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Quick Guide: Answering a Legal ISSUE RULE

Question • Brief statement of the legal question. • Succinctly state the legal authority
• Your reader wants to know immediately what applicable to resolution of the legal issue.
Suffolk University Law School issue you are seeking to resolve. • This is the legal “test” that a court would
Academic Support Program • Keep it open-ended. apply.
• Provides the reader context for what your • Does not have to be just one sentence, but
response will address. don’t write an entire dissertation on an
• Be cautious of starting with a conclusion -- you area of law.
may end up being too one-sided. • Think carefully about whether a rule is
• Reference the law and a key fact or two to comprised of several different elements. If
accurately orient the reader. so, you will likely IRAC each of these
elements fully and independently.


• Apply the stated rule to new hypothetical facts. • State your conclusion briefly in 1-2
• The most important facts from that sentences.
hypothetical must be included in your analysis. • Do not add new information – if you feel
• How do the new facts “match up” with the the need to explain more, review your
rule? analysis and include the information there.
• This will likely be the longest part of your • It is ok not to be 100% sure. Consider using
answer to a legal question. words such as “likely” and “probably”
• Be sure to address “both sides of the coin” instead of “definitely” and “clearly.”
instead of just arguing for one side. • Give the reader some prediction instead
• Don’t just list the relevant facts – explain how of just writing, “I’m not sure, it could go
they support each point of view. either way.”

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