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Generalized, Adsorbent-Agnostic, Artificial Neural Network

Framework for Rapid Simulation, Optimization, and Adsorbent
Screening of Adsorption Processes
Kasturi Nagesh Pai, Vinay Prasad, and Arvind Rajendran*
Cite This: Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2020, 59, 16730−16740 Read Online

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ABSTRACT: Adsorption-based processes, such as pressure swing

adsorption, because of their cyclic nature and the presence of
multiple design variables, are challenging to simulate and optimize.
Here, we introduce the machine-assisted adsorption process
learning and emulation (MAPLE) framework, a generalized data-
driven surrogate model that fully emulates operation of an
adsorption process at the cyclic steady state. This framework is
based on a dense feedforward neural network trained with a
Bayesian regularization technique. This framework is generalized
for a wide range of inputs which include the adsorbent properties,
the Langmuir adsorption isotherm parameters, and operating
conditions. The MAPLE framework can then be used to predict key performance indicators such as product purity, recovery, energy,
and productivity for any arbitrary adsorbent and operating condition almost instantaneously. The key differentiator of the current
work lies in the incorporation of the adsorption isotherm as an input, which is specifically beneficial for rapid screening of large
adsorbent databases. A CO2 capture case study is used to illustrate this methodology. A relatively small computational training effort
(2000 core hours) is required to train MAPLE with an average prediction accuracy (test RAdj2 ≥ 0.995) for all the four key
performance indicators across a wide range of adsorbents/adsorption characteristics. The simulation and optimization time is
brought down from 1500 core hours per adsorbent to ≤1 core min per adsorbent. The ability of this framework for rapid screening
of adsorbents for postcombustion CO2 capture is also illustrated.

1. INTRODUCTION In recent years, the development of advanced numerical

techniques5,6 and the availability of inexpensive computing
Cyclic adsorption processes such as pressure swing adsorption
power have allowed researchers to solve optimization problems
(PSA), vacuum swing adsorption (VSA), or temperature swing
that explore thousands of possible operating conditions using
adsorption (TSA) are used extensively for a variety of gas detailed simulations.6−10 The explosive growth in metal−
separation applications.1−3 In their simplest manifestation, an organic chemistry and molecular simulations has led to the
adsorbent capable of selectively retaining one of the synthesis of hundreds of thousands of both real and
components in a gas mixture is packed in a column and the hypothetical adsorbents.11,12 Further, many research groups
gas is routed in a variety of ways to perform a separation. The now confirm that the potential of adsorbents cannot be
ability to configure a variety of “cycles” by altering the evaluated by simple metrics such as selectivity, working
sequence of steps is a particularly attractive feature of cyclic capacity, and so forth, and process simulations combined
adsorption processes. The processes are rather complex owing with optimization are essential.13−17 This indicates that future
to the simultaneous propagation of heat- and mass-transfer efforts in adsorbent screening will require process optimization
fronts. Hence, designing these processes invariably requires tools that are reliable and fast.
numerical simulations. These numerical simulations require Current simulation tools are time-consuming, and the
the solution of coupled partial differential equations with computational effort to screen large databases is still
nonlinear algebraic equations until a cyclic steady state (CSS)
is reached. Depending on the nature of the system, it is quite Received: May 8, 2020
possible that hundreds of cycles need to be simulated in order Revised: July 27, 2020
to determine the performance indicators for a single operating Accepted: August 27, 2020
condition.4 This makes P/V/T-SA simulations computationally Published: August 27, 2020
intensive and prohibits their use for many practical applications
that have presented themselves in recent years.

© 2020 American Chemical Society

16730 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2020, 59, 16730−16740
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

