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Phase 1
Good morning/afternoon.
I’m … and this is my colleague … She’ll just listen to us.
First of all, we’d like to know something about you.

Main questions (to both candidates) Back-up prompts

What’s your name, please? Should I call you … ?
Thank you.
My name is Steven Gian.
And, what is your name?
My name is Haikal Isaac.
Thank you.

Where do you live/come from? Do you live in…?

I live at Taman Wawasan, Beaufort.
I live at Kg. Bakalau, Beaufort.
I come from Beaufort.

How do you come to school? Do you come to school by…?

I come to school by school bus.
I come to school by car. My dad sends me every day.
I walk to school. I always walk with my best friend.
Thank you.
Phase 2
Interlocutor selects one or more questions from the list to ask each candidate. Allow candidates roughly 30
seconds maximum per question. Use candidates’ names throughout.

Now I’m going to ask you about your daily routines.

Main questions Back-up prompts

What do you normally do after you wake up? What is the first thing you do every day
After I wake up, I normally brush my teeth, take my shower and have my breakfast. If on weekdays, I will
straightaway go to school. But if it is on weekends, I will continue with playing online games.

What do you usually do after coming back from school? What do you do after coming back from
school every day?
After coming back from school every day, I usually take my shower, have my lunch and do my homework.
Afterwards, I’ll take a short nap.

How do you spend your leisure time? What do you do when you have free time?
During my leisure time, I always play online games with my friends. Sometimes, I watch movies with my
family at home or listen to my favourite songs.

What do you do on weekends? What do you do on Friday/Saturday/Sunday?

On weekends, I always play football with my friends at the school field. Sometimes, I play online games
with them. But most of the times, I always help my mother do the house chores.

Thank you.

Talk about an outing you went with your friends recently.

You should say :

⚫ where you went to

• Last week, I went to Imago shopping mall in Kota Kinabalu with my friends.
⚫ what you did there
• At the shopping mall, I watched a movie entitled, “Spiderman”, with my friends. The movie was
awesome and enjoyable. I love watching the main actor rescuing the heroin everytime she gets
herself into trouble.
• After that, we also went shopping. We bought some t-shirts and pants. There were sales
⚫ if you enjoyed yourself there (why/why not?)
• Yes, I enjoyed myself there because I could spend some quality time with my friends.
• Besides, I could release my stress and be happy with them by doing some entertaining activities
like playing bowling and archery.
⚫ The benefits of having friends in life
• There are many benefits of having friends.
• First of all, friends are always there when we need their help. For example, whenever we have any
problems, we can always count on our friends for favour.
• Next, they also help us to reduce our stress and make us happy. For instance, when we spend time
doing many interesting activities with our friends, I’m sure we will have lot of fun and it helps
reducing our stress.

Talk about a family member you admire.

You should say :

⚫ who this person is

• A family member whom I admire is my mother.
• Her name is Florence Isaac.
• She is 44 years old.
• She is a teacher who works at SMK St. Paul.
⚫ what this person looks like
• She looks exactly like my grandmother, who is very pretty and gorgeous.
• She has fair skin, a sharp nose and long wavy hair.
• She is tall and slim like a super model - a dream mother for everyone.
⚫ why you admire this family member
• I admire my mother because she is very hardworking. She always wakes up early to do all the
housework. Most importantly, she always prepares us scrumptious breakfast and dinner as she is
a good cook.
• Besides, I also admire her because she is very kind. She always buys all the things that I want. She
speaks to us softly and never even once scolds us. How I love her so much!
⚫ ways to show that you care for this person
• To show that I care for my beloved mother, I will help her do all the housework. This will surely
bring joy to her.
• Next, I will also buy her a special gift on Mother’s Day. I know that she adores handbags so much.
• Finally, I will celebrate her birthday every year. I know that she loves the cakes in Secret Recipe
restaurant, especially the Indulgence cake.

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