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The ACT exam is the key for enter in a good university, is like the test that comprobe your
preparation being student and evaluate you, is very important this exam and today we will
review some key aspects of the tips gives by PrepPros - SAT & ACT Test Prep are really

In the video we will talk about 5 Tips for have a better experience and a better score doing
the ACT, first of all we will start talking about Understand the test how can I approach to
the test?, how will I manage the time and what makes u know that is the correct answer,
we have to take in account that we are talking about the Reading part of the ACT in
specifically way the another parts have another strategies and ways to solve and have a
better experience

the most important part is find your best strategies, u will see a lot of information in
internet but is really good information? u will have to know if those strategies are really
functionally before the test? because if u apply a strategy that doesn’t works in the ACT it
will be very hard, but if u prepare yourself with a strategy that u find comfortable for U, u
will have more probabilities of reach a good score, then we have the part of the test that I
personally hate, because u have to read, then read the possible answers and then start to
search the answer in the text as a needle in a haystack that’s so busy!.

So, the channel of Prep Pros SAT & ACT TEST PREP proposes to read first the answers and
then read the text so if u do these u will have like a aim to search the answer of the
question that u read before, this Is a powerful strategy because u will save time and In
some cases the answers will be in the text and in the question is like “in the text, when the
Autor says – the McLaren is so fast – for what is making reference” so u will come back and
search McLaren and u will be near to the answer, when u find that u will read the context
and u will have an answer, then u will have to make the strategy that I learn in the school,
it consist in the discard strategy in which you discard, as the name implies, the incorrect
answers. For then approach the correct

The video also talks about recognize the easy questions, for develop them in the first step.
Why?, the easy questions don’t need a lot of time to solve it, in this way you will have
more probabilities of have a better score, in the most cases the people focus in the hard
questions but when u solve a hard question you are burning time and the time is so
important, for example; you burn out 5 min in a questions, imagine that are 100 questions
each question have a percentage of 1% in those 5 minutes u can solve another 5 easy
questions and secure a 5% in the test

How can I recognize an easy question?

The video proposes an introduction phrase like, indicates, stablished, discover, in the
passage, based in the paragraph, according to the paragraph we know that.
This are key phrases that indicates that the answer is in the test, so u only have to read
and search maybe using one of the last strategies proposed by PrepPos, then when u finish
to solve the easy questions u will continue with the hard questions, and dedicate time to
them but u already have less pressure because u know that already u have secured an
important percentage of the test.

In conclusion, preparing for the ACT exam is crucial for gaining admission to a good
university, as it assesses a student's readiness and capabilities. To achieve a better
experience and score on the ACT, several key tips from Prep Pros Test Prep have been

First, understanding the test and developing effective approaches is essential. Managing
time efficiently and identifying correct answers are key aspects, particularly in the Reading
section. It is vital to recognize functional strategies from the abundance of information
available online to ensure they work well during the actual test.
One powerful strategy recommended by Prep Pros is to read the answers first and then
search for them in the text. This targeted approach saves time and helps locate answers
more effectively, thus improving performance

Recognizing and tackling easy questions early in the exam is emphasized. These questions
can be quickly solved, allowing test-takers to secure valuable points without consuming
excessive time, to identify easy questions, certain key phrases provided in the video can be
utilized, such as "indicates," "established," "discover," and others. These phrases often
point to answers within the text, making the process of finding them and save points.

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