substantial. Leperi et al.18 and Burns et al.19 used detailed ANN model for simulation, optimization, and adsorbent
process models and optimization to screen >560 and >1500 screening. Each of these stages is described below. The goal
metal−organic frameworks (MOFs), respectively. These of the current work is to describe the development of the data-
represent evaluating millions of unique operating conditions. driven surrogate framework and prove its effectiveness. To do
From our own experience, large-scale screening requires so, the case of postcombustion CO2 from dry flue gas is
several hundred (possibly thousand) core years of computa- considered. Specifically, a four-step VSA process with light-
tional power. Several approaches, including the development of product pressurization (4-step with LPP), a simple yet effective
simplified analogue models20−23 and surrogate models,24 have process that has been demonstrated at both lab scale29 and
been used to overcome these challenges. pilot scale,30 is considered. A similar framework can be
Advances in machine learning have opened up an exciting extended to other cycles and separations.
opportunity to significantly reduce computational times 2.1. Detailed Model. The simulation of any cyclic
associated with P/V/T-SA simulations. This topic has been adsorption process requires a robust mathematical model
recently explored by several research groups. Khurana and that describes the key physical phenomena that occur within
Farooq developed an artificial neural network (ANN) model to the column. In this study, the column dimensions and other
relate the adsorbent characteristics with the minimum energy key simulation parameters are provided in Table 1. This study
and maximum productivity achievable for a VSA process.13 does not aim to design a new process but considers the
Using this model, they were able to evaluate the performance question: if a laboratory-scale VSA system of a fixed dimension
of 75 adsorbents for postcombustion CO2 capture. Subraveti et and a given range of operating conditions is available, how
al. developed an optimization technique where an ANN model could different adsorbents perform when deployed in the rig ?
is trained for one specific adsorbent internally in an The entire framework is designed with this objective in mind.
optimization framework to reduce the dimensionality of the The detailed model used in this study has been described in
problem and to aid the speedup of the optimization.25 Leperi our previous work.6 The key assumptions being that (1) the
et al. developed an ANN model to emulate a PSA process for a gas phase is ideal, (2) the flow in the column is described by an
given set of operating conditions.26 Pai et al. developed a axially dispersed plug flow model, (3) the fluid and solid
variety of regression models to predict the performance phases are in thermal equilibrium and the column is adiabatic,
indicator and axial profiles of intensive variables of a VSA (4) the mass transfer between the gas and solid phases can be
process that employs zeolite 13X and proposed a novel described by a linear driving force (LDF) model, with the
optimization framework that enables rapid identification of molecular diffusion in macropores controlling the mass
CSS performance.27 They also validated the ANN predictions transfer, and (5) the pressure drop in the column is described
against experiments, thereby confirming that these approaches by Darcy’s law (for the column dimensions chosen and the
can be used reliably. All of these models were trained for a operating conditions encountered here, this assumption was
combination of a specific cycle and an adsorbent. found to be sufficient). The models thus obtained, along with
The above summary indicates that supervised machine the suitable boundary conditions, are provided in the
learning models have been developed to predict the perform- Supporting Information.
ance of a specific process using a specific adsorbent. However, The competitive adsorption equilibrium is assumed to be
using such models for adsorbent screening is a rather described by the single-site Langmuir (SSL) isotherm
insurmountable task because the number of adsorbents that
are being developed are in the order of hundreds of thousands. qsatbiCi
qi* = , i = CO2 , N2
Hence, there is a clear need to develop generalizable surrogate 1 + bCO2CCO2 + bN2C N2 (1)
models that can predict the performance of an arbitrary
adsorbent when subjected to a specific operating condition where qi* is the equilibrium solid-phase loading, bi is the
(without being trained for that specific adsorbent). The equilibrium constant for component i, and qsat is the saturation
development of such a model will provide a powerful tool that capacity. The temperature dependence of the equilibrium
could enable not only the optimization of a process for a constant is described by
specific adsorbent but also the screening of large databases in a
more reliable manner. This is the central goal of the current bi = b0,i e−ΔUi / RT (2)
work. This is referred to as the machine-assisted adsorption
process learning and emulation (MAPLE) framework. First, we It is worth noting that the equilibrium of CO2 and N2
discuss the development of the MAPLE framework. The trade- cannot be accurately described by the Langmuir isotherm for
off between training effort and accuracy is evaluated, and the all the adsorbents; often more complex forms such as the dual-
ability of the framework to predict the performance of an site Langmuir (DSL) would be needed.31,32 The main reason
arbitrary adsorbent is evaluated by comparing the results to for choosing the SSL isotherm is that it is generic enough to
those of a detailed mathematical model. The ability of the capture the behavior of many practical systems with a small set
framework is illustrated by first evaluating it for the of parameters, namely, qsat, b0,CO2, b0,N2, ΔUCO2, and ΔUN2. It is
optimization of the industrial benchmark zeolite 13X for worth noting that including more complex isotherm
different conditions and objectives. The framework is then descriptions, for example, DSL, is likely to increase the training
used to screen a host of adsorbents presented in the effort significantly and is not considered at this moment. In
literature.28 addition to the equilibrium, the other key aspect to consider is
the mass transfer within the adsorbent particle. In this study,
2. MAPLE FRAMEWORK we assume that the adsorbent is prepared in a pelletized form
The MAPLE framework consists of three stages: (1) and that the diffusion within the crystals is fast. However,
development of a detailed mathematical model, (2) training during the pelletization process, the diffusional resistance that
and validation of an ANN model, and (3) deployment of the will arise in the macropores cannot be avoided. Hence, the
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2020, 59, 16730−16740
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Table 1. Parameters Used for Detailed Model Simulationsa

