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This proposal document aims to ensure

a systematic approach to the EnerTech

Soil Remediation project's recovery,
with continual evaluation and
adaptation of the recovery plan to meet
changing circumstances.


Technical and Financial Proposal
Table of Contents
Summary .................................................................................................................................. 2
Scope and Methodology ........................................................................................................ 3
A. Project review (documents, meeting stakeholders)............................................................3
B. Project recovery planning .......................................................................................................3
C. Project recovery implementation support ............................................................................3
A. Project Review (Documents, Meeting Stakeholders):.........................................................3
1. Review Project's History and Background: ........................................................................................ 3
2. Review and Understand Project's Current Status: ............................................................................ 3
3. List Bottlenecks / Challenges and Risks to EnerTech: .................................................................... 4
4. Attend and Conduct Meetings with Project Stakeholders: ............................................................. 4
5. Carry Out Site Visits:................................................................................................................................. 4
B. Project Recovery Planning ......................................................................................................4
1. Brainstorm and Develop Alternative Plans: ........................................................................................ 4
2. Choose the More Suitable One to EnerTech’s Objectives: ............................................................. 4
3. Develop a Work Breakdown Structure for the Recovery Plan: ...................................................... 5
4. Create a Project Recovery Schedule: ................................................................................................... 5
5. Estimate the Resources Required: ........................................................................................................ 5
6. Estimate the Budget Required: .............................................................................................................. 5
7. Create a Risk Management Plan: ........................................................................................................... 5
8. Create a Stakeholder’s Management Plan: ......................................................................................... 5
9. Create a Communication Plan: ............................................................................................................... 6
10. Create Milestones and Progress Performance Metrics: ............................................................. 6
11. Attend and Conduct Meetings with Project Stakeholders: ........................................................ 6
C. Project Recovery implementation support ...........................................................................6
1. Provide Support in Monitoring Project Performance, Managing Deviations, and Re-
Allocating Resources: ........................................................................................................................................ 6
2. Assist and Advise on Communications and Dealings with Stakeholders: ................................. 6
3. Attend and Conduct Meetings with Project Stakeholders: ............................................................. 7
4. Attend and Support in Progress Meetings and Reporting: ............................................................. 7
5. Undertake Any Other Tasks Deemed Necessary for the Project's Progress and Success: ... 7
Propose Time Frame for Execution ...............................................................................................8
Grant Chart ........................................................................................................................................9

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This proposal seeks to enlist the services of a Project Management Advisor to support and
assist EnerTech Holding Company (ETHC or EnerTech of the Company) in project recovery
efforts for the project “The Pilot for Soil Remediation Works at South Kuwait Excavation,
Transportation and Remediation works Based on the requirements outlined by the UNCC:
United Nations Compensation Commission”. ETHC was entrusted as a subcontractor by
Heavy Engineering Industries & Shipbuilding Co (HEISCO) to undertake the construction of
a specialized plant dedicated to the treatment of contaminated soil. This significant project
arises from the United Nations Compensation Commission's requirements, seeking to
address the environmental aftermath of the 1990-1991 Gulf War. EnerTech, a subsidiary of
the National Technology Enterprises Company (NTEC), is dedicated to sustainable
infrastructure and clean energy initiatives, with numerous projects in development

The Project Management Advisor will play a pivotal role in supporting EnerTech during this
critical project recovery phase. The primary objective is to align the project's progress with
the intended business case objectives. The scope encompasses reviewing the project's
history and comprehending its current status, identifying challenges and bottlenecks,
meeting with stakeholders, and conducting site visits for comprehensive insight.

The advisor will collaborate with the Company to brainstorm alternative recovery plans and
select the most suitable option to meet their specific goals. A detailed project recovery
schedule will be formulated, with careful consideration of resource and budget estimation.
Additionally, a comprehensive risk management plan and stakeholder engagement strategy
will be put in place, ensuring effective communication during the process.

Throughout project implementation, the Project Management Advisor will provide

indispensable support, continuously monitoring project performance, addressing deviations,
and facilitating resource reallocation as needed. Moreover, the advisor will offer expert
guidance on communication with stakeholders, including clients, suppliers, and engineering
firms. Their involvement will be pivotal in enhancing project success and overall progress.

