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+ Examination of sick child and diagnostic methods - According to modem science. History Taking in Pediatrics Name: a IPD: DOA: pop: Age: Sex: Religion: Residence: Chief complaints (C/O) with duration: ODP - HOPI Treatment History: Medical and Surgical Family History: F/H Birth History: B/H: Antenatal ~ NAD Natal - Term / Type / Place FTLSCS, FTND, PTLSCS Postnatal — Birth weight, H/O convulsion, neonatal jaundice, incubation etc. Immunization History: Proper according to age Development History: Gross motor Fine motor Personal Social Language Dietary History: Breast feeding Weaning Diet Socio — economic History: Education background of the parents - Monthly income of the family - Numbers of persons in the family - Housing condition ete Vitals: Heart Rate Respiratory Rate 7 Scanned by CamScanner Temperature Blood Pressure Anthropometry: Weight Height Head Circumference Chest Circumference MUAC Examination: - General - Systemic 4. General Examination: Vitals ‘Anthropometry — Growth measurement Examination of Head, Neck and face Skin, Hair, Nails Bones, Joints, Spine Genitalia Development Assessment 2. Systemic Examination: Respiratory : Auscultation CVS: Auscultation PIA: Palpation CNS: Tone, DTR Investigations with Date: Advice Investigations: Ayurvedic point of view: Nidana Panchaka Dosha Dushya Samata 61 Scanned by CamScanner ~~ ‘Srotodushti Srotodushti Lakshana Marg Avastha: Jeerna / Navin Sadhyasadhyata Chikitsa Sutra Chikitsa Pathyapathya

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