parameter type value
Column Properties
bed length, L [m] fixed 1.0
column inner radius, rin [m] fixed 0.1445
column outer radius, rout [m] fixed 0.1620
particle voidage, εp [-] fixed 0.35
particle radius, rp [m] fixed 1 × 10−3
density of the column wall, ρw [kg m−3] fixed 7800
bed voidage, ε [-] fixed 0.37
tortuosity factor, τ [-] fixed 3.0
Fluid Properties
effective heat conduction coefficient, Kz fixed 0.0903
[J m−1 s−1 K−1]
thermal conductivity of the wall, Kw fixed 16.0
[W m−1 K−1]
inside heat-transfer coefficient, hin [W m−2 K−1] fixed 0
outside heat-transfer coefficient, hout fixed 0
[W m−2 K−1]
gas-specific heat capacity, Cp,g [J kg−1 K−1] fixed 1010.6
adsorbed phase-specific heat capacity, Cp,a fixed 1010.6 Figure 1. 4-step with LPP process used in this study.
[J kg−1 K−1]
wall-specific heat capacity, Cp,w [J kg−1 K−1] fixed 502.0
adiabatic constant, γ [-] fixed 1.4 interstitial velocity vF. The product leaving from the top of the
universal gas constant, R [m3 Pa mol−1 K−1] fixed 8.314 column is predominantly N2. The feed step is carried out at a
fluid viscosity, μ [kg m−1 s−1] fixed 1.72 × 10−5 fixed pressure of PH = 1 bar for a duration of tADS. (2) The
molecular diffusivity, DM [m2 s−1] fixed 1.60 × 10−5 blowdown step in which vacuum is applied from the top of the
Adsorbent Properties column and the column pressure is reduced to PINT. The aim
density of the solid particle, ρs [kg m−3] fixed 1130 of this step is to remove as much N2 as possible, while reducing
adsorbent-specific heat capacity, Cp,s [J kg−1 K−1] fixed 1070 CO2 loss. (3) The evacuation step in which vacuum is applied
adsorption saturation capacity, qsat [mol kg−1] variable 0.8−12.0 from the bottom of the column and the pressure is reduced to
adsorption equilibrium constant of CO2, b0,CO2 variable 10−12 to 101 PL. The CO2 product is collected in this step. (4) The LPP
[m3 mol−1] step in which the product from the feed step is used to
adsorption equilibrium constant of N2, b0,N2 variable 10−9 to 103 pressurize the column to bring it back to PH. This step has
[ m3 mol−1] been shown to improve CO2 recovery.29 Each step in the cycle
heat of adsorption of CO2, ΔUCO2 [kJ mol−1] variable −20 to −42 is simulated, assuming that one column undergoes all the steps
heat of adsorption of N2, ΔUN2 [kJ mol−1] variable −5 to −18 in the given sequence. The partial differential equations arising
from the mass and energy balances are discretized in the axial
Process Properties
direction using a finite-volume scheme, and the ordinary
ambient temperature, Ta [K] fixed 298.15
differential equations obtained are solved using ode23s, an
feed temperature, TF [K] fixed 298.15
inbuilt solver in MATLAB. Four key performance indicators
compression/evacuation pump efficiency, η [-] fixed 0.72
are calculated, viz., CO2 purity, CO2 recovery, energy
blowdown step exponential pressure history fixed 0.5
term, αBLO [s] consumption, and productivity. These are defined in the
evacuation step exponential pressure history fixed 0.5 Supporting Information and briefly described here. Purity (in.
term, αEvac [s] %) represents the ratio of the moles of CO2 to the moles of
pressurization step exponential pressure history fixed 0.5 CO2 + N2 recovered in the product stream, while recovery
term, αPRESS [s] represents (in. %) the ratio of CO2 obtained in the product
high pressure, PH [bar] fixed 1
stream to the amount in the feed stream. The energy
adsorption step time, tADS [s] variable 10−110
consumption for the process comes from three steps: in the
intermediate pressure, PINT [bar] variable 0.05−0.45
feed step, the energy required to pressurize the gas in order to
evacuation pressure, PL [bar] variable 0.01−0.05
overcome the pressure drop in the column; in the blowdown
feed rate, vF [m s−1] variable 0.1−2
and evacuation, the energy consumption relates to the energy
CO2 feed composition, yF [-] variable 0.05−0.7
spent for evacuating the column. In all these steps, the
Those indicated as a variable are used for training the MAPLE isentropic efficiency of the prime mover is assumed to be 72%.
framework and used as decision variables. The productivity is defined as the moles of CO2 collected in
the product step per unit volume of the adsorbent per unit
current description of the mass transfer depicts the minimum cycle time. The cycle time in this case is the sum of the
resistance that would be seen. Further within the range of duration of the four steps. In all the simulations, a single bed is
velocities chosen for this study, the macropore resistance is allowed for transition from one step to the other until CSS is
expected to be stronger than the film resistance. reached. The efficiency of this model to describe experimental
The specific process used in this study is shown in Figure 1. measurements has been demonstrated in our previous study.29
The cycle consists of four steps: (1) the feed step, in which the 2.2. Machine Learning Training and Validation. The
feed mixture containing yF mole fraction of CO2 and the rest machine learning framework is shown in Figure 2. The
being N2, is fed from the bottom of the column with an framework comprises three blocks: the inputs, the neural
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2020, 59, 16730−16740
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 2. Key components of the MAPLE framework.

