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Sarmad Shahbaz 28/7/2021

Information Technology: Curse or Blessing

I. Introduction
a. Humans are moved to a connected world due to information technology
b. Information technology is a derivative of technological revolution which has transformed the
whole world
c. Initially, being seen as blessing in disguise, today is proven that Information Technology has
blessed humankind with uncountable advancement, progresses, and comforts, which undermine
its demerits

II. It is the blessing of Information Technology that humans are transferred from primitive to
modern age
a. Progress of 21st century is due to extensive use of Information Technology
b. Information technology has complimented humankind in
i. Globalization
ii. World Security
iii. Advancement of Existing Technology
iv. Global Politics

III. The wide gamut of IT sector pools in unnumerable opportunities in contemporary world
a. IT has become the leading sector in the whole world
b. Report of Visual Capitalist 2021 has sketched IT Sector as the biggest opportunities provider
sector in the world
i. Opportunities in E-commerce
ii. Opportunities in Businesses
iii. Opportunities in Household

IV. Information Technology has blessed humans in every possible field

a. Use of IT in Economics is highly appreciable
b. Information Technology in Health Care saves thousands of lives
c. Human beings are more protected and secured under the aegis of Information Technology

V. Humans are much closer than ever due to advantages of Information Technology
a. The birth of internet, mobile phones, televisions and other communication systems are due to
information technology
b. Humans can link to each other virtually, regardless of distances of oceans due to information

VI. Even in the time of extreme despair, Information Technology helped human kind to walk through
a. During COVID 19 Pandemic, Information Technology landmarked itself to be the most reliable
phenomenon for information dissemination
b. It has given people a platform to collectively stand against the health crises
c. Information Technology as the only shield to protect Education in pandemic
VII. Conclusion
a. Evidently, Information Technology Blessings demoralize its Curses
b. The sole purpose of information technology is to help humankind
c. Information Technology is an ultimate blessing if the usage by humankinds is rational, lucid, and

Introduction Paragraph (300 Words = 1.5 A4 Size Page)

“Technology, in its essence, is corollary of how humans use it. The scope of technology is defined by humans.
Its scope will be beneficial only if they [humans] can unveil its enormous benefits.”
- Steve Jobs
Founder of Apple Inc.
Today, humankind stands at the point of advancement after numerous revolutions. Out of all these revolutions,
the technological revolution has proven to be the most meaningful one. Technological revolution of 1950s has
moved at the breakneck as compared to other revolutions. This revolution has ruptured the recorded results of all
previous revolutions including agricultural, industrial, and scientific revolutions. The technological revolution
has given birth to what we call Information Technology, or simply Technology. In the 21st century, world is more
connected today than ever. With just a touch, humans can get linked with each other in the matter of microseconds.
Distances between people living in far flung areas are diminished. All of these developments are the results of
extensive use of information technology. Information Technology as a hereditary of science is used in daily lives
of humans. In technological terms, Information Technology comprises any process, device, or method which
involves the usage of computer and information i.e., data. It has become a basic need to stay connected, aware,
and entertainment. In the present times, human beings cannot imagine themselves without the use of mobile
phones, internet, TV, and other devices. All of these devices are used in critical fields like medicine, engineering,
and businesses. Information technology has blessed human life with countless advancements, progresses, and
comforts that it has given humans a touch of luxurious life. In the forecasting world, the progress of the nation
will be dependent upon the beneficial usage of its technology. The importance of the benefits provided by
information technology is insofar that the era of 21st century is called the age of technology. On the scale of
blessings and curses of information technology, it is incontestable that former weighs much heavier than the
latter as the blessings of IT often undermines the demerits posed by information technology.

Conclusion (150 Words = 1 A4 Size Page)

Evidently, information technology offers a large number of blessings as compared to its curses. From the field of
medicine to engineering and business, the footprints of information technology are everywhere. It complements
human life in social, and cultural development along with inclusiveness of people, virtually and practically. The
sole purpose of the creation of technology is to facilitate humans. Information technology has become a basic
need of human kinds. With its infinite advantages, information technology has become a part of everyday life of
a man. Just like air, water, and food, today, man cannot live without information technology. The countless
blessings of information technology also give rise to its disadvantages. But the same phenomenon goes for
everything. Exploitation of anything looms the demerits. The world can only prosper if the correct of use of
technology becomes mainstream as it is said that,
“Technology is an extremely useful servant but a dangerous master”
- Christian Lous
Norwegian Scholar

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