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Cultural Differences

The phrase ‘People are people everywhere’ means that people have similar issues everywhere. List
5 examples of commonalities between people?
 Food
 Accommodation
 Work
 Friends
 Family ties
Provide 5 examples how cultural differences do impact on managing tensions between staff?
i. When emotions responses are misinterpreted. Examples, when one fails to show the sensitivity of a
matter if a problem occurs may be interpreted as one who is not caring.
ii. When the body language is interpreted in different ways. Example, when one is standing far away
while speaking to someone.
iii. When there are language barriers makes the working condition difficult.
iv. Misunderstanding of other people’s religious beliefs. This is when people fail to appreciate other
people’s religious beliefs.
v. Having a dressing code of conduct to avoid having different cultural dress codes in the workplace
which could lead to chaotic perception.
Which aspects are covered by the following legislation?
Age Discrimination Act 2004 – It covers older people and younger people and protects them from
being discriminated because of their age

Disability Discrimination Act 1992 – It protects against discrimination on the basis of a disability

Racial Discrimination Act 1975 – It protects against discriminating on the basis of skin colour, and
national origin.

Sex Discrimination Act 1984 – It protects against discrimination t sex, pregnancy and marital status

Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 – It’s a commission that is established that is given
power and defines discrimination.

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