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Nomer S.

Monteclaro BSED-MATH III

Educ 105A – K2 June 02, 2023


TOPIC: Arithmetic Sequence

OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1) define arithmetic sequence;

2) demonstrate an appreciation for the practical applications of arithmetic sequence;
3) apply arithmetic sequence concepts by solving problems.


1. Divide the class into small group of 3-4 students.

2. Distribute the handouts with arithmetic sequence of numbers to each group.
3. Instruct the groups to work together to observe how the numbers are arranged or behaved.
4. Each group should write down their observations on the whiteboard and explain their
reasoning to the rest of the class.
5. As a class, discuss and check the observations provided by the groups.
6. Encourage students to ask questions and provide feedback on each other’s observations.

ANALYSIS: How do you find the common difference in an arithmetic sequence? How do you find the nth
term in an arithmetic sequence? What is the behavior of an arithmetic sequence as n
approaches infinity? How can you determine if a sequence is arithmetic?

ABSTRACTION: Discuss the fundamental concept of Arithmetic Sequence

APPLICATION: Instructions:
1. Working in a group of 5, think of a real-world scenario that can be modeled using an
arithmetic sequence.
2. Define the problem and identify the necessary information, such as the first term, the
common difference, and the number of terms.
3. Using the arithmetic sequence formula, solve the problem and show your work.
4. Create a visual aid or presentation to accompany your problem and solution, such as a graph
or chart.
5. Present your problem and solution to the class, explaining your thought process and the
significance of your scenario.
6. After each presentation, the class will ask questions and provide feedback on the problem
and solution.

All members of the Four members of Three members of Two members of

group the group the group the group
COLLABORATION collaboratively collaboratively collaboratively collaboratively
work with the work with the work with the work with the
problem problem problem problem

Presents the Presents the Presents the

problem and problem and problem and Presents the
solution clearly, solution solution with problem and
engaging the class adequately, limited clarity, solution unclearly,
by explaining the explaining the providing lacking
thought process thought process insufficient explanations of the
PRESENTATION and highlighting and the explanations of the thought process
the significance of significance of the thought process and the
the scenario. scenario. and the significance of the
Responds Responds to significance of the scenario. Unable
confidently and questions and scenario. Struggles to respond to
effectively to feedback with to respond to questions and
questions and some confidence questions and feedback.
feedback. and effectiveness. feedback.

Little to none of the

All solutions are Most of the Some of the answers are
PROBLEM-SOLVING correct. answers are answers are correct. (Majority of
correct. (1-2 correct. (3-4 the answers are
mistakes) mistakes) incorrect)

Submitted to:


Educ 105A Instructor

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