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David Parra Castillo

1. Tracking the Snow Leopard.

a) I went to Ocean World once, where there was a pool that was separated by
glass and there were two white tigers on the other side. It was exciting and
weird at the same time for me.
b) In my opinion, this issue of hunting and selling exotic animal skins should
have an immediate stoppage in order to preserve these breeds and continue
their life cycle.
2. Scared Mountains.
a) I have never had an experience near a volcano, but I would like to at least see
it from a safe distance.
b) In my opinion, legal measures should be taken to avoid losing life in the
event of a volcano eruption that residents or attractions near volcanoes are
not allowed, at any moment they could erupt and it is dangerous because of
the ashes that spread, not to mention the lava.
3. Earthquake Zones.
a) My first experience with earthquake was from the moment of my birth since
I was born on September 22, 2003 a few hours after the earthquake
b) It seems incredible to me that devices are being developed to predict future
nearby earthquakes, since this would help a lot, but it is still being studied
since it is not clearly known why they occur.
4. The Perfect Beach.
a) For me one of my favorite beaches in Playa la Ensenada, totally clean the
further away the lower the water and a calm environment and you can see
boats in the distance and some underground caves in the water.
b) Something that should be maintained is a calm environment within the
beaches and maintains the family atmosphere, thus avoiding noise,
disturbances and even dirtying the water or sand.
5. Land of Fire and Ice.
a) One of my goals is to be able to visit one of these countries that has these
types of attractions, to be able to live the experience that occurs in the other
world in certain seasons of the year that we do not have here.
b) In Iceland tourists gathered around a volcano to see it erupt without
expecting it and have a picnic around it.

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