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Ms Debbie Dawe Your ref:

4 Paradise Park My ref: PA22/01678/PREAPP

Whitstone Date: 21 November 2022
EX22 6TQ

Dear Ms Dawe

Pre-application PA22/01678/PREAPP
enquiry reference
Proposal Pre-application advice for the demolition of old nissen hut and
replacement with new a single storey dwelling.
Location Land North Of Trelash Farm Warbstow Launceston Cornwall
Applicant Ms Debbie Dawe

I refer to your enquiry received on 4 October 2022 concerning the above and would
inform you that this letter is written on the basis of the information supplied with
your enquiry and the submitted drawings.

Site and Context: The site is located approximately 90m from the northern tip of
Trelash. The site outlined in red measures approximately 0.5 hectares and currently
presents as an agricultural field with gated access to the road in the southern most
corner. A half cylindrical steel nissen hut is present on site near just inside of the
access gate to the roadside boundary which measures approximately 5.7m by 11.2m.

Site Constraints: Area Susceptible to Ground Water Flood.

Proposal Summary: Pre-application advice for the demolition of old nissen hut and
replacement with new a single storey dwelling.

Site Planning History: None.

Relevant Planning Policies: Your pre-application submission has been considered

against local and national policies, which in this instance includes the following
relevant documents. This list is not exhaustive but provides a focus for the key issues
against which the scheme should be considered.

Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010-2030 (Adopted 22nd November 2016)
Policy 1 Presumption in favour of sustainable development
Policy 2 Spatial Strategy
Policy 2a key targets
Policy 3 Role and function of places
Policy 7 Housing in the countryside
Policy 12 Design
Policy 13 Development standards
Development Management Service
Cornwall Council
Correspondence Address: Cornwall Council Planning, PO Box 676, Threemilestone, Truro, TR1 9EQ
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Policy 21 Best use of land and existing buildings

Policy 23 Natural environment
Policy 27 Transport and accessibility

National Planning Policy Framework 2021

Planning Practice Guidance
Cornwall Design Guide 2021


Policy Context/Principle of development:

Most residential development is delivered under Policy 3 of the Cornwall Local Plan in
conjunction with Policy 21. Policy 3 aims to deliver the majority of housing in
settlement locations.

It is first necessary to determine whether or not the proposed site is within a

recognised settlement. Trelash has some nucleated form originating around the farm
including 4 listed buildings, with further later development which follows the road
south thought to be built around the late 1980s to early 1990s. An application for a
dwelling within this built form was approved under PA21/10428 which establishes
that Trelash can be viewed as a settlement. The site however is approximately 90m
north of any of the built form of Trelash, separated by extensive agricultural fields
and open countryside. The site is not therefore considered to be located within the
settlement of Trelash and in planning terms is open countryside. In this case the
proposed replacement of the nissen hut with a dwelling would not accord with Policy
3. Given the nissen hut currently functions as a wood store on agricultural land
consideration cannot be given to the site as Previously Developed Land (PDL) and
Policy 21 is also not applicable.

Housing within countryside locations outside settlements is delivered under Policy 7

and is only permitted in special circumstances.
1. Replacement dwellings.
2. Sub division of existing dwellings.
3. Re-use of suitably constructed, redundant, disused or historic buildings that are
considered appropriate to retain and would lead to an enhancement of the setting.
The building to be converted should have an existing lawful use and be ten years old
or greater.
4. Temporary accommodation for workers.
5. Full time agricultural and forestry and other, rural occupation workers where there
is up to date evidence of an essential need of the business for the occupier to live in
that specific location.

In this case the only applicable option is 3, but the conversion of the building is not
proposed, only the demolition. Given the site is not thought to be PDL as the building
is one used for agriculture/forestry there is no supporting policy for a new dwelling in
this location following demolition.

Referring to Policy 7 (3) above, the building is currently used for

agriculture/storage/forestry as such is not redundant or disused. No information has
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been provided as to the age or history of the building however it is thought to be

over 10 years old as per satellite imagery. To accord with Policy 7 (3) The building
which is to be converted must be constructed as to enable a direct conversion and
not a redevelopment of the site. The building has failing blockwork to the front as
inspected on the site visit and it is thought the metal sheeting is nearing the end of
its useful life with some patching evident. It is not therefore considered that the
nissen hut on the site would be suitable for conversion, as in order to create a
liveable dwelling all the structure/materials would need to be replaced. The proposal
would therefore not accord with Policy 7 of the CLP.

In conclusion there is no supporting policy for a dwelling on this site either through
demolition and rebuild or via Policy 7 (3) above. Proposals as presented would not
therefore be supported on any scale.

Structural Survey: Should a planning application for the conversion of the existing
building be forthcoming it would need to be accompanied by a full detailed structural
survey which examines how the buildings structure is capable of domestic conversion
without substantial rebuilding to accord with policy 7 (3) above. It is thought given
the condition of the building it would not be suitable, but appointing a structural
engineer will confirm this.

Community Infrastructure Levy:

Please be aware that Cornwall Council is now a CIL charging authority. A CIL Form 0:
Additional Information Requirement (AIR) Form will be required with any future

CIL is charged in pounds per square metre on net additional increase in internal floor
space for qualifying development and the proposed rates for development in Cornwall
are set out in the Council's CIL Charging Schedule. The Charging Schedule also sets
out what types of development will be exempt from paying CIL, and which
developments are eligible to apply for rate relief. The CIL rates for Cornwall can be
seen in the Charging Schedule, which is available at
Section 106 agreements will continue to address affordable housing and site specific
issues that are required to make a development acceptable in planning terms.
For more information on CIL and how it may affect your development, please visit
the Council's website at Please send any queries to or contact the case officer.

Community engagement:
Should you be in mind to submit an application, I would strongly recommend you
discuss your proposal with the Local Council for the area; Warbstow and the current
Divisional Member for the area Cllr Barry Jordan. Contact details can be found on the
Council's website.

Building Regulations:
Cornwall Council's Building Control Service is pleased to offer a free initial pre-
application advice service for all your development enquiries. Building Control can
advise whether a Building Regulations application is likely to be required for your
proposal, can give valuable time-saving guidance on how to meet the requirements
of The Building Regulations and can suggest possible ways of resolving any notable
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issues prior to you submitting any formal Planning Permission applications that may
be required. Building Control's Extended Services team can offer SAP, SBEM and Air-
Permeability Testing Services, as well as access to warranties and other related


I hope the above is of assistance in setting out the considerations regarding the
proposed development. In my opinion the proposal does not comply with the policies
aforementioned and the proposal would not be supported. Therefore, on this
occasion, unfortunately, I would not encourage the submission of an application.

Please note that any advice given by Council officers for pre-application enquiries
does not indicate a formal decision by the Council as local planning authority. Any
views or opinions expressed are given in good faith, and to the best of ability,
without prejudice to the formal consideration of any planning application following
statutory public consultation, the issues raised and an evaluation of all available
You should note that this letter does not constitute a formal decision by the Council
(as local planning authority). It is only an officer's opinion given in good faith, and
without prejudice to the formal consideration of any planning application. However,
the advice note issued will be considered by the Council as a material consideration
in the determination of future planning related applications, subject to the proviso
that circumstances and information may change or come to light that could alter the
position. It should be noted that the weight given to pre-application advice notes will
decline over time and that the Local Planning Authority dispose of pre-application
records after three years. Therefore, pre-application records that are more than
three years old will not hold any weight in the subsequent determination of related
planning applications.

Yours sincerely

Helen Trebilcock

Development Officer
Development Management Service
Tel: 07565 203448 Mob 07565 203448

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