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Laravel: A framework for building PHP Apps

Amita Ashutoshbhai Mangukiya Poole, United Kingdom

Department of Computing
Bournemouth University
Abstract— The aim of this paper is to create PHP command, which starts the Program and translates it into
application by using the Laravel framework. PHP is embedded PHP programming language to execute it [2]. This
in HTML which is a server-side scripting language. Laravel, programmer uses a command to terminate above Program,
assists developers in building an application with ease. An
and then final data or result in a server is displayed.
individual can use this type of node program by using a third-
party integrator. Developers sometimes find that after using a II. LITERATURE REVIEW
framework such as Laravel it is tough to switch to another
A. Introduction
framework. LARAVEL provides various advantages such as
Laravel is mainly a tool that consists of various
reverse routing, email integration and security management.
types of programming tool. This framework's first job is to
An eloquent user model is used to integrate in PHP
take anguish from a developer and provide some easy tasks
programming. As this study shows that, Laravel is a robust
that used in most of the web projects. Main tasks of Laravel
framework for website developers. It mainly works in PHP. In
order to develop a website, a developer needs all applications such as make authentic following programmes, routing,
and tools in a framework. periods and buffering [3].
Keywords—LARAVEL, ELOQUENT, RAM, ASP.NET, Developer of larval creates this framework to ease
injection the job of programming without losing product features.
Logic means programmers can create code with proper step
by step. Laravel mainly assists programmers by a proper
It is mainly a framework in web development
logic method where programmers can do coding easily.
programs. It provides various tools for developing a
Laravel is a robust framework that provides powerful tools
program. In this topic main discussion is about what is the
for developers [4].
application. This topic also briefs about the problems facing
A framework needs to meet certain conditions for
while implementing a thesis about Laravel. Later part of this
making codes. Every useful framework such as Laravel also
topic also has an overview solution about problems. This
has some special tools to meet those conditions. The main
topic also reviews what can Laravel be changed in this
features such as primary controllers, implicit controllers,
resource controllers, dependency controllers and route
LARAVEL is a framework developed for website
services. These controllers can ease a developer and can
designing or web applications. Frameworks are synonymous
build a website quickly [5].
to a cage or a net where it processes resources or packages
Every framework has its competitor, and Laravel
integrated within it and provide a glue-like feature. This
has competitors such as Ruby on Rails, ASP.NET MVC and
glue-like feature holds all packages together. LARAVEL
Sinatra. NPM plays a significant role in a framework. Every
framework is written in programming language PHP [1].
framework needs to run JavaScript in order to make coding.
Hypertext preprocessor PHP is known for embedding
NPM is mainly a package head for JavaScript. It is mainly a
frameworks like mentioned above. PHP or Personal Home
node for JavaScript programming. NPM places different
Page is an available scripted programming language that has
modules in different places where nodes can find those
been used for embedding HTML servers.
modules. It helps to manage dependency in an intelligent
LARAVEL functions through a combination of
way [5][2]. The best part of NPM is that developers can
drivers and bundle system. In a framework, LARAVEL
program it for using a variety of coding. NPM works
program that will be written can be packaged as a Bundle,
procedures such as release, find and install by developing
which extends from libraries to web-applications.
node programs. NPM is known as a composer, and Laravel
LARAVEL is used to automate repeated tasks. A
lacks a strong composer. Its main competitor Ruby has
programmer is used to create a start button, to start the
operation, LARAVEL is then used to follow the above
Frameworks have created for developing code efficiently ● Web address rerouting technique
and while making codes in team frameworks such as
A user can go through a website by clicking on a link. This
Laravel makes coding very easy. Every framework has its
own enchanting, and Laravel has it. Main difference link is called URL or web address. In order to see context of
between Laravel and core PHP is that core PHP is only uses
a web site, a user can go through that website by simply
for making dynamic web pages where Laravel can need
skills for coding. clicking on that link. Laravel framework has an inbuilt route
B. Role of Laravel in creating PHP Apps option such as "http://routes.php” file which by default
Laravel gives a developer a massive advantage over loaded on Laravel framework [8].
other frameworks. Advantages mentioned below [6]. ● Different types of code
● Authentication structure Laravel has a different kind of coding ability for developers
Laravel keeps its authentication application very simple for to make a website. A framework such as Laravel makes it
developers. Nearly every code of authentication has easy for programmers to make code for different projects.
implemented in Laravel. It controls logic and resources very Laravel is mainly an MVC type framework. An MVC type
efficiently. framework can make a separation between different codes.
● Support of mail system ● SMS queue system
Mail service is convenient for a developer. It is tough to Mail service must have an option of SMS queue. Sometimes
think about a web application, which has no email service in a congested network system is unable to deliver a proper
it. Laravel offers simple API support for mail systems. message. But the queue allows an application to receive
Laravel also supports SMS service so that a user can delayed SMS from a user. Laravel has a unique set of API
communicate easily. systems that helps to retrieve delayed messages.
● Integrated tools ● Task scheduler
Laravel has included some integrated tools in order to A developer needs to create a task to make a new
develop a webpage. It helps to develop an application faster application. This method is irritating for a developer.
without losing its functionality. Larval mainly uses tools However, Laravel has its task scheduler that can help
such as file-cached drivers that can gather cached developers automatically.
information in a file system. Laravel also can use multiple Laravel is one of the fastest and smartest
caches [4]. frameworks for a developer. A website must act fast in order
● Securing common technical issues to be synchronized with a user, and Larval helps a developer
Laravel assists developers to secure their application by to code it easily. These are the main reasons why a
securing most flaws such as SQL injection, cross-site developer sometimes finds that it is hard to upgrade from
request, and cross-site manipulating. Laravel itself is a Laravel [9].
secure framework.
C. Features offered by Laravel
● Flaws and exception management
Applications and features of LARAVEL include:
Error handle management is a vital critical point of Larval
● It is a modern software tool for handling most of
framework. Error management has included in Laravel out
internet-based databases
of the box. Laravel's Monolog library system helps to
● ELOQUENT, which is LARAVEL's Active
manage flaws in a program [7].
Record implementation, can create, retrieve, update
● Mechanism of work testing
and delete database records.
Laravel has a built-in AI for testing codes. Laravel also
● LARAVEL uses a command-line interface tool
support for testing PHPUnit out of the box and has
known as ARTISAN, which is used by a
phpunint.xml file for running the test. It helps developers to
programmer to perform some actions such as
work on a project with thinking of risk.
running certain operations, migrating tasks and Crashing of this Program is a common occurrence; a
operating scheduled tasks. programmer is trying to upgrade the version of the software
● LARAVEL has a frequent query builder, which from one generation to another. Some extension files of this
sets up differences between different database web-developing framework, LARAVEL, are quite under
types. designed and which adds to its complexity.
● LARAVEL is the latest innovation used by web Since LARAVEL is based on MVC architecture,
developers to create web applications [10]. known as Model View controller, is also quite complicated.
Developers have to use this platform for developing PHP
D. Problems faced by the program
As simple as that even an MVC- web development based software; however small size applications cannot be

