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Version 4.

3 - release

- Fix for Library AES50 crash when odd/even outs assigned to L/M or R/M
- Matrix, M/C, and LR channels can be assigned to DCA and mute groups
- Snippets can now contain the Stereo Bus LR switch parameter
- Parameter Safe for control surface state
- Removed RTP-Midi from Setup-Page
- Preventing sleep on MAC (no App Nap)
- Improved touch interface for all platforms
- New preferences for Time and Data Mixer Sync 'OnConnect'
- New preferences for 'Auto Connect' and 'Auto Sync'
- 'Sync Direction' is saved as preference
- Command line interface on startup with options:
-n, --name <mixername> connect to mixer with given name
-i, --ipaddress <x.x.x.x> connect to mixer with given ip address
-x, --sync_mixer2pc connect and synchronize from mixer to pc
-p, --sync_pc2mixer connect and synchronize from pc to mixer

-c, --console <sceneindex> connect and load console scene with index 0...99
-s, --scene <sceneindex> connect and load edit(pc) scene with index 0...99
-f, --file <scenefile> connect and load external scene file

-d, --default start app with default size

-l, --full start app on full screen

-t, --standard set standard size

-m, --medium set medium size
-g, --high set high size
-u, --ultra set ultra size
-z, --size <factor> set size to factor between 0.5 and 3.0
-h, --help print help and exit

Version 4.2 - release

- DCA Spill
- GUI-Preference to switch off automatic DCA spill layer jump
- GUI-Preference ‘Bus button names’ active by default
- GUI-Preference to show DCA spill always on top
- GUI-Preference to deactivate mouse wheel
- Add stereolink to DP48-Remote page
- Add setup option to create custom boot scene
- Add SD-Recorder warning pop-up if only 10 & 1 min recording capacity left
- Removed link option from Dual-Deesser
- Show source info on left side of all effect screen
- Changed inverted colors to match all console displays
- Improved distinction between local and mixer data on show control pages
- Improved routing tap color distinction
- Fix for snippet index offset after show import
- Fix for snippet paste issue (see above)
- Fix for wrong snippet checkboxes on USER In/Out options
- Fix for FX link A/B issue on scene load
- Fix for bad suboctaver range switch mouse support
- Fix for moodfilter tap function
- Fix for selected scene table line color mismatch on M32-Edit (active scene)
- Fix for show control mismatch (highlighted row for active cue/scene/snippet)
- Fix for Copy/Pasting of dynamic settings for MTX/ST/M
- Fix for gate/dyn key solo: set active channel and page on console
- Fix for oversized app windows after restart under Windows 10 (if display scale
Version 4.1 - release

- fix for routing phase bug

- fix for missing Uout/Uin strings
- improved group name edit for aes50 page
- draw connected aes devices on dp48 page
- set max preset lib type to 3 (.mon)
- add load and save for dp48 presets (removed im/export)
- add new 'WING' icons

Version 4.0 - release


- add panFollow to send page (follow LR PAN)
- add user pages for routing
- add DN32WSG card graphics

Version 3.2 - release

- add DN32-LIVE card, remove 'X-Live' text

- fix for preset save bug (Main/Fader scope)
- fix for xlive user assign control (select session, marker, position)
- change text from format to erase if sd size > 32 GB
- add feature request 'mute send slider' colour, remove -urec/type
- fix for pref/next marker bug
- add Card text 'WSG' and change 'XLIVE' to 'LIVE', improved midas graphics
- add midas graphics, fix for recorder tabbutton and timebar
- fxtapbtn58 fix, mainsection xlive fix, prev/next marker improvement
- add alertwin for session delete, graphic cosmetics
- rec_control fix, add sessionoffs and 3rd sessionspan option, improved timebar
- add X-WSG graphics, add format button and span control to xlivecontrol
- improved usb recorder (touch) with new buttons from xlive
- add xlive recorder tab only if card inserted, fix for recorder table control
(touch improve)
- fix for rta over eq issue
- Use latest JUCE 3 to solve touch issues and add new EQ curve ('olympic rings')
- Version 3.1.6 - xlive: add OkCancelBox (stop rec) on dropout error message
- add sdXstate helper "FORMAT", chanConfig routswitch update fix, next marker issue
fix, add format processWindow
- xlive: clear marker select on PLAY
- new icons for xlive state display, add xlive control to mainsection
- Version 3.1.5 for xlive betatest, fix for save marker and playback config switch
- improved control page for xlive, new features and some fixes
- improved control page for xlive, add compact mode and new graphics
- add user assignables for xlive, todo: control for session- markerlist select and
- add jucer file for X32-Edit (Xlive beta test)
- change action command clrerrorcode to clearalert
- add urechelpers and action commands for error handling, fix for routswitch
- add routswitch to Routing/Inputs, fix for prev/next Marker issue and timebar
- some new graphics for xlive, add eTime 7Segment, add some urechelper and fix
prev/next issue
- improved xlive control for betatest, second version with new parameter exchange,
several fixes
- add xlive control for betatest, fist version with batch request for
sessions/markers with issues
- fix for FX insert graphic glitch (input.cpp) and linux/mac crash on tab change
- add separate getMidiDevices() and getMidiInputDevice(), getMidiOutputDevice to
- try fix for midi mc MAC issue...
- several midi mc fixes: add rude solo, add hard and dca mute blink, add home sceen
- autoconnect to midi mc on startup, toggle util windows from mc, remember midi
in/out settings
- fix for FX linkAB bug... hopefully, new linkIndicator icon for MIDAS version
- use new gate/comp/eq button scheme also for utility windows
- add Controlled Fader Bank to MidiSetup MC (default, User1/2),
scenes_initializeConsoleShowData() removed on sync!
- graphic color cosmetics, fix for active channel sof frame color
- fix for wrong FxWindow height and wrong mainsection timebar size

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