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NAME: Alyanna Gzelle P.

Esponilla DATE: March 31, 2022

Module 1 Asynchronous Activity 1

Look at the image above and identify the different sectors they depict. How are these sectors
helped by the government and the Church? How are they helped? Write your thoughts below:

1st picture: It represents the medical or health sector wherein they are in an operating room.
The medical sector as of right now are prioritized by most of the government as we are
currently in a pandemic and patients and continuously admitted to the hospitals. The
government provides them of basic health equipment especially PPEs, and some hospitals are
also expanding their area to accommodate more patients. The Church also provides assistance
especially to poor patients wherein they donate basic needs such as food, costs and medicines
that the family needs. Despite the help of both the Government and the Church, the medical
sector has complaints such as the pay of medical workers is not enough to sustain their needs
especially that they are working almost 24 hours consecutively. I believe that the government
should also place their focus on their frontliners who are working very hard to save and nurse
the patients, they should be provided with money based on what they deserve.

2nd picture: It represents the agriculture sector wherein the farmer is doing his job. The
agricultural sector is very important here in the Philippines, especially in my hometown which
is Bukidnon, as it is bountiful of agricultural products. The government provides assistance to
the agricultural sector by giving them opportunity to export their harvests both national and
international areas. They also help farmers by giving security towards themselves and the food
they provide. The church helps this sector, from what I observed, by helping them sell the
products they have and providing them with basic needs such as food, clothes, and other
necessities. The downside of this sector is that the prices of the products are usually lower
than it should considering the labor of our workers day and night. They are forced to lower
their prices to immediately sell the goods, as it only has a limited time of storage. Some local
governments are also taking advantage of farmers and they try to buy the lot at a lower price
in which they desire to make it an industrial area that are full of buildings, machinery and
factory which is very harmful for the environment. However, the farmers or owners have no
choice but to sell it because of poverty and in great need of money.
3rd picture: It represents the lower sector or poverty sector in which they work in a secluded or
squatter area and possibly find objects they can use or sell to junk shops. The government
provides assistance to this sector by giving ayudas, from what I’ve observed in my hometown,
especially to Indigenous People wherein they provide money or basic goods monthly to sustain
their needs. The church helps this sector by having donation drives and visiting squatter areas
to meet with families like them. They also provide basic goods such as food, water, clothes,
etc. that were given by the people who helped. It sorrowful that most of these are not enough
for them especially for families who have more than 5 children because it would only last for a
couple days. The government is also not giving it a high prioritization and would sometimes
discriminate them for being poor wherein they would destroy their houses and would
continuously order the families to move out away from the city. I really want to directly help
them by giving out money or basic needs, however, some people would really take advantage
of kindness and would resort to violence if they are not given that even if I really want to help
them, I will just choose to say no. However, reaching out to bigger organizations is more
effective as they can provide a bigger scale of assistance to this sector.

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