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Some people believe that social media sites, such as Facebook or Twitter, have a

negative impact on young people and their ability to form personal relationships.
Others believe that these sites bring people together in a beneficial way.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Nowadays, novel means of socialising have been developed and embraced by numerous people. Some
people claim that this trend is harmful and prevents youngsters from having meaningful relationships,
whereas others believe that social media sites are beneficial in terms of connecting people. From my
perspective, while I agree that those sites can have adverse impacts in some circumstances, I do believe
that their benefits in many cases should not be ignored.

On the one hand, social platforms contribute to the emergence of superficial relationships. As a matter
of fact, social sites such as Facebook and Twitter encourage trivial relationships in which people spend
little time truly discovering characteristics of others. Consequently, the quality of them will not be really
meaningful, or even meaningless. Another downside is the risk of being deceived and harmed. Criminals
such as fraudsters and pedophiles can make use of the anonimity of the platforms to approach their
prey and commit their crime more easily.

On the other hand, the upsides of social sites are undeniable. Firstly, they encourage the international
relationships. For example, a Vietnamese person are able to make friends with a British one while still
staying in her/his house in Vietnam. Secondly, social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
can help people living overseas connect with their families in their hometowns. It should be noted that
those platforms have broken the geographic barriers, allowing people to see their friends and families’
faces as long as they have the Internet. This proves the advantageous aspect of those sites.

In conclusion, while I agree that social media sites can have an adverse impact on young people and
their relationships in some cases, I still believe that they are beneficial in many other circumstances.

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