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Funding Opportunities for Group Home

Service Providers and Residents with

Developmental Disabilities in Toronto,
Ontario, Canada

We are pleased to present this report, which sheds light on a pressing issue affecting thousands of
individuals in Ontario. Currently, there are approximately 64,000 individuals waiting for beds in
residences offering various levels of support for disabilities. Among these individuals, we have identified
a significant and specific need within the Jewish community, with at least 400 Jewish families eagerly
awaiting suitable residences.

This report aims to highlight the urgent and critical nature of this situation, emphasizing the importance
of addressing the housing crisis faced by individuals with disabilities and the Jewish community. By
examining the current state of affairs and presenting key data, we hope to inspire action and
collaboration towards finding sustainable solutions that will provide the necessary support and
accommodations for those in need.

We invite you to delve into the comprehensive findings of this report, which will shed light on the
challenges faced by the 64,000 individuals on the waiting list and specifically address the concerns of the
400 Jewish families awaiting appropriate residences. Through a deeper understanding of the scale and
impact of this issue, we can collectively work towards creating a more inclusive and supportive
environment for all community members.

Thank you for your attention and commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of individuals
with disabilities and their families within the Jewish community.

Lev Dov

Deborah Jacobs and Miri Kaufman

Government Programs for Group Home Service Providers:

Ontario Trillium Foundation

• 3 programs of 6 grants total varying from $10,000 to $250,000

Ontario Autism Program (OAP) - Workforce Capacity Fund

• 2 programs of 2 grants total varying from $25,000 to $300,000

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

• 3 programs of 3 grants total varying from $150,000 to $1,000,000

The Community Housing Transformation Centre

• 2 programs of 2 grants total varying from $50,000 to $150,000+

Canada Summer Jobs

• 15-30 years old, 100% grants for wages currently $4,200 per employee

Enabling Accessibility Fund

• 2 programs of 2 grants total varying from up to $100,000 to $3,000,000

Canada Cultural Spaces Fund

• 2 grants total varying from 50% of expenses of max. $5,000,000 to $15,000,000

City of Toronto (Grants and Rebates)

• 2 programs of 2 rebates total varying from up to 40% of property taxes

Specialized Funding Programs for Group Home Residents:

Assistive Devices Program

• 75% of the cost for most equipment and supplies

Home and Vehicle Modification Program (March of Dimes Canada)

• Up to $15,000 lifetime maximum for home modifications, adaptions and devices -

Up to $15,000 for vehicle modifications every 10 years

Developmental Services Ontario – Passport Program

• Funding a person can receive is between $5,500 and $44,275.00.00 per year

Developmental Services Ontario – Specialized Supports

• 7 programs total varying from 100% of expenses of determined costs of services

Ontario disability support program (ODSP) – Income Support

• ODSP income support is up to $1,228 a month

Ontario Disability Support Program health and disability benefits

• 7 programs total varying from 100% of expenses of determined costs of programs

Registered disability savings plan (RDSP)

• The government offers up to $20,000 in bonds and $70,000 in grants

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