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Introverts and Extroverts

You may be one of the two personalities. People grow up in different ways, they also
have different minds and experiences on life. We are all different of course, and that’s why it’s a
spectrum of people with different personalities that lean on one side or the other.

Introverts are classified to be shy, silent, enjoys being alone and is uncomfortable around
other people. They usually like being in their own space to ponder their own mind and also they
enjoy usually like nonphysical activities, such as reading, writing, playing games, etc..

Extroverts love to socialize, they are energized when around people and is excited when
meeting new people, but feel negative when they are alone, they lose energy when not around
people. They like to talk, enjoys discussions and discovering other people’s opinions.

But with all that, people have traits one between one of the two that are mixed, they can
be sociable but at the same time loves being alone. Most likely people with the mix of the two
are called ambiverts, a middle ground of the two.

To finish, it doesn’t matter if you are an extrovert, talks a lot and expresses their feelings,
an introvert, likes to create stuff on their own, or an ambivert, does the things of the two; as long
as you do good with your time and personality, it wont matter.

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