framework like LARAVEL, is not entirely free from programmed by using this model, since using a complex

negativity. Even though LARAVEL is built to maintain ease language like PHP can crash this entire application. Now, as

of PHP language-based web developers, this framework LARAVEL uses this architecture, cost of updates is quite

faces some problems like: frequent, and upgrading requires quite some time [12].

● Payments feature of specific applications is not This web-based framework does not have the high

supported. boost of technical experts, since the programming language

● This framework does not offer smooth upgrades. on which this framework is based is relatively new and

● Since LARAVEL is based on a PHP command hence, technical support is very low. Still, developers are

line, this programming language is unnecessarily trying to remove flaws from this framework, which is

complicated, and amateur web developers cannot completely understandable. Version 5 of LARAVEL is

build web applications built on that [11]. considerably better than its predecessors are. In addition, as

● Any PHP -based framework like LARAVEL does discussed earlier, reload time is a big issue for PHP based

show problems for a long-time support version, platforms. Mobile applications load slower than websites.

which ultimately hinders in getting upgrades. Latest version of LARAVEL shows no distinctive

● Page reload longer in case of mobile applications features. Instead, the server only adds to its previous

than websites. complexity about ecosystem enrichment. From a user

Skilled programmers are used to developing website standpoint, LARAVEL is a platform which consists of many

based applications in LARAVEL which may sound good at PHP frameworks that consists of a huge software

first, but complexity of this website framework leads to not ecosystem. A first-time user can be severely confused by

many technical supports. It is highly indicative in a case for complexity of this site. So, LARAVEL has this issue [13].

LARAVEL. Laravel is required to design mainly small LARAVEL user installation requires a large

applications that run on small platforms. Laravel is an documentation and this requires high technical expertise.

application that works in PHP programming Enterprise-level LARAVEL requires having some customer support helpline

software is not built through LARAVEL; instead, through which unnecessary problems can be avoided. In

LARAVEL is built mainly for developing mobile addition, LARAVEL runs on some specific system

applications and small websites. Large Enterprise-level requirement. As LARAVEL runs on a large software

software built on PHP command line takes a large number ecosystem, problems arise often when user has multiple

of resources to load, takes multiple servers, caches and pages open all at once. This can create a large number of

packages. LARAVEL is used mainly for developing small chaos among the platform, and for a first time user this can

websites, and web applications, and if LARAVEL is used to be quite complex.

program extensive software, this Program will crash down Although LARAVEL claims to have excellent cache

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