network, and the outputs. Three steps are typically involved in predicted and measured outputs was treated as the loss
developing neural network models, namely, training, validation, function. All the computation required for data generation was
and testing. The input block consists of key inputs comprising carried out in Compute Canada advanced research computing
operating conditions shown in Figure 2 and adsorption systems, and the training and validation of the neural network
isotherm parameters of CO2 and N2. The neural network models were performed on a desktop workstation with dual 18
block consists of a set of ANN models whose architecture is core Intel Xeon 2.7 GHz processors and 128 gigabytes of
described below. The output block consists of key process RAM.
indicators. In the training step, a large enough data set 2.2.1. Training Effort versus Model Accuracy. It is
comprising the inputs and the corresponding outputs is used to important to note that neural network models are highly
train the ANN model. In the testing step, the ability of ANN to parameterizable and very flexible, which also makes them
predict purity, recovery, energy, and productivity is evaluated. prone to over-fitting and over-parameterizing.34 Over-fitting
Each of these features is described below. can be avoided by techniques such as cross-validation and
In this work, four independent neural networks were used to measuring the accuracy against the test set that has not been
predict the key performance indicators, viz., purity, recovery, included in model training. In this work, the difference
energy, and productivity. Each neural network model has 10 between the validation and training losses was taken as an
inputs, including 5 isotherm parameters and 5 process indication of over-fitting. It is well known that the most
operating conditions. The specific variables are shown in computational effort in training machine learning models for
Figure 2 and their ranges are provided in Table 1. The range PSA processes is spent in generating the training data set.27 A
for the training variables has been chosen based on the parametric study was performed to evaluate the trade-off
experience from previous studies where meaningful process between training effort and model accuracy. The impact of the
performance was observed for a wide range of adsorption ANN architecture was also studied. In this work, the training
isotherm parameters.19 A latin hypercube sampling technique effort was quantified as the total time required for sample
was used to generate 21,000 unique combinations of the input generation and the neural network training time. However, in
variables, and for each set, the detailed process model was run all cases, the sample generation using the detailed model
until CSS was reached and the performance indicators at CSS required a substantially large time when compared to the
were used to train the ANN models. These values at CSS were neural network model training time. The corresponding
used for training; that is, no transients are considered. A total training accuracy was quantified using a RAdj2 metric, the
of 1000 randomly selected data points were removed from this adjusted coefficient of determination
set and used as a test set. Note that these data were not used in
training the model. The distributions of the various variables (1 − R2)(n − 1)
RAdj2 = 1 −
used for the training set are provided in the Supporting (n − k − 1) (3)
A deep neural network is made up of an input layer, followed where
by a series of hidden layers with different numbers of nodes/
neurons, followed by an output layer. A sigmoidal activation ∑ j = 1 (f j − fĵ )2
function was used in the hidden layers and a linear activation R2 = 1 − n
function was used for the output layer. The neural networks ∑ j = 1 (f j − f ̅ )2 (4)
were trained using Bayesian regularization with the back-
propagation technique trainbr, implemented in MATLAB where n is the number of testing samples and k is the number
2019b.25,27,33 The algorithm was run for 200 epochs with 5% of input descriptors, which in this work is 1000 and 10,
of the training set randomly selected in the algorithm as a respectively. f j is the actual observed output, fĵ is the predicted
validation set (referred in the trainbr documentation as the test output, and f̅ is the mean of the set of actual outputs. Note that
set) to observe the training and validation loss to avoid over- the RAdj2 value was obtained using an independent test set
fitting. Note that the mean-squared error between the consisting of 1000 simulated VSA data samples. These data
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2020, 59, 16730−16740
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

