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Computer Science

Grade 7


a) What is a computer?

Computer is an electronic machine.

b) Name any three places where computers are used?

Schools, Shops and Offices.

c) Name four parts of a computer?

Monitor, CPU (Central Processing Unit), Keyboard and Mouse.

d) Name other parts that connected to the computer.

Printer, Speaker and Headphones, Microphone, Joystick and UPS

(Uninterrupted Power Supply).

e) What is data?

The letters, numbers, or symbols that we enter into the computer are

called data.

f) What is a device?

Any part that gives input to the computer, receives output or stores

data is called a device.

g) Why is the computer called so powerful?

1) It can do thousands of actions per second.

2) Store huge amount of data.

3) It can do multiple jobs at the same time. 1
Computer Science
Grade 7

h) What is IPO?

Input -> Processing -> Output (IPO)

Accepts data -> Input

Processes data-> Processing

Produce output -> Output

i) Name three types of devices?

1) Input Devices: We use to enter the instructions into the computer.

Example: keyboard, scanner

2) Output Devices: It shows the result after processing the data.

Example: monitor, printer

3) Processing Devices: It is used to process the data. Example: CPU

j) Explain processing device?

The CPU is called processing device. It is responsible for processing of

data. That is why, it is called brain of the computer. The CPU has three

parts: ALU, CU, MU.

Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) – It can do arithmetic and

logical calculation

Control Unit (CU) – It controls the workflow in the CPU

Memory Unit (MU) – It is a temporary storage area of the CPU

k) What is a memory?

The storage capacity of a computer is called memory. There are two

types of memory: primary memory and secondary memory. 2
Computer Science
Grade 7

l) Distinguish between primary memory and secondary memory.

Primary memory: It is also known as the main memory. It is

the memory which stores data for quick access by the CPU. It is of

two two types: RAM and ROM.

Secondary memory: It stores data and instructions permanently Until

someone erases it purposely. Hard disk, CD, DVD and Pen drive are

commonly used secondary memory devices

m) What is the difference between RAM and ROM?

RAM (Random access memory): It is a short-term memory. It stores data

and instructions temporarily. The CPU directly accesses data from RAM

for processing. That is why, it is called the fastest memory.

ROM (Read only memory): It contains permanent instructions that

a computer needs to operate(boot). It is written when the computer

is being made and it cannot be changed.

n) Describe memory units.

Computer memory is measured in different units as listed:

bit or binary digit = 0 or 1 smallest unit

8 bits =1 byte

1024 bytes = 1 KB (kilobyte)

1024 KB = 1 MB (megabyte)

1024 MB = 1GB (gigabyte)

1024 GB = 1 TB (terabyte) 3
Computer Science
Grade 7

o) Who is the father of computer?

Charles Babbage is considered as the father of the computer. 4

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