This proposal's meticulous methodology aims to ensure a systematic approach to the

project's recovery, with continual evaluation and adaptation of the recovery plan to meet
changing circumstances. Regular progress meetings, reporting, and milestone tracking will
be employed to monitor advancement towards achieving the business case objectives so
as to achieve an optimal recovery process, mitigating risks and guiding EnerTech towards
successful project completion.

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Scope and Methodology
The proposed scope and methodology involves a systematic approach to project recovery,
starting with a comprehensive review of the project's background and current status. Being
the Project Management Advisor, we will work closely with EnerTech's team, conducting
meetings, site visits, and stakeholder engagements. In line with the outcome, alternative
recovery plans will be developed and presented to the Company, and the most suitable one
will be chosen to align with EnerTech's objectives. The advisor will create a detailed project
recovery schedule, estimate resources and budget, and establish risk and communication
management plans. Throughout the implementation stage, the advisor will provide ongoing
support, monitoring project performance, managing deviations, and assisting in stakeholder

A. Project review (documents, meeting stakeholders)

B. Project recovery planning
C. Project recovery implementation support

A. Project Review (Documents, Meeting Stakeholders):

As the Project Management Advisor, our first crucial step will be to conduct a meticulous
review of the project, delving into its history and background. We will diligently examine the
original business case, baseline schedule, budget, and financials to gain a comprehensive
understanding of the project's inception and initial expectations. Simultaneously, we will
rigorously analyze the project's current status, deftly identifying any deviations from the
baseline and scrutinizing the budget status. Our assessment will entail identifying existing
challenges, constraints, and potential risks that could impede EnerTech's progress towards
achieving the original business case objectives.

1. Review Project's History and Background: A thorough review of the project's history
and background, meticulously examining the original business case, baseline schedule,
original budget, and financials will be conducted. This comprehensive analysis will
provide valuable insights into the project's inception and initial expectations, enabling us
to gain a clear understanding of its trajectory and intended outcomes.

2. Review and Understand Project's Current Status: With unwavering focus, the Project
Management Advisor will focus on comprehending the project's current status. By
meticulously analyzing potential deviations from the baseline, assessing the budget
status, and identifying existing challenges and constraints, the advisor will gain a clear
picture of the project's current trajectory. Furthermore, the assessment will include
evaluating the probability of achieving the original business case objectives, recognizing
potential opportunities to expedite implementation, and formulating strategies for
overcoming current obstacles.

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3. List Bottlenecks / Challenges and Risks to EnerTech: Armed with keen insight, the
Project Management Advisor will conduct an in-depth analysis to identify bottlenecks,
challenges, and potential risks specific to EnerTech. By proactively pinpointing areas of
concern and vulnerability, the advisor will develop comprehensive risk mitigation
strategies to safeguard against potential setbacks. The objective is to ensure that
EnerTech is well-prepared to address any hurdles that may arise during the project
recovery process, enhancing the likelihood of achieving the intended business case
objectives as well as overcome the existing challenges it is facing for the successful
execution of the project.

4. Attend and Conduct Meetings with Project Stakeholders: Recognizing the

significance of effective communication and collaboration, the Project Management
Advisor will actively engage with project stakeholders. By attending and conducting
meetings, the advisor will foster an environment of open dialogue, facilitating the
exchange of ideas, feedback, and concerns. These interactions will be instrumental in
building strong partnerships and ensuring that all stakeholders are aligned with the
recovery efforts and committed to the project's success.

5. Carry Out Site Visits: To gain a comprehensive understanding of the project's on-
ground realities and contextual factors, the Project Management Advisor will conduct
site visits. By physically inspecting the project site and immersing themselves in the
operational environment, the advisor will gather invaluable firsthand insights. This direct
observation will enable the advisor to make informed recommendations, streamline
recovery strategies, and contribute to the project's effective and efficient implementation.

B. Project Recovery Planning

The Project Management Advisor will engage in collaborative brainstorming sessions with
EnerTech's team, ideating alternative recovery plans tailored to their objectives. A
meticulous Project Recovery Schedule will be crafted, optimizing resource allocation and
ensuring timely task completion.

