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Teacher: Doutor Pedro Ferreira

Natália Manuela Lopes Meira PG25983

The International Space Law, which establishes the legal regime governing outer space and space
activities, is formed rules as in any other branch, national or international law.

According to Article 1, § 1 of the treaty of 1967 Space 1, "The exploration and use of outer space,
including the Moon and other celestial bodies, shall be based on the good and interest of all
countries, whatever stage of economic and scientific development, and are tasked with all mankind.
"Is therefore an open space all countries and can be used freely, ie not a common use.

But there will be freedom of using space by Anyone? Can either of us build a stairway to heaven? If
the use of space should be based on the benefit of all countries, then the right to use the space will
not be, nor can be the foundation of space activities. This plea can only be the use of space for the
good and in the interest of all countries, of all mankind, so figuring a limitation to the use of space,
even if it is for the interest features for all mankind in whatever is the stage of economic and
scientific development. Therefore, space activities will pass through essential to the safety,
development and well-being of all countries, characterized by their extreme degree of complexity,
high-risk strategy and therefore of great responsibility to those who performed, translating into
further in high costs.

However wonders still, who may be subject to space law, and who govern the internal space
activities in each country. In this respect, and based on the already mentioned, the international
space law, regulate national space programs through the general and essential principles and
international standards. Thus, each country will develop space programs, primarily under the rules
of international space law, incorporated in their legislation and then by their internal laws - the
(internal Space law), domestic laws should conform to the rules of international space law and not

Accordingly, formally a company or an ordinary mortal, will not be subject to international space
law, however private companies with space activities exist and operate under the responsibility,
control and surveillance of the respective state, as well as a natural person. For enterprises, taking
into account the economic factor that represent exert considerable influence on the legal position of
the State, and although they are not members of intergovernmental organizations, actively
participate in conferences through their respective States. In short, the states assume international

1Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon
and Other Celestial Bodies. Was opened for signature by the States 27/01/1967.

responsibility for its governmental activities by private individuals or companies in outer space, as
well as international liability for damage caused.

In the words of José Monserrat Filho "the better future of the Space Age will be in a truly global,
multilateral and democratic system (...) and the space can be explored and used freely by all States,
whatever the stage of economic and scientific development, without discrimination, on equal terms.
"clear public interest Premise an increasingly important activity or development, either for global


Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space,
Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies. Was opened for signature by the States 27/01/1967.

Numeracy-Aeronautical Law -Farias, Helio Castro - updated by Dr. Carlos Paiva (2011).

Introduction to Space Law - Filho, José Monserrat; (Fundamental Understanding of Space Law, in
the form of questions and answers).

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