points were unique and were not included in the training of the hidden layer reduces the number of parameters while keeping a
ANN models. high test RAdj2 ≥ 0.995 with just 10,000 points. The four
The basic neural network model, in this study is made up of performance indicators corresponding to the test set,
one input layer and one hidden layer with 10 neurons. calculated from the ANN model and the detailed model, are
Progressively, the complexity of the model was increased by compared in Figure 4. The results show an excellent
using additional neurons. The 20,000 samples were random- correlation, thus confirming the accuracy of the surrogate
ized and smaller sets were formed. The distribution of the model.
various inputs in the training set is provided in the Supporting 2.3. Process Optimization. The transient nature of the
Information. Figure 3a shows the resulting average RAdj2 of all adsorption process and the numerous possible operating
conditions make the optimization of the P/VSA process
challenging. In this work, an evolutionary algorithm, a
nondominated sorting genetic algorithm-II (NSGA-II), is
used to optimize the process conditions. It has been shown
in the literature to optimize PVSA systems for various
multiobjective problems.35,36 In this study, two optimization
approaches were considered. In the first one, called “Detailed-
Opt.”, the genetic algorithm optimizer is coupled with the
detailed model. The optimizer chooses an initial population
that comprises a set of decision variables. These are sent to the
detailed model, which simulates each step of the VSA process
until CSS is reached. At this point, the performance indicators
are returned to the optimizer where the objective functions are
calculated. If constraints are present, a suitable penalty function
is applied and the objective function values are recalculated.
Based on the objective function values, the next generation is
generated and the process is repeated. This technique has been
shown to be very effective for VSA simulations and has also
been shown to compare well with experiments.29 The second
optimization approach is called “MAPLE-Opt.”. In this case,
the detailed model in Detailed-Opt. is replaced by the MAPLE
model. Instead of computing each step in the adsorption cycle,
Figure 3. Effect of neural network architecture on model prediction the MAPLE model directly estimates the CSS performance
accuracy: average test RAdj2 is shown as a function of the training set indicators and returns them to the optimizer. As expected, this
size. (a) Effect of number of neurons and training samples on RAdj2 significantly reduces the computational time.
and (b) effect of number of hidden layers; 10 neurons were used in
each hidden layer. The test set contains 1000 samples. 3. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF MAPLE
The trained and validated neural network models obtained
the predicted quantities as a function of training sample size for with the MAPLE framework can, in principle, now be used to
different numbers of neurons. It can be observed from the predict the performance of any adsorbent−adsorbate system
figure that increasing the number of neurons improves the that can be described by a Langmuir isotherm. To highlight
overall predictive capability of the neural network for all this feature, a series of case studies were performed. The first
sample sizes. It is interesting to note that even with a relatively case study relates to testing the ability of the MAPLE
small number of training samples (7500), the network can framework for simulating specific operating conditions when
achieve a RAdj2 as high as 0.98. Further, it can be seen that for a the VSA process is operated using an adsorbent that was
given number of training samples, the addition of neurons in hitherto not present in the training set. The second case study
the hidden layer increases the prediction accuracy from RAdj2. extends the first by considering multiobjective optimization of
However, beyond 30 neurons, no significant gain in accuracy the process and screening adsorbents screened in the literature.
can be obtained. The other neural network component that 3.1. Simulation of the VSA Process. Among the several
can help improve the predictive capability is the number of potential applications of the MAPLE framework is the
hidden layers. Therefore again, keeping the base case as one simulation of a process for a given adsorbent and operating
hidden layer with 10 neurons, the number of hidden layers was conditions. Although the high accuracy of the predictive
progressively increased. Figure 3b shows the resulting average capability has been demonstrated above, it is necessary to
test RAdj2 of all the predicted quantities as a function of training verify its performance for an adsorbent that was not “seen” by
sample size for different numbers of hidden layers. The the model in the training set. For this purpose, the isotherms of
addition of hidden layers improves the predictive capability of CO2 and N2 on zeolite 13X were considered. Although the
the neural network. The number of sample points that are isotherm of this system strictly requires a DSL model, for the
needed to achieve an average test RAdj2 ≥ 0.99 is as low as purpose of this study, an SSL model was fitted to the data. The
10,000 with just two hidden layers. There is no significant SSL isotherm parameters are provided in the Supporting
improvement in model accuracy beyond two hidden layers. Information. For this study, the cycle-specific inputs were fixed
Note that the variation of RAdj2 for the individual performance as follows: tADS = 92.4 s, PINT = 0.08 bar, PL = 0.03 bar, vF =
indicator models is provided in the Supporting Information. 0.64 ms−1, and yF = 0.15. For the first case, the intermediate
Following the procedure mentioned above, it was found that pressure (PINT) was varied from 0.08 to 0.18 bar. For each
a neural network with 2 hidden layers with 20 neurons in each value of PINT, both the detailed model and the MAPLE were
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2020, 59, 16730−16740
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 4. Parity plot of the detailed model and MAPLE surrogate results for a test set of 1000 samples shown for the four key performance
indicators: (a) purity, (b) recovery, (c) productivity, and (d) energy.