1. Brainstorm and Develop Alternative Plans: In the Project Recovery Planning phase,
the Project Management Advisor will lead intensive brainstorming sessions, fostering a
collaborative environment to generate innovative and diverse alternative plans. By
leveraging our expertise and employing creative problem-solving approaches, we will
explore a wide array of recovery strategies. Each plan will be meticulously crafted, taking
into account specific project nuances and potential challenges, to offer EnerTech a
comprehensive set of options to pursue.

2. Choose the More Suitable One to EnerTech’s Objectives: With a range of alternative
plans at hand, the Project Management Advisor will undertake a meticulous evaluation
process to identify the most fitting recovery plan aligned with EnerTech's unique

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objectives. Through careful analysis and consideration, we will weigh the pros and cons
of each option, ensuring the chosen plan optimally addresses EnerTech's recovery goals
and sets the stage for successful execution.

3. Develop a Work Breakdown Structure for the Recovery Plan: Working in close
collaboration with EnerTech's team, the Project Management Advisor will create a
detailed Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for the selected recovery plan. This
hierarchical framework will deconstruct the recovery process into manageable tasks,
subtasks, and deliverables. The WBS will provide a clear roadmap, enhancing
coordination and accountability among team members during the recovery phase.

4. Create a Project Recovery Schedule: To ensure a seamless and timely recovery

process, the Project Management Advisor will construct project recovery schedule. This
will map out the sequence of activities, set clear milestones, and establish critical
deadlines. By diligently planning the project's progression, The will enable EnerTech to
effectively manage resources and achieve timely milestones.

5. Estimate the Resources Required: Drawing from expertise in resource management,

the Project Management Advisor will undertake a precise estimation of the resources
required for the successful implementation of the recovery plan. This encompasses
manpower, equipment, materials, and any external support necessary to navigate the
challenges ahead. The meticulous resource estimation will empower EnerTech to
allocate resources optimally, ensuring efficiency and progress.

6. Estimate the Budget Required: With a comprehensive understanding of the recovery

plan and resource requirements, the Project Management Advisor will conduct a detailed
estimation of the budget needed for project recovery. This financial planning will
encompass all essential costs, including potential contingencies, to provide EnerTech
with a clear and well-structured financial roadmap.

7. Create a Risk Management Plan: Anticipating the inherent uncertainties, the Project
Management Advisor will craft a robust Risk Management Plan. This proactive strategy
will identify potential risks, assess their impacts, and outline effective mitigation
measures. By preparing for eventualities in advance, EnerTech will be well-equipped to
navigate challenges and maintain project stability.

8. Create a Stakeholder’s Management Plan: Recognizing the significance of effective

stakeholder engagement, the Project Management Advisor will develop a
comprehensive Stakeholder Management Plan. This plan will outline tailored
communication approaches, strategies for addressing concerns, and fostering
collaboration. By nurturing positive relationships with stakeholders, EnerTech will gain
valuable support and cooperation throughout the recovery process.

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9. Create a Communication Plan: A well crafted Communication Plan will serve as a
guiding framework for project updates and information dissemination. The Project
Management Advisor will establish clear communication channels, reporting structures,
and feedback mechanisms to facilitate seamless communication among all project
stakeholders. Transparent and timely communication will ensure alignment and promote
a cohesive project recovery effort.

10. Create Milestones and Progress Performance Metrics: To monitor progress and
measure success, the Project Management Advisor will establish tangible milestones
and performance metrics. These quantifiable benchmarks will enable continuous
assessment, ensuring the project remains on track and deviations are promptly

11. Attend and Conduct Meetings with Project Stakeholders: The Project Management
Advisor will remain actively engaged in attending and conducting meetings with project
stakeholders. These collaborative interactions will serve as platforms for exchanging
updates, addressing concerns, and garnering valuable feedback. By fostering a
supportive and communicative environment, the advisor will ensure all stakeholders
remain aligned with the recovery objectives, fostering collective ownership of the
project's success.

