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A. Multiple Choice Questions

1. A/An ICON is the small picture that is used to open a program.

a. Taskbar b. Icon c. View

2. Which of the following is not an operating system?

a. UNIX b. Windows 10 c. WordPad

3. Windows is developed by MICROSOFT corporation.

a. Pentium b. Microsoft c. Parle

4. BOOTING is the process of loading the operating system into the computer’s

a. Starting b. Booting c. Executing

5. You can change the position of the TASKBAR.

a. Start Button b. Taskbar c. Title Bar

6. GADGETS are the mini-programs on the Desktop.

a. Taskbar b. WordPad c. Gadgets

7. Who is the founder of Android operating system?

a. Andrew E. Rubin b. Steve Jobs c. Bill Gates

B. Fill in the blanks

Start Button Sticky Notes Manager Auto Arrange Icons Taskbar

1. Operating system is the MANAGER of the computer system.

2. Computer can arrange the icons itself if the AUTO ARRANGE ICONS option is

3. START BUTTON is present on the left of the taskbar.

4. A long horizontal bar at the bottom of the Desktop is called TASKBAR.

5. STICKY NOTES is used to create short text notes as reminder.

C. Answer the following

1. What is Desktop background?

Answer: The wallpaper or background picture is also known as Desktop background.

2. What are Live tiles?

Answer: Live tiles are interactive apps that display frequently updated information.
Example: Weather tile.

3. What is displayed on the system tray?

Answer: It displays the current date and time.

4. What is an operating system? Give two examples.

Answer: An operating system is the manager of the computer system. It acts as an
interface between you and the computer system. Example: MS Windows and Linux.

5. Write the steps to resize a tile on the Start menu.

Answer: To resize a tile, follow the given steps:
Step 1: Right-click on the tile you want to resize.
Step 2: A pop-up menu appears.
Step 3: Click the resize option.

6. Write short note on the following operating systems:

a. Android
Android is an operating system for smartphones, tablets and laptops. Android
operating system was founded by Andrew E. Rubin in October 2003. Android
has a storehouse of applications.

b. Windows Phone
Windows Phone is a discontinued mobile operating system developed by
Microsoft. Windows smartphones were innovative and much loved, they faced
huge competition from iPhones and Androids.

c. iOS
(iOS) (IDEVICE OPERATING SYSTEM) is a mobile operating system created
and developed by Apple Inc. The primary control program in Apple’s iPhone,
iPad and iPod. iOS apps are programmed in Objective-C and Swift.

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