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of St.

Patrick's congregation had in-

ereased and the old church became
tiiu \:iiiair !ii iiii t :, ,irrl r/i Lfa
fast-growing parish, A new siie on MSGR.. P, O'C, CUTLETON
the northwest corner of McBean and
Saratoga sireet$ wa.s purcha^sed by tu-rned to Ireiand. where he died on
Father Hurley and a brick church, Dec. 16, 1923.
140 leet long by 60 feet in width, The Rev" M, S. cildea wa.s ap*
vas erected. lhe corner stone of tho pointed admini"qtrator of the parish
rrew edifice was laid on June 16, in Ociober, 1918, when Bishop
1878" by the Most R,ev" John Lan- O'Reiliy's health began to fai1, and
ca"ster SpaldinC, D. D. Bishop of he served in that capacity uniil
Peoria, assisted by Father Hurley Jan" 3. 1923. UnCer his aclministra-
and a numiler of visiting clergy. tion the plesent Sisters' residence
The ehurch was dedieated on was erected in 1922.
Sept. 12, 1880, wlth ihe usual dedlca- The Pastor
tory ceremonies of ihe Catholic On Ja,n. 3, 1923 the Rev. P. 0'C.
ritual by Bishop Spaiding, who Culleton was appointed third pastor
preached a ]riosL eloqueni sermon, of St, Par,rick's Orda.ined to the
congratulating the pastor and the priesthood on June 14, 1900, f'ather
congregation fr.u: their zeal and gen- Cuiieton hact previously served as
erositlr' in ereciing suoh a beautiful paslor in Westville, and in Peru.
ehurch. Tl:e attenciance of the Since coming to this paristr, he has
faithful wa,s large. Many carne from made extensive improvements in the
nearby towns, the people of Lacon church school and rectory" T'he in-
even chaltering the steamer, Grey terior of the chureh was completely
Eagle, t0 come to Peoria for the im- tenovated and redeeorated, marble
posing service of dedication. fh€ altars erecied, and sacristies added.
church is of E),zantine-R,oman style James Fitzgerald donated the pipe
(}f architecture, and was two years organ and the beautifui main altar,
ln the eourse of erection. which is made of white Carrara
On March 5, 1881, ihe new church marble with inlays of goid and
was aimost completl], destroyed by variated colored mo,saics. The Ladies'
fire, but thanks to the laith, courage Sodality gave ihe of the
and unsurpassed generosity of this Blessed Virgin, the baptismal font
young parish, was rebuilt the sam€ and the ambery. Miss Mary Houni-
vear and rededicated on Nov. 27, han donated the altar to gt, Joseph,
1881 by Rishop Spatding;. The lvlost James E" Hart the holywate fonts,
Iiev. J. Mullen, D" D. blshop 0f Dav- and a fliend the shrine of the Litlie
enport, preached an eloquent and Flower" The marble altar rail was
lmpressive sermon. a gifi of the Altar and Rosary
First Society. The sanctuary larnp was
School given in memory of Mrs, gonora
The first school was a irame Gibbons by her daughters"
ltrueiure adjaeent to Lhe old chureh On July 24, 1939 I'ather Oulleion
on Butler street. The Bre$ent com- was raised to the dignity of a do-
modious hrick school was built by mestic prelate of the papal house-
Father Hurley in trBBB. Extensive hoid of Pope Piu.s XII. and was in-
repairs and remodeling have been vested by his excelleney, the Most
rlone in the la-\t 10 years, so today Rev. J. IL Schlarman, D. D., J. C"
St. Patrick's school is modern and D, on Nov, 23, 1939 at St. Mary's
up-to-date in every respect. The cathedra L
School Sisters of Notre Dame teacl:
ln the school, and the enrollment ls theThe ]l,ev. Louis Schaecht,er and
Rev. Richard J. Powers are the
In 1876 Pope Pius IX cyeated the parish.
assistant pastors in St. Patrick's
new Diocese of Peoria and named Always ioyal to God and country.i
Father Huriey its first bishop, but the parishoners of S[. Patrick's have I
he refused the honor, and requested givei to date 2l0oftheir sons to lhe'
to tre spared the lesponsibility of service of the armed forces in thisl
organizing and governing the nefl presen! war. Their noble sacrifice
diocese. T,I:re HoIy Father respected and generosity is to be memorialized I

his wishes, and thus he remained the erection oi a, Service }Ien'sl


pastor of Si. Patrick's and vicar bv honor roll within the next few weeks
gene,ral of the diocese un{ier Bishop
tire church. I

Spalding untii his dealh on Dec. 11, in

Father Hurle\' lvas srrcceeded b:'t
fhe Rev. P. J. O'Reillv, who erectedil
lhe present, parochial residence inll
I895. Fribher O'Reilly wa"s vicar l'
general cf the diocese r"tit iiir.,""iiirii
neeessitatert thp rosignatinrr of Bish-ri
op spaldins on-Sedt. rr, isca, ;nd]i
served as administrator of the dio-
cese during the interregnum. 0n
Sept, 2, 1900, Father O'Reillv was
consecrated auxiliary bishop of thel,
diocese ancl Tifular Bishop of l'
Lebedos by Cardinal}{artlnelli, thenl'
Apostolic Delegate" This was ili; Il
most inrplessivc religious ceremonyl'
held in St. Mary's cathedral in itslr
earlier days. He resignecl because of,.
tll health ju March. 1922, and re-l

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