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MALABSORPTION SYNDROME all nutrients, or you can have

particular difficulties absorbing

 Malabsorption syndrome is a
certain kinds of nutrients. Whatever
digestive disorder that prevents your
you can’t absorb will pass undigested
body from effectively absorbing
in your stools. People with
nutrients from your food. It has
malabsorption syndrome often have
many causes, but most of them
diarrhea as a side effect, which can
involve damage to the mucous lining
make malabsorption worse. With
of your small intestine, where most
diarrhea, food moves too fast
absorption happens.
through your bowels for nutrients to
What is malabsorption? be absorbed.
 In the short term, malabsorption will
 Malabsorption is an umbrella term
cause gastrointestinal distress from
for a wide range of disorders that
the inability to digest certain foods.
affect your ability to absorb nutrients
Over time, your body will start to
from your food.
show signs of deficiency in those
 Malabsorption can lead to
nutrients that you can’t absorb.
indigestion and even malnutrition —
Deficiencies in any of the
not from a lack of eating enough
macronutrients — protein, fats or
nutrients, but from an inability to
carbohydrates — will cause signs of
absorb them. You can think of
undernutrition, such as muscle
digestion as a three-part process. The
wasting and reduced immunity.
first part is breaking down food into
Deficiencies in micronutrients —
digestible pieces. The second part is
vitamins and minerals — may affect
absorbing all the nutrients in your
your eyes, bones, skin and hair.
food. And the third part is
eliminating the waste that is left over
when all the good stuff has been
What are the different types of
malabsorption disorders?
 If you have digestive difficulties, the
problem could be in any of these  Some gastrointestinal diseases, such
three stages (or several). as celiac disease and inflammatory
Malabsorption disorders cover the bowel disease, cause general
second stage. They include specific malabsorption of all kinds of
food intolerances caused by enzyme nutrients. In other cases, you may
deficiencies, as well as various have particular difficulties absorbing
gastrointestinal diseases that affect a particular kind of nutrient. Some of
your digestive system. these types include:
What happens if you have Carbohydrate malabsorption
-Some people are sensitive to one or several
 You can have general malabsorption, carbohydrates (sugars). You may experience
which affects your ability to absorb this primarily as gas pain and abdominal
bloating. Carbohydrates that aren’t fully  Abdominal pain.
absorbed in your small intestine get  Abdominal distension.
fermented by the bacteria in your colon. The  Bloating.
bacteria break them down into gasses and  Gas.
short-chain fatty acids. The gasses cause  Nausea and vomiting.
intestinal gas, and the short-chain fatty acids  Diarrhea.
 Steatorrhea (fatty stools).
cause fatty stools.
Fat malabsorption Over time, signs of malnutrition will appear.

-This is a common type of malabsorption, Macronutrient undernutrition can look like:

possibly because it has so many causes. Fats
that aren’t absorbed in your small intestine  Unintentional weight loss.
pass to your colon, causing fatty stools  Muscle wasting.
(steatorrhea). Fatty stools are greasy and  Frequent infections.
runny and particularly smelly. They may be  Bruising easily.
light-colored and float. Fat malabsorption  Dry skin and skin lesions.
also leads to the malabsorption of fat-soluble  Dry hair and hair loss.
vitamins (A, D, E and K).  Dehydration.
 Edema (swelling with fluid).
Bile acid malabsorption  Anemia (weakness,
-Sometimes fat malabsorption results from a  Irritability, apathy and fatigue.
lack of bile from diseases of the gallbladder,  Amenorrhea (skipped periods) in
bile ducts or liver. But sometimes it results women.
from another problem, leaving leftover bile  Growth delays in children.
acids in your small intestine and passing
these on to your colon. This side effect is Micronutrient undernutrition can appear as:
called bile acid malabsorption. Leftover bile
salts trigger your colon to secrete water,  Night blindness (vitamin A
causing chronic diarrhea. deficiency).
 Weak bones and bone pain (vitamin
Protein malabsorption D deficiency).
 Bleeding gums and nosebleeds
-Protein malabsorption doesn’t usually occur (vitamin K deficiency).
by itself unless you have a particular  Sore, red tongue (vitamin b12
intolerance. Examples of this include milk deficiency).
protein intolerances and gluten intolerance.  Paleness, weakness and dizziness
(vitamin deficiency anemia).