Figure 5. Parametric study showing the variation of key performance indicators: (a) CO2 purity, (b) CO2 recovery, (c) productivity, and (d)
energy for zeolite 13X as a function of intermediate pressure PINT. Solid lines show the results from MAPLE and symbols correspond to the detailed
model results. The shaded area represents a 2% error band.

run using the SSL isotherm parameters and the resulting Again, the MAPLE framework is able to predict every
performance indicators are compared in Figure 5a−d. The performance indicator with an error less than 2%.
results confirm the predictive capability of MAPLE, where each 3.2. VSA Optimization. One of the key understandings
performance indicator was predicted within 2% of the detailed from large-scale screening studies has been that measuring key
model. As expected, an increase in PINT results in the reduction performance indicators such as energy consumption or cost of
of CO2 product purity as N2 is not sufficiently removed in the separation cannot be accurately predicted without full process
blowdown steps. A second parametric study was performed by simulation coupled with robust multivariate optimization.19
varying the feed composition of CO2 (yF) from 0.05 to 0.18 Although this represents a computationally challenging
and the results are shown in the Supporting Information. proposition, MAPLE has the potential to overcome this
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2020, 59, 16730−16740
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

bottleneck. This feature of MAPLE needs to be evaluated in for a CO2 purity constraint of 95%. Similar to the previous
order to confirm its suitability for use in robust multiobjective study, the cycle-specific operating conditions such as
optimizations. A series of optimization case studies were adsorption time, pressure levels, and feed velocity were the
performed to examine this claim using the detailed model. In decision variables and their bounds are shown in Table 1.
order to illustrate this capability, we employ two optimization Figure 6b shows the optimized Pareto curves for the different
approaches, viz., “Detailed-Opt.” and “MAPLE-Opt.”, both of feed composition provided in the legend. The solid lines
which have been explained earlier. Three cases were chosen to represent the Pareto predicted by MAPLE-Opt., with the
highlight the ability of MAPLE to achieve the above- shaded area representing a 2% error bar on the abscissa. The
mentioned requirements. The first case study considered the symbols represent the Pareto curve obtained from Detailed-
unconstrained simultaneous maximization of CO2 purity and Opt. As expected, the Pareto curve move toward the bottom
recovery for four different feed compositions of 10, 12, 15, and right of the plot with increasing feed composition. This
18% with the balance being N2. In this case, the isotherm indicates that better recovery at a lower energy consumption
inputs were fixed to the SSL parameters of zeolite 13X. Figure can be achieved at higher feed compositions. The plot
6a shows the optimized Pareto curves for the different feed illustrates the ability of MAPLE to accurately predict the
results of the constrained multiobjective optimization prob-
lems. In the second case of the constrained optimization, the
simultaneous maximization of productivity and recovery is
carried out for a purity of ≥95%. The results provided in
Figure 6c show the optimized Pareto curves for the different
feed compositions. The solid lines represent the Pareto curve
predicted by optimizing MAPLE-Opt., with the shaded area
representing a 2% error bar on the abscissa. The symbols
represent the Pareto curve obtained with Detailed-Opt. As
expected with the increase in the feed composition of CO2, the
Pareto curve moves to the top right. Finally, it is also worth
noting that the Pareto curves obtained from MAPLE-Opt. and
Detailed-Opt. are nearly identical, indicating the high model
accuracy achievable using the MAPLE framework. It should be
noted that it took less than 2.4 core min to generate one Pareto
curve using MAPLE-Opt., while Detailed-Opt. required ≈500
core hours for the same. This simple comparison illustrates the
significant savings in computational effort that can be achieved
by using MAPLE.
3.3. Adsorbent Screening through Process Optimi-
zation. One of the key applications of the MAPLE framework
is anticipated to be in screening adsorbents for specific
separations. In order to illustrate this potential, we consider
two illustrative examples. In the first example, we consider the
detailed optimization of three materials. Such a detailed
optimization is essential as each adsorbent is expected to
perform at its best for a unique set of operating conditions.
Hence, any meaningful screening should consider the entire
range of operating conditions. To illustrate this aspect, three
adsorbents, namely, zeolite 13X and two MOFs (UTSA-16 and
Mg-MOF-16), are considered.37 The SSL isotherm parameters
are provided in the Supporting Information. For each of these
Figure 6. Pareto curves resulting from the multiobjective optimization
of the 4-step cycle with LPP process employing zeolite 13X. Symbols adsorbents, both MAPLE-Opt. and Detailed-Opt. were run in
are from Detailed-Opt. and the solid line is from MAPLE-Opt. (a) order to maximize CO2 purity and recovery. The cycle-specific
Pareto curve resulting from the unconstrained maximization of purity operating conditions such as adsorption time, pressure levels,
and recovery. (b) Pareto curve resulting from the minimization of and feed velocity were the decision variables and were allowed
energy and maximization of recovery subject to a CO2 purity of to vary within bounds provided in Table 1. The resulting
≥95%. (c) Pareto curve resulting from the maximization of Pareto curves for both Detailed-Opt. and MAPLE-Opt. are
productivity and recovery subject to a CO2 purity of ≥95%. compared in Figure 7a. The solid lines represent the Pareto
predicted by optimizing MAPLE-Opt., with the shaded area
compositions. The solid lines represent the Pareto predicted by representing a 2% error bar on the abscissa. The symbols
the MAPLE-Opt. framework, with the shaded area represent- represent the Pareto curve obtained with Detailed-Opt. Among
ing a 2% error bar on the abscissa and the symbols the three adsorbents, UTSA-16 has the best potential for
representing the Pareto curve obtained with Detailed-Opt. separation, followed by zeolite 13X and Mg-MOF-74. The
Both the optimization frameworks result in essentially the same trends and the absolute values are consistent between MAPLE-
Pareto curves. For the case of constrained optimizations, two Opt. and Detailed-Opt. Figure 7b shows the variation of the
case studies were considered. The first case involved decision variables, tADS × vF, which is an estimate of the bed
minimizing the energy consumption while maximizing the utilization versus purity of the CO2 product. The optimization
recovery of CO2 of zeolite 13X at different feed compositions results clearly indicate that a larger bed utilization favors higher
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2020, 59, 16730−16740
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

