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Frases útiles para enviar un email en inglés

Como mencionamos en el vídeo, siempre que sea posible, intenta
averiguar el nombre de la persona encargada. Si demuestras interés y
personalizas el email, tendrás más posibilidades de recibir una
respuesta. Puedes empezar el email con:

● Dear sir/madam
● Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. Piper
● Dear Joe,
● Hello Joe,
● Hi Joe,

Dale un tono personal a tu email

Incluye alguna frase de este estilo antes de mencionar el motivo del

● I hope this email finds you well.

● I hope you’re well.

● I hope it’s all good in New York.
● Thank you for your call this morning.

Ve directo al grano
No te andes con rodeos, ‘don’t beat about the bush’. Puedes empezar
con frases como estas:

● I’m writing regarding …

● I’m writing in regards to …
● I would like to ask you about …
● Following up on our recent phone call …
● I’m just emailing to confirm the appointment.
● I’m just following up on our recent meeting.
● I was wondering if you could give me more information about …
Recuerda que a nadie le gusta leer email interminables. Keep it short and
Si adjuntas un archivo
● Please find the file attached.
● As requested, please find the document attached in this email.
● Please find my CV attached in this email.

Si pones en copia a alguien


● I copy my manager Elisa in this email.

● I have copied my coworker Jason in this email.

● I’ve cc’d my colleague Mary.

● I’ve cc’ed Susan.

Para pedir una respuesta


● I await a response at your earliest convenience.

● Could you please let me know by tomorrow the latest?
● I’d really appreciate if you could let me know by tomorrow.
● I’d appreciate your help in this matter.
● Please keep me informed of any updates.

● Let me know what you think.

● Keep me posted.

● Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach me.
● Please let me know if you have any questions.
● Should you have any questions, please let me know.
● I look forward to hearing from you soon.
● I look forward to working with you.
● I look forward to your reply.

● If you have any questions, I’ll be happy to help you.

● Drop me a line if you have any questions.

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