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Activity 3.

Conflict Resolution
Instruction: With the given situation below, you are expected to give your own opinion and idea
to answer the guide questions. Work on your own. (5-10 sentences)

Situation: Did you ever experience disagreement and conflict with your friends? How did you
handle the situation?
Definitely, I have experienced having disagreement and conflict with my friend groups more
often than it should. At first, I didn’t really pay any mind because it does not concern me as the
conflict is only between 2-3 people. However, time passed, and it obviously affected our friend
group in which whenever we hang out, we are not always complete or there is an awkward
tension if we ever are complete. With this, the rest of my friends and me brainstormed on how
to resolve their issue and possibly make them talk in a calm and civil way. So, we lured both of
them to a secluded part of our classroom during breaktime saying that we’re just going to hang
out, wherein fact, we’re going to mediate both of them to help them talk their feelings and
thoughts out. It was just like a debate where we gave one person time to explain the issue on
their side and then proceed with the other side. Thoughts, feelings and emotions were shown
that we ended up crying altogether because it was just a misunderstanding, with that, they
forgave each other, and we went back to our old and more friendly treatment towards each
How would you rate your skills in handling differences of opinion? Please give an example that
illustrates that skill.
For me, I would say that I’m still a 6 out of 10 meaning that I need to improve this skill. I’m very
much of a prideful person and I don’t really like when I’m told that I’m wrong and that my
opinion is invalid, this would often lead to a heated conversation which most people don’t really
like and I fully understand that. I’m working on calming myself but there are times that I don’t
really accept defeat especially when it comes to ethical subjects wherein I’m confidently aware
that I’m correct. However, I always listen to the side of the other person and give my valid
argument to them and explaining how its better or correct, but when they include other things
that are not really connected to the main topic, its difficult to handle because they’re usually
closed-minded and would resort to humiliation. I usually cut off people who doesn’t respect me
and my opinion and would tell them why so that they won’t be left hanging as to why I don’t
hang out with them anymore. However, if the other party is respectful despite our differences
of opinion, I would also respect them too because even if we are different, we’re still human
who are on the journey of learning. Even I, have mistakes and wrong beliefs, and I hate that I
have to admit that I’m wrong but it’s part of being human thus respecting and learning from
others is what it should be.

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