is shown in Figure 8a. A high classification accuracy of 97.22%

was achieved, with no false negatives. Additionally, the

Figure 7. Results from the unconstrained multiobjective maximization

of purity and recovery for zeolite 13X, UTSA-16, and Mg MOF-74.
(a) Pareto resulting from the unconstrained maximization of purity
and recovery. (b) Variation of tAds × vF vs purity. Lines denote the
results from MAPLE-Opt. and symbols are from Detailed-Opt.

purity (at the cost of lower recovery). Further, both MAPLE- Figure 8. Comparison of screening results from MAPLE with those
Opt. and Detailed-Opt. show identical values of bed utilization, reported by Khurana and Farooq.28 (a) Confusion matrix showing the
confirming that MAPLE-Opt. not only predicts the perform- classification results for the DOE purity−recovery requirements. (b)
ance indicators correctly but also provides an exact mapping to Comparison of minimum energy values subject to constraints of CO2
the decision variable space. This is an important confirmation purity ≥95% and recovery ≥90% calculated by MAPLE and those
that increases the confidence in using MAPLE for routine from the literature.
process optimization-based adsorbent screening.
In the final illustration, MAPLE-Opt. was used to screen a
group of 75 adsorbents that were reported by Khurana and adsorbents that met the DOE target were further considered
Farooq.28 It is worth noting that the original data provided by to identify the minimum energy at which the DOE targets can
the authors described the CO2 and N2 equilibrium using the be achieved. The minimum energy from MAPLE-Opt. is
DSL isotherm. It is well known that competitive adsorption has tabulated against the results from the detailed model
a major impact on process calculations.14,31 Hence, in order to optimization reported by Khurana and Farooq in the
adopt the data reported by the authors within this current Supporting Information. Figure 8b shows the parity plot
framework, it was important to identify those materials that between the two results as blue squares. As shown, it is clear
can be adequately represented by the SSL. In order to do this, that the minimum energy calculated by MAPLE-Opt.
the isotherms of both CO2 and N2 were generated up to 1 bar correlates well with an independent source confirming its
pressure using the DSL parameters reported in the original accuracy. The outliers in the plot are due to the character-
paper. Using these points, the SSL isotherm was fitted at three ization of the dual-site behavior using an SSL. Although the
different temperatures. Those materials that yielded an R2 of single-component isotherms for both SSL and DSL forms are
less than 0.95 were removed. This yielded 53 materials. Then, comparable, there was a higher degree of mismatch in the
the competitive loadings of both CO2 and N2 were calculated competitive loadings of CO2 and N2. This points to the
at 1 bar total pressure and a CO2 composition of 0.15 using importance of an accurate description of competitive
both the DSL and SSL parameters. If the absolute difference adsorption equilibria.
between the two loadings was greater than 30%, then those
materials were also eliminated. This ensured that only those 4. CONCLUSIONS
materials whose single and competitive isotherms can be In this paper, the development of a material-agnostic machine
reasonably described by the SSL isotherm are considered. This learning model for the rapid simulation of VSA processes was
resulted in a total of 36 materials. The SSL parameters can be presented. The key difference between this study and the ones
found in the Supporting Information. These adsorbents were in the literature is the inclusion of the adsorption isotherm
optimized first to verify if they achieve the United States parameters. The model is trained not by using the properties of
Department of Energy (DOE) guidelines for postcombustion real adsorbents but rather by parameterizing the Langmuir
carbon capture, that is, ≥95% CO2 purity and ≥90% CO2 adsorption isotherm of the two components. It is important to
recovery. This screening was carried out by running the highlight that the current machine learning model has been
unconstrained MAPLE-Opt. The confusion matrix comparing trained for a limited set of variables over a specific range. For
the results of classification from this study and the original one instance, the column size and cycle are fixed, only a selected
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2020, 59, 16730−16740
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