What are the symptoms of malabsorption

syndrome? What are the main causes of
malabsorption syndrome?
Malabsorption syndrome will look like
indigestion at first, with symptoms such as:
You may have temporary malabsorption liver and gallbladder make and store bile,
during a bout of stomach flu, but which is important for digesting fats. These
malabsorption disorders that last a long time organs deliver their substances to your small
occur from an underlying condition that intestine when food is present. But if a
you’ve had for a long time. Malabsorption disease stops them from doing their jobs,
has many causes, but they fall into a few your small intestine won’t be able to break
general categories. food down enough to absorb it. Examples
Damage to the lining of the small intestine
 Pancreatic insufficiency.
Your small intestine is where most of your  Cystic fibrosis.
nutrient absorption happens. (A small  Bile duct blockages.
amount happens in your large intestine.)  Gallbladder diseases.
The mucous lining of your intestinal walls is  Liver disease.
involved in both secreting digestive enzymes
and absorbing liquefied food into your Lymphatic system diseases
bloodstream. But inflammation (enteritis)
and injury can damage this mucous Your small intestine absorbs fats into your
membrane. The damage can be temporary bloodstream through lymph vessels.
(acute) or long-lasting (chronic). Some Diseases of the lymphatic system that block
causes include: these vessels can compromise the absorption
of fats. Intestinal lymphangiectasia
 Infectious diseases such and lymphoma are two examples of this.
as Whipple’s disease and tropical
sprue. Food intolerances
 Inflammatory bowel diseases such
as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s Malabsorption of certain carbohydrates or
disease. proteins can occur as a side effect of
 Autoimmune diseases such as celiac gastrointestinal disease. (Fructose
disease. malabsorption is a common example.) But
 Overuse of certain drugs and sometimes people are born lacking the
medications. necessary enzymes to break down certain
 Alcohol use disorder. nutrients. (Lactose intolerance is the most
 Radiation therapy and chemotherapy. common example of this.)
 Short bowel syndrome.
 Small intestinal bacterial DIAGNOSIS AND TESTS
overgrowth (SIBO).
 Overproduction of stomach acid, as How do you know if you have
in Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. malabsorption?

Pancreas, gallbladder and liver diseases As with many gastrointestinal diseases,

diagnosing malabsorption can be a process.
Your pancreas, liver and gallbladder all Your healthcare provider will begin by
work together with the small intestine to examining you and considering your health
break down food. Your pancreas makes history and symptoms. If you have a known
important digestive enzymes, while your history of chronic gastrointestinal disease or
surgery, that may raise suspicions of MANAGEMENT AND TREATMENT
How is malabsorption syndrome treated?
Some symptoms, such as fatty stools and
chronic diarrhea, or evident anemia and Malabsorption syndrome can have many
muscle wasting, are highly suggestive of underlying causes and also a wide range of
malabsorption and malnutrition. Other cases effects. Your treatment will be based on
may be more subtle. Your healthcare these factors.
provider will follow up with appropriate
tests to narrow down the causes of your To treat the effects of malabsorption, you
distress. may need supplemental nutrition, either in
an oral formula, by tube or through a vein.
What tests are used to diagnose You may need specific digestive enzymes
malabsorption? replaced, either to treat a food intolerance or
general pancreatic insufficiency. If you have
 Breath tests. - help diagnose bile acid malabsorption, you may need bile
specific carbohydrate intolerances, acid sequestrants (food additive) to help
such as lactose intolerance, as well as prevent diarrhea.
general small intestinal bacterial
overgrowth. Treating the underlying cause of
 Stool tests. - can measure the fat malabsorption can be more complicated. If
content in your stools to diagnose fat it’s only from a food intolerance, you may
malabsorption. It can also reveal simply have to adjust your diet. Simple
parasitic infections, and it can show infections can be treated with antibiotics.
evidence of decreased pancreatic But chronic diseases will require more
function. particular treatment. Sometimes there is no
 Blood tests. - show specific nutrient direct cure, but lifestyle adjustments can
deficiencies that may result from help relieve symptoms.
malabsorption, as well as markers of
specific conditions such as celiac OUTLOOK / PROGNOSIS
 Sweat test. This is a specific test for A note from Cleveland Clinic
cystic fibrosis.
 Imaging tests. Your healthcare Most people experience occasional
provider may want to have a look at indigestion, bloating, gas or diarrhea. If
your digestive organs to look for something you eat doesn’t agree with you,
signs of disease. They might take you may have temporary symptoms, but
a GI X-ray exam, endoscopic they typically go away on their own. This
ultrasound or video capsule type of indigestion is usually no cause for
endoscopy. real concern. But if you have chronic
 Small intestinal biopsy. - can help symptoms, there may be something larger
show evidence of damage to the going on. Persistent diarrhea in particular
mucosa. They can take a sample should always be taken seriously.
during an endoscopic exam.
Malabsorption can be a hidden cause of
malnutrition. Since malnutrition occurs
gradually, you might not notice it until it is
advanced, especially if you have an adequate
diet. This is especially dangerous for
children, who have higher nutritional needs
to support their growth and development,
and who may not know how to tell you
about their symptoms. If your child shows
signs of recurring gastrointestinal distress,
especially loose stools, make sure to see
your healthcare provider to rule out

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