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When you are in the meeting with your peer, each of you should share:

1. Your first and last names. **BE SURE TO WRITE THIS DOWN BECAUSE YOU

Coach name: David Quaye

2. What are your 5 strongest skills, and what are the 5 skills you most want to improve?


Working in Technical & Product Teams

Tech Tools

Ethics in Tech


3. What do you find the most challenging: soft skills, technical skills, or tools? Why?

Soft Skills: soft skills are challenging because Soft skills require ongoing practice and
refinement, as they involve understanding and effectively interacting with people, managing
conflicts, and adapting to different situations.

4. Share your thoughts about grit, growth mindset, or both. Do you understand the concept?
Do you think you have a growth mindset?

Grit concept is a combination of passion and perseverance towards long-term goals. It

involves maintaining effort, resilience, and determination in the face of obstacles and
setbacks. Growth Mindset describes the belief that one's abilities and intelligence can be
developed through dedication, hard work, and embracing challenges.

I believe that I have a growth mindset. I embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and
learning. I see setbacks as valuable feedback and use them to adjust my strategies and

5. Share one thing that you have enjoyed the most about the course so far.

One thing that I have enjoyed the most about the course so far is the interactive discussions
and group activities Engaging in thoughtful discussions with my peers and collaborating on
various group activities has been incredibly rewarding. It has allowed me to gain different
perspectives and learned new things.


Next, you and your peer, you get to practice peer coaching. Decide who will be the coachee
and coach first. 

Then follow this script that uses the G.R.O.W. model:

 Coach: Tell me about a goal (G) that you have either for this class or for your career
in the next year or so. Is your goal S.M.A.R.T.? (Specific, Measurable, Achievable,
Relevant, and Time-bound?)
 Coachee responds. To successfully deploy and integrate the new core banking system into
the existing infrastructure, ensuring smooth operation and maximizing efficiency at the end
of the year
 Coach summarizes what s/he heard. Integrate new core banking system to maximize
 Coach: What is your current reality (R)? Is there a barrier that might block you from
achieving your goal?
 Coachee responds.  One potential barrier that might hinder the achievement of the goal is
the resistance to change from the employees or stakeholders involved in the implementation
 Coach summarizes what s/he heard. Resistance to change from
employees/stakeholders hinders goal achievement.
 Coach: What are some options (O) that you have to minimize or eliminate that
barrier, and make it more likely that you’ll achieve your goal? Can you list 3 or 4
 Coachee responds. Overcoming this barrier will require effective communication,
comprehensive training programs, and clear demonstration of the benefits and advantages
of the new software system.
 Coach summarizes what s/he heard. Effective communication, training, and
demonstration of new software system needed to overcome barrier.
 Coach: So what is your way forward (W)? What will you do? What is your
 Coachee responds. As a project team lead, my commitment is to proactively address the
barrier of resistance to change during the implementation process by engaging stakeholders,
training and supporting employees and demonstrating value.
 Coach summarizes what s/he heard. Engaging stakeholders, training and supporting
employees to address resistance to change
 Coach: Do you have any requests for me regarding how I might help you meet your
commitment? Yes. I would like you to review my progress report to keep me on track
 (Coach can choose to accept, decline, or counter-offer the request.)

**NOW, switch roles and repeat the process.**

When both people are done, please thank your partner for meeting with you. You can now
end the meeting.
If you’ve made any commitments to your partner, make sure you take appropriate action to
meet them. (For example, you might put a notification in your calendar to remind them if
they've asked for that.)

Happy Coaching!

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