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A whispering wind whips over the salty boards

And we hear the gentle lapping of the waves
The bay where sea dragons guard their precious hoards
And three nights ago was awash in terrible flames

A drunken sailor stumbled from the place of vile drink

And walked home with a headache he could barely handle
The alcohol tossed him so his head could hardly think
And carelessly he threw upon a pile of wood his tallow candle

Fire quickly rose up and flamed with zeal

Doom was spelt for families already sleeping
Heaven could their souls take, repair and heal
But the devil took their bodies, and those he was keeping

Soon the fire spread, and with it came the fear

Of dying a horrific death and they quickly ran
Fate would have it that night that invaders took their spears
And the flames of death more and more were fanned

That was three nights ago, the town still is smoking

And charred carcasses lay as feed for the crows
Even so the survivors keep on hoping
That their fate will not be like those

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