrogative
4. Woohoo! We won the match. Exclamatory
5. Stop roaming in the corridors! Imperative

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