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How to teach spelling to primary level students

1:open syllable and close syllable

For teaching spelling to primary level students, it is necessary to make them known what is open syllable
and how to pronounce it . the example of open syllable is CV (consonant vowel ) and the example of
close vowel is CVC ( consonant vowel consonant). It is necessary to teach them that there is difference
between me and men and he and hen.

2: division of word on the basis of syllable

On of the best techniques of teaching spelling is to divide the word into small pieces on the basis of
syllables such as per-so-ni-fi-ca-tion (personification) when we cut the a word into small pieces ,
after teaching cluster words ,single vowel and diphthongs they will easily pronounce them.

3: single word sound ,cluster word sound single vowel and diphthongs sounds and practice the
rhyming words

First of all it is essential for the learner to know the sounds of alphabetic principles , such as letter -
sound correspondence , how to pronounce a single letter and how in the combination with other letters
. how sounds the single vowels and what change comes in diphthongs such as for example there is a
difference in C ans Ch sounds such as car and chart and there is change of sound in A sound and in AI
sound such as car and chair. every vowel has its own sound such as I and o has different sound when
we combine then with t they mostly give the sound of sh and by combining them with s they will give
another sound.

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