number of operating parameters are varied over a certain indicators, adsorption isotherm parameters, classification
range, the feed temperature is fixed, the description of the results, and comparison of energy values for the
adsorption isotherm is limited to the SSL function, the mass- adsorbents studied (PDF)

transfer resistance is considered to be confined to the
macropores, and the adsorbent properties, for example, density AUTHOR INFORMATION
and specific heat, are held constant. Barring these few
Corresponding Author
properties, the model can be considered as being agnostic
Arvind Rajendran − Department of Chemical and Materials
even to the two species to be separated. It was further shown
Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta
that the framework can be reliably used for calculating the
T6G1H9, Canada;;
performance of adsorbents that were not used in the training
set. This indicates that such a model can be used for describing
the process performance of any arbitrary adsorbent as long as Authors
the equilibrium data can be adequately represented by the SSL. Kasturi Nagesh Pai − Department of Chemical and Materials
This was demonstrated by calculating the performance of over Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta
40 adsorbents. It is important to caution that the optimal T6G1H9, Canada
conditions for a specific material can indeed lie beyond the Vinay Prasad − Department of Chemical and Materials
range of conditions that the model is trained for. Further Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta
modeling and optimization might be required to fully T6G1H9, Canada;
understand the potential of the material.
Complete contact information is available at:
MAPLE can be used in a variety of ways: design/describe
experimental campaigns, perform parametric studies, and
perform screening of large adsorbent databases for any Notes
arbitrary set of constraints and objective functions. The most
The authors declare no competing financial interest.

important advantage of this approach lies in the ability to
screen large databases. Experimental and hypothetical materials ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
are rapidly increasing, and databases that contain hundreds of
thousands of such materials are now common and there is an Funding from the Canada First Excellence Research Fund
increasing urge to mine them to identify adsorbents for further through the University of Alberta’s Future Energy Systems and
development. Many research groups have now confirmed that through the Discovery Grants program of the Natural Sciences
the process configuration has a major impact on the material and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) is
performance. Hence, tools such as MAPLE are expected to acknowledged. V.P. acknowledges the support from the Jaffer
provide researchers the ability to optimize the process for each professorship in Process Systems and Control Engineering.
adsorbent before a more meaningful evaluation can be made. Computations reported in this work were supported by
Further, for the process considered in this study, the entire Compute Canada through the resources for research group

training effort for generating 10,000 training sets and training
the framework costed ≈1700 core hours. Once trained,
MAPLE-Opt. takes ≈0.04 core hours to optimize one
adsorbent. Hence, for a database consisting of 10,000 Roman Symbols
materials, assuming that about 3000 unique simulations are b, b0 adsorption equilibrium constant [m3 mol−1]
required to identify the optimum condition per adsorbent, a C fluid-phase concentration [mol m−3]
detailed model would take a total of 5,125,000 core hours to f performance indicator
screen, while MAPLE would be completed (including the time f̂ predicted performance indicator
for training) in 2100 core hours. This is a significant f̅ mean of the performance indicator in the full training/
computational advantage, especially when very large databases testing sample set
are considered. Naturally, there are many other advances that i component [-]
are required in order to be able to perform a thorough j sample index [-]
optimization of any arbitrary adsorbent. We highlight two here: K number of descriptors
developing frameworks for systems that require a more n number of samples
complex description of the equilibrium and/or kinetics and P pressure [bar]
developing superstructures that optimize not just the operating q* equilibrium solid-phase loading [mol m−3]
conditions but also the cycle configuration. This study also qsat solid-phase saturation capacity [mol m−3]
clearly demonstrates that machine learning approaches have R universal gas constant [J mol−1 K−1]
the potential to tackle such computationally intensive problems R coefficient of determination [-]
and should be explored further. T temperature [K]

* Supporting Information

ΔU internal energy [J mol−1]
interstitial velocity [m s−1]
composition in stream [-]
The Supporting Information is available free of charge at Subscripts and Superscripts ADS adsorption
Adj adjusted
Governing equations, boundary conditions, expressions ANN artificial neural network
to calculate performance indicators, distributions of BLO blowdown
inputs for training data, RAdj2 for various performance CSS cyclic steady state
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2020, 59, 16730−16740
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