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Coaching Conversation 2: Make Engagement

Intentional Throughout the Year

There are two goals for this coaching conversation:
•• Help managers take formal and informal actions to focus on individual team members and the state of the team.
•• Hone managers’ ability to resolve issues and overcome challenges.

  Initial Observations   Call to Action

•• How do you think the State of the Team •• Are there two or three things you could start doing today
conversation went? to immediately support the team’s State of the Team
•• Did anything surprise you? action plan?

•• What did you learn about the team? •• When will you schedule your first conversation to review
progress on the team’s goals?
•• Did the team discuss any specific items or
concerns during the conversation? •• How can the 12 engagement items help you focus on
supporting individual employees and the team?
•• What did the team identify as its strengths?
What did the team identify as its weaknesses? •• How does each team member define success for each
Do you agree? Q12 item?
•• How committed are you to this engagement •• How will you stay focused on engagement throughout
process? the year?

•• What is the ultimate goal of the team’s State of
the Team action plan? SMART is a practical way to make sure the team’s
•• How do you believe this goal will affect the plan is effective.
team’s performance?
FF Specific
•• How will you know when the plan is successful?
The plan answers what, why and how. It is specific,
•• How will you support the team’s plan?
clear and easy to understand.
•• How will you get each team member’s
FF Measurable
commitment to support the team’s plan?
•• Are there any issues that are outside of the There is a concrete criterion for measuring progress.
team’s control? What do you need to do to FF Action-Oriented
resolve these issues? Is there anyone else in
It is actionable. There are clear steps to take to achieve
the organization who needs to be aware of
the goal.
these issues?
FF Realistic

It is possible to accomplish.
FF Timely

There is a clear timeline or deadline for action.

Copyright © 2015 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.
Coaching Conversation 2: Make Engagement Intentional Throughout the Year

Discoveries and Ideas

Team Engagement Goals Challenges and Barriers

Commitments and Next Steps

Copyright © 2015 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

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