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Frases útiles para enviar un email en

Como mencionábamos en el vídeo, siempre que sea posible,
intenta averiguar el nombre de la persona encargada. Si
demuestras interés y personalizas el email, tendrás más
posibilidades de recibir una respuesta. Puedes empezar el
email con:
 Dear sir/madam
 Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. Piper
 Dear Joe,
 Hello Joe,
 Hi Joe,
Dale un tono personal a tu email
Incluye alguna frase de este estilo antes de mencionar el
motivo del email:
 I hope this email finds you well.
 I hope you’re well.
 I hope it’s all good in New York.
 Thank you for your call this morning.
Ve directo al grano

No te andes con rodeos, ‘don’t beat about the bush’. Puedes

empezar con frases como estas:
 I’m writing regarding …
 I’m writing in regards to …
 I would like to ask you about  …
 Following up on our recent phone call …

 I’m just emailing to confirm the appointment.

 I’m just following up on our recent meeting.
 I was wondering if you could give me more information
about …
Recuerda que a nadie le gusta leer email interminables. Keep it short and

Si adjuntas un archivo
 Please find the file attached.
 As requested, please find the document attached in this
 Please find my CV attached in this email.

Si pones en copia a alguien

 I copy my manager Elisa in this email.
 I have copied my coworker Jason in this email.
 I’ve cc’d my colleague Mary.
 I’ve cc’ed Susan.

Para pedir una respuesta

 I await a response at your earliest convenience.
 Could you please let me know by tomorrow the latest?
 I’d really appreciate if you could let me know by
 I’d appreciate your help in this matter.
 Please keep me informed of any updates.
 Let me know what you think.
 Keep me posted.

 Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach
 Please let me know if you have any questions.
 Should you have any questions, please let me know.
 I look forward to hearing from you soon.
 I look forward to working with you.
 I look forward to your reply.
 If you have any questions, I’ll be happy to help you.
 Drop me a line if you have any questions.

Muy formal :
 Yours faithfully,  (si no conoces el nombre de la
 Yours sincerely,  (si conoces el nombre de la persona).
 Sincerely,
 Kind regards 
 Best regards,
 Best wishes,

 Best,
 Thanks for your help,
 Many thanks,

Y recuerda no
dar demasiada información:
 Sent from my iPhone 
Bonus phrases!
Si un email de trabajo informal, con algún compañero con
quien tratas a menudo, siempre es un plus dar un toque
original a tu email. Si puedes sacar una sonrisa de la persona
que esta al otro lado, siempre será un punto a tu favor.
Don’t overdo it though!
Aquí unos ejemplos para hacer reír a tus coworkers:
  Looking forward (to Friday)
 May coffee be with you
 Keep up the good work!
 Good vibes! 
 You’re killing it! 

Ejemplo de email formal en inglés

Dear Mr Piper,
I hope this email finds you well.
I’m writing regarding the possibility of holding a book
It has come to our attention that you have recently published
a new book.
As we are an English teaching website for Spanish speakers,
we would be delighted to feature it on our channel in
exchange for some free copies to give away to our students.
The British Council are holding a language conference next
week in Cambridge, and it would be a great chance to meet
your in person.
Please note I have put my colleague Phillip on copy in this
email and I have also attached a brief summary for you to
see the type of content we create.
I await your response at your earliest convenience.
Should you have any questions, please let me know.
Your sincerely,
Isabel Carrasco

CEO  (Chief executive officer)

Amigos Ingleses 

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