C. Project Recovery implementation support

During the Project Recovery Implementation stage, the Project Management Advisor will
play a pivotal role in providing unwavering support and guidance to ensure the successful
execution of the recovery plan. Following are the key actions:

1. Provide Support in Monitoring Project Performance, Managing Deviations, and Re-

Allocating Resources: The Project Management Advisor will actively monitor the
project's performance, diligently tracking progress against established milestones and
performance metrics. In case of deviations or challenges, prompt action will be taken to
address and mitigate them effectively. Furthermore, the advisor will ensure optimal
resource allocation, making necessary adjustments to support the project's smooth

2. Assist and Advise on Communications and Dealings with Stakeholders:

Recognizing the significance of effective stakeholder engagement, the advisor will
provide valuable guidance on communication strategies with stakeholders, including
clients, suppliers, and engineering firms. By fostering open and transparent dialogue,
potential issues can be proactively addressed, and collaborations can be strengthened,
bolstering the project's overall success.

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3. Attend and Conduct Meetings with Project Stakeholders: The Project Management
Advisor will actively participate in meetings with project stakeholders, fostering a
collaborative and cooperative environment. Through constructive engagements, the
advisor will facilitate the exchange of progress updates, address concerns, and gather
essential feedback. These interactions will further solidify the collective commitment to
achieving the project's recovery objectives.

4. Attend and Support in Progress Meetings and Reporting: With a keen eye on
progress, the Project Management Advisor will actively participate in progress meetings
and reporting sessions. By providing valuable input and insights, the advisor will
contribute to comprehensive progress assessments. This engagement will enable timely
adjustments, ensure adherence to schedules, and foster accountability at every level of
the project.

5. Undertake Any Other Tasks Deemed Necessary for the Project's Progress and
Success: Understanding the dynamic nature of project recovery, the advisor will remain
adaptable and responsive to any unforeseen challenges or opportunities that may arise.
As deemed necessary, the advisor will readily engage in additional tasks, proactively
contributing to the overall progress and success of the project.

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Propose Time Frame for Execution

(Weeks) Activities Output
1 Project Kickoff and Orientation Project team mobilized
1-4 Project Review Comprehensive project review conducted
5-8 Brainstorm and Develop Alternative Plans Diverse recovery strategies generated
8-10 Choose the Suitable Recovery Plan Selected recovery plan aligned with objectives
11-12 Develop Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Detailed WBS formulated
13-14 Create Project Recovery Schedule Project recovery schedule established
13-14 Estimate Resources Required Resource requirements estimated
13-14 Estimate Budget Required Project recovery budget estimated
15-16 Create Risk Management Plan Comprehensive risk management plan devised
15-16 Create Stakeholder Management Plan Stakeholder management plan developed
15-16 Create Communication Plan Effective communication plan formulated
15-16 Implement Recovery Plan Project progress monitored, deviations managed
Ongoing Assist in Stakeholder Communications and Dealings Improved stakeholder relations established
Ongoing Attend and Conduct Meetings with Stakeholders Productive meetings held with stakeholders
Ongoing Attend and Support in Progress Meetings and Reporting Effective progress meetings and reporting facilitated
Ongoing Any Other Necessary Tasks for Project Progress Additional tasks executed as required

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Grant Chart

No Work Schedule Wk 1 Wk 2 Wk 3 Wk 4 Wk 5 Wk 6 Wk 7 Wk 8 Wk 9 Wk 10 Wk 11 Wk 12 Wk 13 Wk 14 Wk 15 Wk 16 On going

1 Project Kickoff and Orientation √
2 Project Review √ √ √ √
Brainstorm and Develop Alternative
√ √ √ √
3 Plans
4 Choose the Suitable Recovery Plan √ √ √
Develop Work Breakdown Structure
√ √
5 (WBS)
6 Create Project Recovery Schedule √ √
7 Estimate Resources Required √ √
8 Estimate Budget Required √ √
9 Create Risk Management Plan √ √
10 Create Stakeholder Management Plan √ √
11 Create Communication Plan √ √
12 Implement Recovery Plan √ √
Assist in Stakeholder Communications

13 and Dealings
Attend and Conduct Meetings with

14 Stakeholders
Attend and Support in Progress Meetings

15 and Reporting
Any Other Necessary Tasks for Project

16 Progress

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